What is it like getting pregnant at 40?

My daughter had her first st 38 and her second at 40. She is healthy and so are her Boys. The oldest finished high school last
spring snd the other plays hockey in high school. .

I got my Nexplanon removed last year & then we had a miscarriage. Just chances of it go up higher after 35 :confused:

First baby at 37, second at 39. Why not!

I had my first at 21 and my last just before my 38th birthday. I had more problems with my first pregnancy than my last. If it’s in your heart, go for it!

My son is 30 my daughter is 8 …I was 39 when I had her and she is healthy and I was healthy, only problem I had was elevated bp but it was well worth it…but this age gap between them makes them very close but they still fight like siblings normally do lol

I wouldn’t change it for the world but I was sick I had bronchitis sx for 4 months ended up on a inhaler and Singulair I had 4 or 5 utis never had them before. Horrible reflux. Gestational diabetes and borderline pre-eclampsia. I was induced at 37 weeks went home with pitting edema from my waist down. Placed in bp meds and almost passed put so I stopped them. I still struggle I’m over weight my son has autism we have had him in a helmet. Ot pt speech adaptive therapy. But he is a blessing. He loves his momma. He is sweet. He is beautiful. And there is nothing in the world like him. I’m exhausted and depressed and I struggle every day, but I would never want a different life without him.

I was 40 when my last son was born. Best pregnancy and baby ever. He’s 15 now and I’m 55. Feel amazing!:heart:

Had my youngest at 42. She has been quite a blessing. No issues at all. There’s a 7-year gap between her and the next youngest. An old picture, but my favorite. She’s now 17.


I’m 38 and pregnant now. 27 weeks along, not the easiest on me but wouldn’t change it for the world. I say go for it!


My grandmother had her 3 children in the early 1950’s from age 36-39 & I have 4 children, 2 were born when I was almost 39 & 42, no health issues for either or myself.

Had my 1st at 39. Two months later I turned 40. He was a surprise but the best surprise. My son happy & health when he was born. Why not I’m 49 and would love to have another. But NO s/o or I be pregent already.

My grandma and grandpa were 50 when they got pregnant with my aunt and everything was fine lol

My mom had me when I was 40 there’s a 20 years age difference between me and my siblings she had five kids all together she was fine and I’m doing just fine. Really depends on the person.
Now I had my son at age 32 and I had complications he was born preemie but he’s a healthy 7-year-old now so it was a little rough but again talk to your doctor get your blood work done and if it’s truly something you look forward to then give it a go. It’s not uncommon for women to be 40 and have a child.

I had my daughter at 38(eleven years after I had my son lol)

My 3 are 29 - 25 & 6. I was 43 when my youngest was born. She arrived 10 weeks early ,she has no health issues .

I was 43 when I had my last one I’m about to be 45 and I love it. I love this last chance to nurse and bond with my baby.

Go for it! Just be prepared to hear the word geriatric a lot lol

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I have 2 cousins that both had babies in their 40’s. It was a bit harder on them as they were considered high risk… But both worked almost until delivery and never had a moment of trouble the entire time. Both gave birth to healthy boys and everybody was good. Now one of them did tell me it was a lot harder to get back into shape afterwards, but that she would do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck to you and your family.

I am 54, my oldest is 29 and youngest is 11. In my youngest son’s class, I’m the oldest mom by only a couple years, but definitely not the oldest parent (one of the dads graduated HS with me and one is 5years older). My point being at least 3 of us parents have 11 year olds and college students, you won’t be alone. As far as being older, yes we don’t have the energy level we used to but having to try helps keep us going.

My mom had me at 39! Sending good vibes! :heart:

I was 37 when I had my 1 and only. I didn’t have any issues with either pregnancy or delivery (despite my stepmother’s dire predictions).

My mom had my younger brother and sis at 39 and 40 :woman_shrugging: people do it all the time it all depends on how your body takes it. I just did a pregnancy at 33 years old. And I’m so done with pregnancy it was hell

Instead of asking on Facebook, talk to your Gyn, he/she knows your medical history and can answer all your questions professionally.


I had my first two at 28 and 31, and my last one at 41! It was my smoothest delivery out of the three! Now our family is complete :heart:. The only thing that was somewhat scary in the beginning is the doctor talking about possible down syndrome due to my age so I went thru that testing - even though I would never have terminated the pregnancy anyway. Makayla is now a happy and healthy 5th grader :slightly_smiling_face:


With the support of your husband, and a great Dr … There is no reason not to …:two_hearts:

I’m 43 had child #4 and #5 at 38 and 40 respectively. Yes, pregnancies were harder for me but healthy babies .

I gave birth at 39. It is the absolute best thing I ever did in my entire life waiting. I am a better mommy at this age because I did everything I wanted to. It’s a little harder on the body but sleep and eat right, after I do yoga and Pilates. You’ll snap back quickly.

A lot of my friends are having babies right now. Were 40. My hubby had a vasectomy after our youngest- now 13. A few weeks ago, he said he had regretted it and wished we could have 1 more. I recently had a hysterectomy, so no hope, no matter what. I honestly like my life right now. Kids are pretty independent and we can go do what we want. With that being said, I probably would have done it, had it been a possibly. All my friends have healthy babies. My one friend’s 2nd has Downs, she was in her mid 30’s then. He’s an amazing little man and loved by all. Her last was your normal, typical pregnancy. If you got the itch, I say go for it.

My little brothers mom was 38. She did great! No complications or anything, but as we know all mothers and pregnancies are different.

Go for it if it’s what you both want many couples are having a last one later in life or even starting their families later and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! I would do it in a heartbeat but my hubs isn’t on board with starting all over again :rofl::woman_shrugging:t3:

I was 38 when I had my 4th baby. It’s been the best. I find myself a lot more relaxed at parenting but not gonna lie. I am more drained then when I had my first at 20 lol


Go for it you will be fine. And tou sound like you got good supoort around you too. Sorry for the loss of your mum ive recently lost mine too. Life is way to short definitely try for anither baby if thats what you want 38 isnt even old :sweat_smile: x

Had my son at almost 41. No regrets.

I had a baby at 43. We have grown children as well. And 2 grandkids. My baby is now 6 & the light of all of our lives. I say go for it! I’m in a FB group for pregnancy in your 40s, & there are some women pushing 50 getting preggo!!!

I had my second baby a week after I turned 40. Was healthier and felt way better during that one than the first one

I delivered at 38. Healthy pregnancy, healthy delivery (non-medicated) and discharged home at 4 hours after birth! Love having my little blessing.

Lots of folks have babies after 40…and today with modern medicine…yep!!

Had my first at 35 and second at 36 they are almost 11 and 12 and im getting ready to turn 47 this month and my husband is turning 45 this m9nth and we still very much enjoy our girls even though iam a mawmaw to 5 and 2 grown kids we started all over ours were graduating and one was getting ready for high school lol its been a roller coaster but I wouldn’t change it for the world a

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I asked my obgyn what age i should stop having kids.He said he has a patient that is 47 her and baby are doing great.

I had my last child at 39. What matters is how you feel and your own health.

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Pregnant at 40 with my first and had her a few months after turning 41. My pregnancy was a breeze. I always say… “Life truly begins at 40!” :blush:

my mom had my brother at 42 me at 44 just do it

I was 42 when I had my last. In my opinion it was the best pregnancy out of my 6. Do it!!! Big families are great.

I turned 38 in June, gave birth to a healthy boy in may- I have high BP n diabetes but controlled by meds, no insulin tg.- and we found out I am Preg in Oct, due in may again! I have 11yr old daughter n he has 11 yr old son n 15yr old son- I feel great through both pregnancies. I did forget how tiring it is, but whatever, it’s worth it!

You are fine having a baby. I was a late baby. Mom had experience, time and love.

My cousin had her 2nd at 40.
Lots of women do now days. If I was to have another it would be in my mid-late 30s because I’m already 32. I had my first at 28.

I was 37. I got the blood dna test instead of amniocentesis. Perfect little girl.

I was 40 with a 17yr gap between pregnancies. Hospital kept a close check on us, an appointment every fortnight and extra scans. We had a bad result with our *neucle translucency test and we were told it wasn’t Downs but some other genetic problem. When he was born all he had wrong was a dropped toe on each foot (just meant properly fitted shoes until his feet stopped growing). I also got gestational diabetes and 10yrs later developed type 2. He’s now nearly 18 and well over 6ft :grin:

I had my daughter at 42. The only worry is a High chance of Downe Syndrome but there are awesome tests/scans they can run to find that out these days. She is the light of my life and I have no regrets. You will loose alot of sleep but it’s so worth it watching your precious child grow up. It really is a Miracle. Enjoy it :heavy_heart_exclamation:

if you feel like you are too old, then don’t get pregnant, If you want a baby, at this age, relax, enjoy & have fun & most likely you will get pregnant, But your GYN is the one you should really be talking this to, & that Dr will let you know what your chances are, Which really shouldn’t be a problem. And if you are still having a period, there should be no problem, If your husband is worried, he can always have his sperm check. And good luck, Enjoy

Many woman are older today. Blessings to you

Be careful trying within 3 months of stopping any form of birth control. The chances of twinning are very high for those first 3 months. Given that and your age you could have multiples. I did.

Remember that you will be starting over. My last left the nest when I was 49.

I love loved loved being their mom. Still do!

But….I am now 52 and enjoying my quiet time and my alone time and my freedom. And also taking my grandkids whenever I want.

Starting over at 49 would be really hard.

I’m 36 and I wish I could have more…too many factors stopping me tho.

Of course you are not too old.

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My mother remarried at 38, had a baby at 40 and another at 42. Neither pregnancy was planned, but all was well.

I had my last one at 34. I had complications but I was high risk I wasn’t supposed to have anymore after my first. He’s almost 5 and healthy and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Take it one day at a time they are a lot of good drs and they can do lots of testing to make sure it’s a healthy pregnancy good luck

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My mom had me at 38. I’m now 25, turning 26, and she is turning 64 this year.
I have a 3 year old daughter, so she got to become a grandmother.
I have always been the friend with the parents old enough to be their parents parents so that’s always fun lol.
I’d say go for it. If you’re healthy and can handle it, do it. It’s never too late as long as it’s safe for you

Conceived first child at 30 and had my last two at 39 and 44! The only differences with my last two pregnancies is that I discovered I had thryoid disease right before getting pregnant at 39. Because of my age, and having hypothyroidism, I did have to have more blood work and monitoring done towards the end. I was also induced with my youngest because they say there is a higher chance the older you are of having a still born if you go to 40 and above weeks. I can’t imagine not having my 2 younger ones. They definitely keep me busy and I’m for sure one of the older moms everywhere I go lol but omg they keep me young and on my toes. I absolutely adore being an older mom!

I had my first baby at 41, my second at 42. Best thing ever, you are as old as you feel! Good luck! X

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I am 40 with 3 grown up kids 20 21 17
We accidentally fell pregnant at christmas and we were obviously in shock, I was given fantastic advice by all the professional involved but sadly we miscarried two weeks ago. Dont let that sway your thinking at all as me and my husband have now decided we do actually want another one so it’s in fates hands now. And let’s be real here all the trying is fantastic fun. Good luck darling xx


I had my daughter at 40 my son at 45

Had my last at 37. Loved every minute of the pregnancy and his growing up. He is 21 and a mama’s boy.

Had my 3rd child at 40, healthy and beautiful B”H

talk to your dr, I would say it might be harder, but possible!!!

I didn’t give birth but I have had a baby in Mt care he was 16 days old now 18 months … I’m 57 an love him to bits… but he is a true blessing… you will loose Sleep just like you did in your 20s an 30s… just more tired at this age… but well worth it…I wouldn’t change a thing… love love love him


Janet Jackson had a baby at 50. Just do it

I have a daughter that will be 16 in April. I just turned 39 yesterday, and gave birth to my little boy 7 months ago on July 4th… it was ALOT harder on me at this age in many ways… also my lack of energy at this age, Doesnt make things any easier…BUT SO SO WORTH IT :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I had my first and only child at 39…my friend had hers at 43 because of me…
So worth it!!

I had my last one at 47 and it was great

I have my last child at 45 she’s perfect she’s almost thirteen now

Had my second baby at 42, 3 months before I turned 43. Very healthy, no complications and I actually felt amazing while I was pregnant. I worked bartending and went to the gym my whole pregnancy. You got this

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I had my 4th at 39 and am almost 42 and would love one more

With my last baby I was 40 when she was born she is now 8, I have 5 wonderful children 31,24,18,13,8 they all keep me young I do not look like I am 48 either when my 2 older ones have me meet their friends they first think I am the older sister lol, I always say age has no stopping you unless there is health problem if dr says you are fine then go for it.

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Start with seeing fertility specialist , they can tell you your odds. But it will be harder on you and your chances of things going wrong do go up. But it’s not anywhere near impossible

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I’m 38, currently 36 weeks with baby No6, a surprise pregnancy. My body hasn’t taken it the same as all the others, been a struggle, my oldest is 18 this year and my youngest currently is almost 4… but everyone’s body is different and handles it differently, maybe mine is becausei have had 5 births already… I am an active person… good luck…x

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My Momma had me at 21 and later my baby brother at 41 - 20 years 8 kids in between- if the Creator see fit he will bless you. :heart::v:t4::rose:


There’s women out here having babies into their 50s and 60s, you are not too old! As long as you’re healthy; aren’t posing a risk to you or baby, and your OB says it’s okay… go for it!! I have a friend who went through IVF treatments a couple years back and she had a baby at 42! My grandma was 42 when my mom was born, & 44 when my uncle was born!!


Gosh I was worried about the same. I am 37 and just found out I am pregnant. I guess I’ll find out

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I had my last at 39, she was my biggest and super easy, no different than any of my other except there were no complications


My mum had her last at 40 before whilst going through menopause, she doesn’t regret it at all. People have had a baby alot later in life. It’s your life, do what you want and what makes you happy. BEST OF LUCK :heart:

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If this is your first… I don’t know but I would get approval first

My mom had me, her first and only baby, at 45 back in 1956. I was a preemie because she had an undiagnosed uterine tumor, but we both survived. I had my kids at 32 and 35 (the second I wound up pregnant while using birth control) and wondered how my mom had the energy for me. But to be fair, life was not as hectic back then, she didn’t work outside the home, and those were the days you shooed the kids outside and said “be home by dinner time.” My mom lived to 97 and saw both her grandkids grow up. I’m 65 and my kids (both recently married) will likely have children in their late 30s.

I live in the D.C. area. Many women wait until their careers are established to have kids, so lots of over-40 moms. If you & hubs are cleared health-wise, go for it! Obstetrics has come a long way since 1956, and IVF is now available too. Good luck!


There is an increased rate the baby could have down syndrome and it was harder on my body at 34, that’s all I know for what it’s worth.

I had my last at 40 and it was fine. Don’t do the amnio to check for downs…they can find out in the ultrasound based on distance between eyes and length of the pinky. Amnios pit you at risk of miscarriage and the baby being stabbed by the needle…it happened to my friends baby when she did an amnio. Just not worth the risk, even though they will label you as advanced maternal age, or AMA. So many women have had babies in AMA with no issues. You do what’s in your :heart:!
Send us baby pics…:yellow_heart:


I had my last one the year I turned 42. It was great. The most important thing you can do it take care of you, calcium and vitamins. Watch your weight and stay active. He kept us young.

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I was 38 my last one, did fine throughout pregnancy and was induced at Dr recommendation. Dr recommended additional blood testing and additional checkups. Pregnancy fine, running after a toddler- keeps me going, LOL

I had my first 2 weeks before turning 39 and my second 3 months before turning 41. Besides being maybe a little more tired and my body having slightly less resources (had gestational diabetes with my 2nd), I think the confidence of being older is useful.

I had my girls at 38 and 40. If it’s something you both want I’d say absolutely go for it. I had to get iron infusion with my second but no complications

I am 48 and had my fourth child 8 years ago.

1st child at 24, 2nd at 30, and 3rd at 32.

I had my youngest at 40. I had to be induced and was in labor for 2 days. I was high risk at the dr every week for ultrasound, bloodwork etc but it was worth everything I went through. If this is something you really want go for it.

my mother had her last one at 47 and it was her 11th child

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Had my first at 42 and then almost 44 on the second. You and your doc will figure out how to manage your health and your babies. Stay active, stay aware and do your absolute best to just ignore the truly horrific vocabulary they throw around when you’re an older mom. Hang in there.

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My mom was 43 when my sister was born. She’s perfect with no issues (except she’s 14 now and think she knows everything :joy:) as long as you aren’t high risk I say go for it

First at 33, second at 37 and 3rd at 39! Enjoyed them all and did very good.

I’m turning 38 and I want a baby with my husband, I hav kids and he hav 1 but we want 1 together… I normally conceive quickly but it’s taking longer now, maybe the age

I had my 5th daughter at 39, and it was fine, even though she was born preemie because I was in a stressful, abusive marriage.She was a easy baby, and is a beautiful woman now!

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Found out I was pregnant on my 42nd birthday. She’s 29. It has been great. I highly recommend it.

I had my first at 36, the next at 39 and then 43. No issues at all. Ate peanut butter, eggs, didn’t eat soft cheese and salami. All kids have no allergies, heath issues, problems except running me off my feet and I love it

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I was 38 the first time and 41 the second time. Never regretted it. Felt fine during and sdtwr both pregnancies. Still had tons of energy to keep up with both boys.

I just had one 3 months ago at age 38. I ended up with Gestational Diabetes with that one because of an increased risk with age, overweight, and number of pregnancies. I started that pregnancy at my normal delivery weight, and it was pregnancy #13 (child #8) so I basically ticked all the boxes for that. But because of the GD, I had to watch what I ate and was healthier and now weigh a lot less than before the pregnancy so that’s good. Other than the GD, pregnancy wasn’t too bad. Good luck!!