Has anyone had experience with removing their IUD and what should someone expect to experience afterwards?
I’ve had Mirena removed and felt soooo much better. Then I had Paraguard removed. No issues. The thing is that neither had any painkillers
it’s nothing tiny punch and it’s out. it’s that crazy ass hormone drop no one tells you about you need to be ready for. Google the mirena dip.
Just had mine out 3 weeks ago, it felt very crampy while they pulled it out and mild cramps for about an hour afterwards. Had a bit of spotting but I think it was mostly the iodine they use which is an orange brown colour. I didn’t take any pain meds but I kind of wish I had of. No difference really since I had it out, haven’t had a period yet.
I had two removed- first one was fine, second hurt like contractions. It didn’t want to come out so it took forever and I thought I was going to pass out. I felt out of it for the day like my body was worn out but after that day I was fine.
I got mine taken out and felt nothing. Had no side effects after other then the return of my period. Once i started getting a period i got another one placed and had no side effects of the new iud and my period stopped
Hurts like contractions, then cramping for a few days. Not a pleasant experience