What is recovery like after having a vaginal hysterectomy?

I had one. Due to adenomyosis… It hurt for a few days but the pain isn’t too terrible. Other than that I mean the only thing I have problems with is I am a little sad I can’t have kids again. It has actually been a blessing not to have to worry about the pain and the bleeding anymore. It was so horrible and it has helped so much.

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I was scared like u and refused surgery many times as I was scared. Finally couldn’t take it and bit the bullet.
Omg. Was I happy I did. I had a surgical hysterectomy. In hospital for 3 days. Took me about 2 weeks and I was feeling awesome!!! I bought white underwear and pants. I was about 45 and had 2 grown daughters. My sex life improved as I wasn’t constantly in pain or bleeding.
Wishing u a healthy out come and new independence!!!

I had an incisional hysterectomy. Best day of my life! Back at work 2.5 weeks later.

Had mine years ago and released from hospital on a Friday and was at a flea market on Monday. Best doctor and surgery for me. No lifting for six week weeks was the hardest part for me

It’s not bad at all I was washing clothes on day 3 . I was 35 years old when I had mine for the same reasons. The gas pain is the worst part about it after surgery from the gas they puff into your abdomen to expand it to see and remove the parts . You can go back to desk work after a week .

Outpatient stayed in hospital 23 hrs no bleeding cramps like a mild period done great took hormones like I suppose to no problems

Mine wasn’t all that bad. You will get tired really easily don’t over do walking the first week or two. Make sure to get a lot of help with things around the house.

Only have a partial so no hormones to take

Recovery isn’t that bad. I felt better walking than sitting or laying around. You’ll be fine.

I had one 5 years ago… I was fine after 2 weeks… I had cervical cancer… Best thing I ever did.

Had one at 72 due to cancer, piece of cake. No problem…

Had one at 44 back to work in 8 days no lifting

I had a vaginal hysterectomy when I was when I was 32 the surgery was a breeze it was the hormones and hot flashes after that was difficult. I stopped taking the hormones after 3 years and felt great. I’m 51 now and I don’t regret stopping the hormones

Had this same abd back work in week. Best thing ive had in long time.

It was painful because mine had complications they weren’t expecting. But totally worth it.

I had a partial hysterectomy (they left my ovaries) and a rectocele repair 6 years ago…I needed the hysterectomy for 2 years but I put it off because I was scared… my vaginal wall prolapsed into my rectum wall cutting off my ability to poop which is why I needed the rectocele repair …surgeon convinced me to have the hysterectomy at the same time since it was also needed for heavy bleeding…best thing I could have done!! Recovery was a bit difficult and slow for me due to having two surgeries in one. But follow the drs orders and rest…even if you feel better don’t overdo…take your pain meds on time as directed…it’s easier to control the pain that way…if you skip one pill it’s harder to get the pain under control for the first week …it is awesome now not having the heavy periods and pain each month…I now wish I hadn’t waited for 2 years to have the hysterectomy…

I had a vaginal hysterectomy. I was sore for about a week

It’s a breeze. Very short recovery.

Didn’t have any problems. Piece of cake.

I had an abdominal hysterectomy last year. I’m a virgin so a vaginal hysterectomy wasn’t possible. I suffered from very bad menorometerohagia (can’t spell it properly); means I was permanently having my period (at various flows) for 6yrs daily. After the operation they did a test on my uterus & cervix (I got my gynaecologist to leave my ovaries behind because I still need the hormones & can’t afford hormone treatment if they were removed besides every form of hormone treatment I tried before my hysterectomy failed) & turns out I had a polyp in my uterus & a lesion on my cervix (a precursor to cancer). Thing is that the symptoms for cervical cancer are the same as meteromenhorhagia & I wouldn’t have noticed any massive changes & by the time I did I would’ve most likely had full blown cervical cancer. Yeah God really saved me from ending up with cancer.

It was one of the MOST painful experiences of my life. Strong painkillers helped! Listening to my gynaecologist as well. Also having my Mom & a friend around to help (whilst I was healing; my pain threshold is pathetically low & being tactile defensive doesn’t help) was a true blessing!

Best decision of my life.

I must exercise more to strengthen my pelvic floor.

Beyond that I’m happy with the results & I didn’t have serious complications.

Good luck, take your time to heal, don’t rush things (everyone’s pain threshold is different), don’t do this alone (have someone around to help you with your recovery), do everything your gynaecologist tells you to & hope you heal soon.

Had one in 2002, best thing ive ever done! Was so glad my doctor could do it vaginally. Couldnt really tell i had a complete hysterectomy!!!

Easy. You will feel so much better

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