What is it like getting a tubal?

Who has had a tubal before? Is it standard instructions like after birth no sex/tampons for 12 weeks post surgery???


I had mine done 13 years ago and had no pain and my periods after have been lite compared to before

Following! I’m getting my tubes tied in a couple months

I got mine cut out and it wasn’t that bad. Didn’t take meds and was able to care for my 5 kids. Hardest part for me was getting up and sitting down but it was more sore then painul. Also was breastfeeding and him laying on my belly hurt a little but not bad at all. And my periods didn’t really change and aren’t more painful.

Easier procedure compared to most. :wink: No pain meds for me and told to take it easy

I got mine removed(tubal ligation) a few months ago. For the first few days I was really sore hot packs and Ice packs were my best friends. I do have some cramps with my periods now(never did before) but the biggest thing for me has been the flow. I went from a light period 3-4 days to a super heavy like super plus/ultra tampon and pad. For 3-4days and then would have another 1-2 with a regard light flow.

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The actual procedure isn’t bad. But if I could go back, I would not have had it done. My periods are extremely heavy now with unbearable cramps that are comparable to labor contractions. I’m pretty sure it’s caused by the scar tissue. Prior to having the tubal my periods were 3-4 days with little to no cramping.

i am not sure i got mine out when they did my c section. so i had the standard after birth time frames for s… and tampons. it was 6 weeks i believe. i cant say how painful it was because it was with a c section so. i do every now again have a cramp in my ovary area. but overall i dont notice a huge difference in anything else.

I got my tubes removed a little over a year ago. Had bad gas pain the day of surgery going into the next couple days after but other than that no big deal. The only thing I have noticed after was my periods are no extra heavy when I never had this issue prior to the surgery. They told me it would last just a few periods but it’s been every month since then. I’ve also noticed I get minor pressure when I’m ovulating.
Other than that…. It’s been fine

My shoulders hurt. But I can say my periods are a million times worse than what they used to be. I wish I could go back and change my mind on getting the tubal ligation, because I literally bleed through a super plus tampon and pad within 45 minutes of changing it. My period clots are about the size of the palm of my hand, and the only real solution they have is to put me on birth control… which I cannot do because I already have a really bad hormonal imbalance. You should just use contraceptive or birth control and avoid a tubal ligation altogether.

I had my tubes removed 6 weeks after having my son. I was already not having sex, so it was fine. the recovery was tough because I had a baby (and was breast feeding) and a 4yo to care for and was still doing school stuff. I was super low on energy.

I got my tubes removed after I gave birth. I don’t mind surgery kind of stuff so I just got another dose of epidural and stayed awake to watch. They make an incision below your belly button. It doesn’t have anything to do with your vagina. I have 2 kids so I am very happy I got it done.

I got mine done and we started being intimate about 4-6 weeks after. I have no comments on tampons has I dont use them.

i got mine removed today actually and i haven’t had to take any pain medicine plus I am taking care of my three children still but the process was pretty simple and quick


I have recently had tubal ligation with the removal of my tubes rather than just clamp.
6weeks no sex. No tampons. Basically just like after birth. Cramp pain an still periods.

Had my tubes tied 13yrs ago. Just a month ago I had to go get a IUD put in because one of my tubes came unclipped and the clip is now imbedded in my colon. It caused some health issues so just be mindful of what kind of tubal there doing

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I got mine tied took 10 minutes had alittle discomfort

I had my tubes removed in June 2021. No rules about tampons nor sex. It was very quick, in at 630am, home by about noon? I felt sore for a couple days but nothing remotely unmanageable and zero regrets!

I had a tubal salpingectomy meaning they remove the tubes rather than tie them - much lower “oops” rate, and reduces your risk of ovarian cancer,
My doctor said he doesnt do ties anymore unless the patient really pushes for it.
He made 3 incisions, one in my belly button, one very low (like probably similar to where a C section scar would be? Much smaller obvs). And one on my left side sort of in between the other two but to the left about 6 inches. All healed beautifully, If you weren’t looking for them you’d never see the incision scars.

My periods haven’t changed at all either.

I had mine tied following an unplanned c-section. My son is 13 now so from what I remember - no stairs, rest, no sex bc you’re healing.

Your periods are going to be very painful if you get your tubes tied

I had mine out in 2016.
Lifting was the biggest problem as my son was in a crib (2.5) and my daughter a newborn.
Next came getting out of bed.

I was pretty good after a week or so.

I don’t use tampons so I’m not sure.

My doctor did tell hubby no unprotected sex until I went for my follow up ultrassound to make sure everything was taken out thay should be.

I don’t regret it at all and it reduces the risk of breast cancer, ovarian and cervical cancer by atleasy 20% and was also in my opinion the safest form of birth control for my body (I never did great on BC pills and my body rejected an IUD) and overall with our insurance it was the cheapest way out

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I’ve heard a fair number of women who got a tubal say their period got heavier and enough other issues they wish they had asked their partner to get snipped instead.
That’s what my spouse and I decided once we decide we are “done”.

It was an easy procedure. The only issue I had was coming out of anesthesia (it makes me really sick so I was at the outpatient surgery center all day).

Worst part was the gas they use for surgery. Rest of it was a breeze. I didn’t have a need for pain meds or even advil.

I had one 6 weeks after I gave birth and I didn’t have any problems besides the first day it pinched but I didn’t have to take any pain meds. And my period has been the same too

got my tubal the morning after delivering my third and last baby. I went through hell for over 2 years after and ended up having to have first a d&c and then a hysterectomy. now I can never have the 4th baby I wanted. I wouldn’t recommend it. I have endometriosis and pcos but I’ve heard many women had problems after a tubal who had none to begin with.

As soon as I had my second boy that day they tied my tubes and all that. But as soon as I was healed I had sex lol. You will know when your body is healed to have sex lol. I had periods ever since I had a tubal done.

Got mine out 2 years ago periods suck bleeding and cramps are worse but that’s about it

Sooo everyone’s body is different obviously, but in my experience the tubal itself was not that bad. However… my period is complete opposite of what it use to be. I use to basically have no symptoms :woman_shrugging:t3: like I didn’t cramp much, nothing. Now I have awful cramps, I cry about everything, I bleed heavily for 7 days straight, and I’m always pissy. Like idk if I’d change it if I could because I absolutely do not want anymore babies, but the cons of the procedure are definitely rough on me one week out of every month :face_with_peeking_eye: hope this helps 🫶🏻

I got my tubes tied six months ago during my C-section, it added and additional 45 min to the surgery itself, but I don’t believe any extra healing time, I went to my six week checkup and was cleared for work, sex etc. The only real difference after everything was said and done was my periods came back with the vengeance. I bleed through super plus tampons and overnight pads, so I’m currently talking to my obgyn now about an abrasion to slow or stop it.