What is normal after a kid gets tubes in their ears?

My son had tubes put in today! Not alot of fluid was in his ear. We got home and nothing drained out of ear? Is that normal

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Neither one of mine had fluid drain out. We just had a lazy day watching TV. Gave them Tylenol and they went back to school on Monday!

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I had my sons done. I don’t recall anything it was just normal no drainage from his ear just it was a little extra wax in the first year.My doctor told me they dis-solved after 2 years.Of course that was 50 years ago.lol

Mine didn’t drain right away. I have tubes in my ears now. And they don’t always drain either.

I never actually saw anything drain maybe extra ear wax :thinking:

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They don’t always drain after surgery. My youngest was running around like nothing happened a few hours after the surgery.

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