What is it like having a vaginal birth?

Pressure like having painful cramps when you gotta go to the bathroom. Think for me they cut me so it made it more painful and burned

I had 3…none were that bad. Always had my epidural early on…feels like more pressure then pain for me.

I had a C-section with my first. He was 3 weeks overdue. They let you go long in those days, lol. I labored for 23 hours first. It was the old style vertical incision with 23 staples. That recovery was rough but I was very young and tolerated fairly well.
Almost 4 years later, I had a natural vaginal delivery with my 2nd son. No epidural because they said it was too dangerous after a previous C-section. I labored 19 hours. I had an episiotomy. It was very painful and I remember thinking I wasn’t going to get through it. Yes there was burning, severe contractions like the worst cramps you can imagine multiplied by 50. But what I remember the most was the pressure. The pressure was nearly too much, indescribable. The recovery was also more painful in my experience. The stitches burned and the pressure remained though lessened, for awhile. It felt like a full grown person was inside me and trying to push it’s weight down on my pelvis and for at least a week or more post-birth…it felt like the weight of whole person had been there. Extremely sore…but a little better each day until it was gone. It’s amazing what we can endure.

Honestly I thought to contractions were the worst, the pain of baby coming out is nothing compared to contractions.


I had an unmedicated vba2c, it felt like all my bones were breaking simultaneously.
BUT I felt fine immediately after baby was out. A little sore, but the recovery was incredible compared to my c sections. I’d rather the few hours of intense pain vs the weeks of recovery that came with my c sections.


A St Bernard coming through a kitty door while using your internal organs for traction. Your organs are also on fire.
-I had 2 bad deliveries with 0 pain management

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So imagine being ripped in half. That’s fairly accurate lol


It aches after but if you choose to have a epidural you don’t feel anything during the process.

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The contractions were worse than the baby coming out. I had medication with my first (never again) and unmedicated with my second. The contractions felt like someone squeezing my uterus as hard as the could from all angles.

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In my opinion the contractions are the worst. Your body knows exactly what to do. I’ve had two without epidural. I’ve had more complications from epidural than anything. It’s manageable. You can do it! The pain is so short lived.


I had a 24 hour labor. With my contractions starting less than 3 minutes apart. So I went to the hospital. I was going without drugs but I kept stalling out. After about 9 hours they broke my water for me to speed it up, and that made it feel better, at first. Then the contractions were 90 seconds apart. For the rest of the 24 hours until I fully dilated. It was like I was dying. I was crying, I was delirious, I got the minor drugs, and I ended up on oxygen because i kept falling asleep and not breathing. At 17 hours i asked for the epidural, I’d had enough I felt like I was going crazy from the pain. At 24 hours, I was finally pushing and then the baby was too big. Got to do all the fun stuff, got to the last push, he couldnt make it. Doctor had to push back on him so his heart rate would stop dropping while they wheeled me to the OR for an emergency csection, just before midnight. But it was like, someone trying to rip through your entire midsection and abdomen sending bolts through my legs and up my spine so I couldnt even stand. I couldnt walk around to alleviate the pain after the first 13 hours or so. I’ve been told they call it at 36 hours to avoid you going crazy from the pain. So you know, it hurts enough to be traumatic. But thankfully your body makes hormones to make you forget the pain after delivery. So that’s an evolutionary bonus. I’m also 4’11, so theres not much room for a baby, so I had that, hes pushing on my tailbone, factor. The nurses kept yelling at me for falling asleep and I’m sitting there like, I slept from 10-12 and woke up to 3 minute contractions that have been going for more than 12 hours at this point are you kidding me?!

I honestly don’t remember? The pain was so bad (unmedicated with Pitocin as I don’t make oxytocin due to a pituitary gland issue) I don’t even remember it. Once the baby comes out, the pain stops but I don’t remember the pushing part lol

After reading all these posts, like my Mother said…you just think you remember how bad the pain was…but you really don’t! It’s amazing how the mind can immediately after giving birth, forget how painful it actually was.

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My first felt like someone was blow torching my :cat:, but it helped pave the way for my next two. My second just slid out on 3 pushes, and the third was “normal?” She didn’t really hurt. Just pushed her out.

I had a 4.5 hr labour and was a 6 out of 10 for contractions. Delivery was 0. I had no pain meds.

I have had all my kids natural no pain meds my husband asked me this question after our 3rd was born in June and the best way I can tell you it’s like your vagina is on fire. Literally on fire it’s painful as all hell and the feeling of the baby actually coming out is equal to taking the fattest shit of your like like finally the feeling of relief delivering the placenta was weird it didn’t hurt but it was just like my 210 pound husband was sitting in my stomach the worst thing is the damn nurses coming in every few hours after and pushing on your stomach to see if your uterus is still there.
After delivery you just feel like a deflated balloon