What is it like being pregnant soon after giving birth?

:eyes::eyes::eyes::smirk: My Mama had me and 11 months later had my brother and sister! We are all pretty close too same age for 3 weeks. We… Seem… Some…what normal :joy:

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My youngest two are 13 months apart

My two are 11 months apart, with no complications.

If your on your period right now your most likely not pregnant. It is possible you are. But I wouldn’t be worrying about it


My sister and I are 13 months apart. A friend had her kids 10 months apart snd they’re fine.

I believe the risk goes to your health… it sure takes a lot to make a baby for 9mo. x2.


I got pregnant 3 months pp the pregnancy was a little rough in the end because my body was done being pregnant and I went into labor 7 weeks early but my daughter was healthy and so was I

I have to 11 months apart an honestly didn’t feel any different

My last 2 are 12 months apart and people think they are twins all the time… it was hard when they both didn’t walk but once my older one started walking it got easier good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Mine are 11 months apart and are definitely okay lol

I have a friend that her 2 babies are 6 1/2 months apart. Of course both preemies and are adults now. Don’t stress about it.
Another thing, ya can get pregnant while on your monthly, I did :woman_facepalming: my 2 oldest are 1 year 1 month 1 week to the exact time apart :woman_shrugging:

My youngest ones are 13 months aparts. Its a crazy, stressfull fun and wild ride let me tell you. You get alll the baby stuff dome at once!!! The only downside is i feel like the older one got robbed of his “babyhood”

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“First period PP”? If you are bleeding, there shouldn’t be a chance you ovulated.


My first 2 boys are a year and 18 days apart I got pregnant with my second at 3-4 months pp and everything was fine. Pregnancy and labor wise!

Had my first 91 second 92 fine as

10 months apart and the second pregnancy was better honestly :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’m confused … 4 weeks after sex your having your period and your worried your pregnant? Am I reading this right???

There are 10 months between my 2 middle girls. My body never recovered before getting pregnant and I was exhausted. But I had no major complications due to it. Good luck!!!

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You’re currently on your period? Maybe that’s why your boobs hurt.

14 months apart for my 1st and 2nd, one in March 2011, next in May 2012. Both c sections though recovery was easier with #2 :tipping_hand_woman: very hectic being pregnant with a little one to care for already though. Harder when you can’t just sleep when you feel like taking a nap :joy:

My sister in law had them 10 months apart.

Depends on your body I had a 2020 baby and currently 29 weeks pregnant and hospitalized due to my c-section scar has a window (so thin its 1/4 of a inch thick) and my uterus is starting to rupture so Im here till I have her.


My babies are 11 months apart and I didn’t have any complications

I have 2 son’s who are 11 months apart. The youngest was actually my easiest pregnancy and birth. They are 30 and 31

Mine are 10 months and two weeks apart in age. I was scared too! Luckily, everything turned out fine and they’re both happy and healthy. :black_heart:

Mine was 15 months apart and they are perfectly fine I know thats not like right after but pretty close together

I was born October 2000 and my brother September 2001. My mom got pregnant literally at the 6 week mark. Were fine lol

I did everything turned out fine.

My body will never heal :joy: I had my daughter February 26th 2020 and had my son February 1st 2021 and now I’m 11 weeks and due in January with another one I am very high risk but haven’t had any complications yet. Good luck to you !!


My older girls are 18 months a part I had my oldest January 09 and then my second oldest July 2010. Didn’t have any complications with either pregnancy.

When I had my 1st son 32 yrs ago, I went back for my 6 week PP and I was pregnant with my 2nd son. I was fine and so was he. It does tear your body down and the weight is harder to lose.

A friend of mine has a 4 yr old 3 yr old and then one thats a year and half

10.5 months apart… they fight but the pregnancy wasn’t worse. 2 years in maternity clothes was awful!!

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My first 2 are 13 months to the day apart

My first two were a year apart. No issues. Second was a very easy pregnancy.

I had my first by C-section and got pregnant again 3 months later, then delivered him by C-section and got pregnant a third time another 3 months later. I had a baby boy every November for 3 years straight. Lol. Never had a single complication with the pregnancy nor the babies. I had another baby by C-section 3 years later and my last 4 years later via C-section again and still no complications. The only thing was that my OB said I really needed to get my tubes tied because another C-section could be life threatening as I had so much scarred tissue, my parts weren’t structurally sound anymore. Lol

The kids would be 10-11 months apart in age, not one month :blush:

10 months apart & no complications

My oldest son was born in November 25th 2009 and my youngest daughter was born November 13, 2010. No complications at all.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What is it like being pregnant soon after giving birth? - Mamas Uncut

I got pregnant straight away didn’t have a period at all just normal post partum bleeding , gave birth to full term twins when my son was 10.5 months old , I never had any problems with the pregnancy and was able to have an natural birth x

I know someone who has 4…all 10 months apart! X

If you’re definitely on your period then you’re not pregnant, could be period related symptoms


My mum got pregnant with my sister just under 5 weeks after I was born, she had a section with me but no complications or problems. I’ve heard it’s risky to get pregnant that quick after a miscarriage but not heard it’s risky after a healthy birth

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What is it like being pregnant soon after giving birth? - Mamas Uncut

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All 4 of my kids are 14 months apart each. I had no real complications during pregnancy…just crazzy questions about if I had 2 sets of twins or what from people at the grocery store :joy: (My oldest 2 looked like twins and my youngest 2 looked like twins) Icing on the cake is that everything I did as a parent when they were little was like an assembly line and they’re all absolutely inseparable best friends!!:sparkling_heart:


I have never understood how ya’ all do this! If a man (baby daddy or not) LOOKS at me for like year after having my kids they got backhanded away! :smirk:


I don’t know how you guys all have sex before the doctor tells you to. I never did for both my babies, especially because I didn’t wanna somehow hurt myself while my body was trying to heal and being super fertile after having a baby would scare me to get pregnant right after having one


Yes my girls are 11 months apart. If they are born within a year of each other it’s called Irish twins. It’s wild having them so close together but the bond they share is incredible. It was hard when they were both babies trying to care for them both. I’m lucky to have my husband who was a huge support and help. It was hard on my body. My daughter quit breastfeeding out of nowhere and then I found out I was pregnant and the doctor said it affected the taste of my breast milk which is why she quit.


It happens. I found out at my 6 week checkup I was pregnant with my second. No issues and my kids are 10 months apart. Both are 19 and 20 years old now. No issues with either pregnancy. A little tough on the mind and body for postpartum and recovery. Stress levels were comparable to raising twins. But they will be close and always have a partner in crime. Good luck Mama!!


My kids are 11 months apart. I got pregnant with my son right away. I was young and didn’t know I could get pregnant right off the bat. Didn’t have any complications just two happy kiddos.

My son was born February 2019 and my daughter March 2020 perfectly healthy I had 2 c-sections and both my kids adore each other but it took time

That’s why my Dr kept telling me to make sure to wait and then get on birth control if I didn’t want another lol. He said a huge chunk of pregnancies are within 6months of a prior pregnancy so I would say you are good :grin:

I got pregnant at 4 weeks PP, and it was scary at first when I had my first OB appointment, they couldn’t find the heartbeat. But that was just because there was more room for baby to move around and baby wasn’t in the usual spot, I practically got an ultrasound every appointment for the first little bit for them to check and make sure baby was okay, when they couldn’t find baby with the heartbeat probe that they use. It was nice actually to see her every appointment. But she is as happy and actually bigger than my first :blush:

My sister and I are 10 months apart! I know it was hard on my parents and my sister DID have some health issues but none of that had to do with getting pregnant too quickly… we were always in the same grade and class at school. Currently we are both 32 yrs old (I turn 33 on Aug 2and, when we were kids we LOVED being the same age for a month in the summer lol

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My babies are 9½ months apart I was really sore with my 2nd baby I could barely walk somedays especially at the end… I was in labor for 8hours with my 1st and my 2nd came in 4½hours…I had both naturally without any medicine but I healed a lot faster with the second I wasn’t in as much pain as the 1st time.

My daughters are the same age for 1 month and 9 days every year. My 1st daughter was born 1/31/86 and daughter # 2 born 12/22/86. It was a little crazy busy for a minute… or…two (LOL) but I wouldn’t change it for the world now!!

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My sisters are 10 months apart. It’s not a terrible thing to happen, just make sure your taking your vitamins and taking good care of yourself!

Honestly I’m more concerned that you’re still bleeding 8 weeks after birth. I would definitely bring that up to your dr and that you had sex at 4wks pp to be sure. The reason they want you to wait isn’t because of you being fertile or pain it’s because there’s a dinner plate sized open wound in your uterus and you’re susceptible to infection


It’s gonna be okay❤
I had my first period (twice that month actually) after my delivery. Went in for a check up and baamm i was pregnant again​:joy::rofl:
Pregnancy wise, all was well, My boys are healthy. But every body is different. Best of luck🖤

Yes, my 2nd and 3rd child are the same age for almost 4 weeks. Everything was fine, he was 2 and a half pounds bigger than his sister! It’s all a blur now but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Best of luck with it!

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My daughter was born in August 2020, and I found out in early January I was pregnant again (due in September). So they are gonna be about 13 months apart. This pregnancy has been rough on me, but I also didn’t have the proper amount of time to heal


Tell tour baby daddy/husband/sperm factory he can pleasure himself until you are done healing. One month postpartum is not nookie time.


You are superrrr fertile. You haven’t given your body time to heal. My OBGYN says it’s best to wait 2 years in between (I didn’t but oops). It was hard on my body. And this last one had me bed ridden for basically the last month of my pregnancy.


My cousins are about 13 months apart and they were super close as kids. They’re both young adults now but who cares what people think :sparkling_heart: it will definitely be hard as having 2 young babies but in the end, the bond and everything will be worth it.

I’m currently 5 months pregnant and have a 1 year old. My doctor gave me a look like I should’ve waited a full year but :tipping_hand_woman:t2: my body, my baby.

Good luck mama! You’ll have a crazy but wonderful journey!! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


I gave birth to my second baby before the first one’s first birthday by 2.5 months. My obstetrician told me to breastfeed them both. :rofl::rofl: And to eat for 3 while I was pregnant. Didn’t have any complications

I have a set of Irish twins, kids #3 and #4 for me. The pregnancy was a little rougher on my body, definitely was sore, and felt like I didn’t have much support from my abdominal wall or pelvic floor. But other than being uncomfortable it was just like the other pregnancies. I actually had 4 babies within 4 years. 2015-2019. Different age gaps, but honestly the gap that was the longest was the pregnancy I had the most issues with which was kid #2


I have kiddos 10 mths apart :slight_smile: I had no issues except at the very end my son turned sideways and ended with emergency c-section. They said could have been related to the uterus never getting completely back to normal after the first but :woman_shrugging:


Don’t worry the kids won’t be a month apart in age :wink: no one in the history of time has had that unless somehow they birthed one twin early and the other stayed in for a month.


I got pregnant 3 months after giving birth. I had a surrogate baby in July and got pregnant with my daughter the beginning of October. I had no issues with my pregnancy. The girls are 11 months apart and both healthy.


Man you ladies are better than I am. Soon as I delivered our daughter, told my husband that I’m never doing it again and would not let him near me until he was snipped!!

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Just putting it out there that after you have a kid, you have a pretty good sized wound where your womb was and having sex before your healing time is over can result in a pretty serious infection.

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It can be detrimental to breastfeeding babies to get pregnant within the first year.
Your body is nowhere near fully healed, so it may cause for a more complicated pregnancy than normal.

Hope you’re safe, but please be careful after giving birth.

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My girls are 10 months and 5 days apart. I was 5 weeks PP when I found out. My second has adhd/odd/spd, I have absolutely zero proof it has any correlation to them being close together, but I often wonder if my first “took all the good stuff” and my body didn’t have time to recover… but health wise, they were both almost 7 pounds, 38 weeks, and healthy as can be.

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It’s called Irish twins and it used to happen a lot more than now but it happens…a lot. The biggest reason for complications is your body needs time to recover…but our bodies are amazing things.

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Mine are 13 months apart, it was not fun being pregnant so soon, but they are literally best friends. I’m so happy they have each other.

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I gave birth October 6th 2016 and October 5th 2017.
My second pregnancy had me on bed rest almost the entire pregnancy. I had such a complicated pregnancy. It was so hard on my body. She kept trying to arrive way too early. And then my water broke and was leaking for a week before I gave birth. I wasn’t allowed to walk around my entire pregnancy my doctor made me quit my job . I was a single mom already taking care of one baby then had to quit my full-time job and go live with my mom who was no help and didn’t support my bed rest. So it’s different for everyone. Everyone’s bodies are different. It was definitely hard and still is. They had a good bond to begin with and now that they are not babies anymore they don’t really care to be around each other. But the hardest part isn’t the baby stage. It’s having two toddlers at the same time.

My girls are 1year and a week apart. We got pregnant 3months post. Everyone was worrying while we were excited in the beginning… towards the end of my pregnancy I had alot of complications. Would we do it again no, are we taking better precautions yes. Health wise I would just keep in mind getting pregnant so close together you have a higher chance of preeclampsia.

I have Irish twins. (10 months apart). There were no complications with the baby. Keep taking your prenatal vitamins. If you are, just seek prenatal care. I would recommend pay close attention to your hormones afterward because the only complications for me was I developed Hashimoto Thyroiditis. My daughter is now 14 and one of my healthy beautiful beasts (I have 12)

My middle 2 are 3 days from being exactly a year apart. My son which was first is Nov. 1 and my daughter is oct 29th . Everything went fine other then my joints hurt worse with her and everything else hurt worse even intercourse was more painful but all in all it was a blessing they get along great for the most part and are closer then any of my others I now have 15, 12, 11, and 3!! The 3 yr old was the worst pregnancy by far

My first two are 11 months apart. I got pregnant at 4 weeks pp. Pregnancy went fine, babies were both healthy.

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My babies are 12 months apart. No real issues except my c-section scar was pretty tender since it was still healing and having to stretch a little due to the baby growing. Thank goodness I only gained 9 lbs with my second pregnancy. Lol
They argue like any other siblings and they’re best friends. :heart:

My mom was pregnant at her 6 week PP check up from having my brother & she was fine throughout her whole pregnancy & didn’t have any complications.

We did, as we wanted two babies close together ( 1year apart) no complications whatsoever, stop worrying cuz if you are pregnant it ain’t good for you or the baby! :wink: good luck xx

My kids r 13months apart and both csection babies. Urll be absolutely fine and I now found having the close age gap is good

I havet a 6 year old,and a 5 year old and a 4 year old! I did not have any complicautions with non of them, only that The 5 year old and 4 year old was big babies and I got pregnancy diabetes With The both! But they share The same intres and plays together wonderfull! And they Will always havet each other close, under The pregnancy try to eat healthy and walk and rest alot avoid to mutch unhealthy sugar, it was very Hard With the diabetes since i couldnt follow my food cravings…:hugs::heart::heart::heart:

From what I know the biggest thing is that your body has been depleted of a lot of nutrients and stuff that baby needs so just make sure you take your vitamins and stuff and baby should be just fine. Lots of ppl have babies close together with no complications!

I would love kids so close in age but I also find that to be best for me as a mom. I would def be on top of speaking to the Ob/mfm in terms of risk reduction and such but what’s done is done…. So just hope for an uneventful pregnancy and be prepared for exhaus

My older 2 are 10 months apart. I didn’t have any problems but make sure you listen to your body. It is still healing from your last and you may need to take it easy. Make sure you talk to your doctor!

My two boys are 12 months apart, which means I got pregnant with my second 3 months PP. Everyone is different, but for me everything worked out perfectly fine, no complications at all and I actually felt great. Now almost 5 years later everyone just thinks I have twins lol.

Me and my sister are 9 month and 3 weeks apart give or take a few days…she being the oldest…and I came out fine…

I have babies that are Irish twins there perfectly healthy I think the only actual problem I had with close births is the pain from not being healed all the way and your body constantly going through those changes I noticed alot more joint pain and the pressure was more intense I was just always sore and tired they told me to just drink lots of water which I was and Tylenol didn’t help and i realized warm showers work to relieve some of the pain but other then that there wasnt any complications

My two kids are exactly 11 months and 4 days apart I got pregnant 4 weeks after I had my first and there were no complications for me

I was nine days pp and started doing stuff and ended up pregnant four months after having my daughter the pregnancy is definitely harder on my body but besides that baby is healthy

It’s not impossible but VERY dangerous for your body since you have a plate size big wound in you which needs up to 18 month to heal. Therefore doctor don’t recommend to get pregnant again under 18 months after the first kid and under 24 months for every other kid. And your pregnancy can be more complicated than the other one.

You are VERY fertile after birth and having s** without any protection well it’s goes without saying that you can get pregnant from that….

Two of my 4 boys are a day short of a year apart. (They actually had the same due date just a year apart)
We purposely were trying to fall pregnant t straight away. Everything for me turned out fine. Pregnancy and birth :pray: ended up having 3 under two and a half. Hard work :sweat:. They are 11,10 and 8 now. Still hard work lol but absolutely amazing :heart:

My boys are ten months apart healthy happy boys didn’t have to put any clothes away I was fine it was lots of fun everyone thought they were twins now twenty six and twenty five love it

My dad and my aunt are 9 months apart her pregnancy was normal with my dad.
I got pregnant with my youngest when my oldest was 10 months and it was just as rough as the first one. Both of mine were rough

My two littles are 15 months apart and I had ZERO complications. And yes the bond is amazing between those two. My daughter (now 9) has been away all week on a girls trip and my son (about to be 8 in August) is definitely missing her like crazy!!

My now 16 & 15 year olds are 13 months apart, my son being born in February 2005 & my daughter in March 2006. It was accidental, as I had just gone back on birth control pills.
My sister & I are 11 months apart.