What is recovery like after having a vaginal hysterectomy?

Hi I’m 33 and have to have a hysterectomy due to PCOS and Endometriosis that cause me constant cramping and pain even on continuous birth control. I was wondering has anyone of you ladies had to have a vaginal hysterectomy and what its like after and recovery and all? I’m a bit nervous and freaked out and was curious what anyone elses experience if they had one done was like???


Had it done in February. My stomach incisions were sore for a couple weeks and achy. I had no pain vaginally at all and minor bleeding

I had a vaginal hysterectomy in 2011. Recovery was pretty easy. I took 4 weeks off of work and had very little pain. I couldn’t lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk per my doctor’s orders for 6 weeks. I flew to Italy for a 10 day bus tour 6 weeks to the day of my surgery. I had no laparoscopic incisions.

Just wondering what this is. I am going to be 40 soon. I ask dr. Said I was to young still. Lol no more babies for me I am 1 and done. I have cysts on my ovaries as well.

I just had mine yesterday. So far just my belly incisions are painful, but overall it’s not painful at all. I’m only taking ibuprofen today.

I had a complete by “robotic” done at north side hospital in 2015. I had very little pain afterward surgery pain mostly.
It sent me into menapause and hot flashes and no drive sexually is the worse part. I am so happy to not have the horrible periods and cramps anymore.

In a vaginal hysterectomy, the position you with your legs pulled up over your body to your shoulders. So if you have any sort of back problems this could really hurt your back after you wake you may be in a lot of pain.
So consider this if you have a back problem!:sleepy:

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I’m 10 weeks post op from a hysterectomy (due to uterine cysts, fibroids, adenomyosis and a uterine prolapse), removal of my fallopian tubes, a bladder repair and sling (due to bladder prolapse), and an anterior and posterior wall repair (I have 5 kids so the damage done to my body was a little more involved than just needing the hysterectomy). The 1st week was the hardest. Advice: stay ahead of pain management. They prescribed ibuprofen 500mg and Tylenol 3, to be alternated. The worst part, for me, was the discomfort caused by the catheter (my bladder was slow to wake, so I went home with it for 1 day). By my 2 week post op checkup, I was able to move around fairly well. I couldn’t pick anything up heavier than a gallon of milk. I could hold my toddler or cuddle her in my lap but not stand with her in my arms. Walking up/down stairs was slow but doable. I couldn’t do any chores that required bending over or rotating my abdomen. The doc said to hold off on anything like that for at least 4-6 weeks…of course that might have been due to all the other things they had to fix. I have 4 or 5 tiny (@ 1 inch or less) laproscopic incisions between my belly button and pubic region. Those were pretty inconsequential. They sealed them with glue. They were sore and itchy, but not much else. They gave me a pelvic girdle for abdominal support. It helped a lot. I had some vaginal bleeding but not too much. It was less than a period and only lasted 2 or 3 days post op. Initially, I was really scared about needing surgery. It took a few weeks to wrap my head around going under. The morning of my surgery, I checked in and was taken to pre op. They put an IV in. I waited in pre op for a few hours until it was my turn. Then, they took me into the OR, put my legs up (kind of like when using stirrups for a pap exam) and asked me to count from 10 to 1. I didn’t get far in my countdown. The next thing I knew, I was awake in recovery. I was observed for 1 day and sent home. It was the best decision for me. I no longer have cramps. I no longer have to deal with periods. Personally, it has not negatively effected my sex drive. I have not experienced any adverse side effects, thus far. The last couple of months I have had a little aching in my abdomen around what should be “that time of the month” but it’s nothing compared to actual period cramping. It was definitely worth it, IMO.

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I had mine 2 years ago and recovery was really good. I had some pain for about 2/3 days. Then some discomfort for about 2 weeks. Haven’t felt or had any issues since.

I had it back in 2013 but it wasnt to bad. Just dont lift anything over 5 pounds and rest. But i didnt have much pain

I had it done 6 years ago. Was lightly sore, had to walk very slowly for first few days but I was home the next morning.

I had a partial hysterectomy due to the same reasons in 2010 both part vaginally and laparoscopically. Due to the partial not working I had a full one 6 mo this later and the had to do a c-section incision. The recovery for the partial was about a few weeks and my full was 12-15 weeks recovery. I was the exact same age as you

Recovery was a breeze…wish I would have done it sooner…


No pain… but follow instructions! They know what they’re talking about! If you follow directions recovery isa breeze. I’m 8 yrs out and loving it!!

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I had the same surgery and I was back to work after a week. I didnt have any problems and the doctor gave me the ok. I was a very active person, that may have been a big factor in the recovery time. Reminder…every person recovers differently! Good luck


I had a vaginal hysterectomy 30 years ago, I was 51 years old. I had two children already so the Dr did a repair job also during this surgery. No more menstrual cramps which was wonderful. The Dr will prescribe hormone pills if he takes your ovaries out. The recovery was so simple, a lot easier than doing the surgery thru the stomach. You will not regret it. Best of luck

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I had one years ago. The next day they had me take a short walk around the hospital hallway and that was probably the toughest part of the whole recovery. I felt like a ton of bricks and just wanted to lay back down so badly. The next few days I walked hunched over but little by little I started feeling better. Just follow dr orders, take it really easy the first couple weeks and you’ll get stronger each day.


If you are having alot of female problems have the surgery. I waited till I was 45 and I had endometriosis really bad. I was scared to have surgery and I ended up having a long recovery. If your doctor recommends surgery you should do it while your young and don’t end up with more problems. In the end you will feel like a new woman. Best thing I did and I feel so much better. Especially not having a period is awsome. Good luck.


I had mine when I was 24, I would give yourself a week and get plenty of rest. The first few days are the hardest. Good luck to you.


I was 24 after I had both my children I had hysterectomy it wasn’t bad at all getting over just your expected soreness but it was the best thing I could have done before I never felt good bad bleeding all the time. Just try not to worry everything will be fine as long as you know the lord because he will get u through everything he is the answer. GOD Blees you


I had one 3 years ago. Mine was a robotic surgery. The surgery itself was a breeze. The recovery from the anesthesia was brutal though. Healing was good. Just don’t over do it, when your feeling better or it will take longer for the stitches to heal.


I had bad cramping…my very best tool was a small pillow that I would hold close to my belly…also very effective when you need to cough or sneeze…I would just press it firmly against my stomach and it lessened the pain…good luck…


Surgery wasn’t too bad. It’s the hormones
Or lack of that makes you an emotional roller coaster.
I went into deep depression for 8 weeks afterward. Be careful. Some of the hormone replacements make you suicidal.

I had the same operation for the same reason back in 1998. I did well and felt so much better! You will be too!


I had a particle hysterectomy the best thing I ever did. Didnt even go through the change of life went👍

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I had one 9 months ago. Ask to walk as soon as your catheter is out. Walk and do nothing else. Recovery was a breeze. It’s taking a while to build up your strength and stamina. You might want to seek a 2nd opinion. Hysterectomy will get rid of any bleeding issues but it’s not a cure for endometriosis. Endo can come back.

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Had one done twenty years ago. Little slow moving the first few days but after that it was great. Never had to take any pain pills either.


I had no pain at all…little uncomfortable but could get around ok…just rest a little more and you’ll be fine…good luck!

About 20 yrs ago I had to have a hysterectomy due to Endometriosis but I had an incision along the bikini line. That was so much worse, it took “6” weeks to heal or drive. I have had friends have a hysterectomy vaginally and a lot less pain and recovery time.

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You can send me a PM, I had both hysterectomy and gall bladder removal , my doc was very very good, I recovered really well…except for the gas issues due to the forceful stomach bloating , until that eased it was slight discomfort, otherwise it was a really safe and easy to recover process post surgery …mine was done via my belly button Laparoscopically

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Five days later and I was like normal, but I took the instructions and I didn’t push myself until they told me it’s okay to continue with normal activities


I had one… Recovery was easy BUT you do end up walking pretty slowly for a little while… Don’t wait until you feel like you have to pee… You might not make it to the potty… Wink wink…


I had one at 32 and it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I felt so much better and I recovered rather quickly. So happy I had it done

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I had one at 62 and got up a few hours later and walked. I was hunched over and felt like I was run over by a truck. Walked every couple of hours and went home the next day. The first week was tough but after that I felt pretty good

It was the least painful surgery I ever had and the easiest to recover from.


I had one 33yrs ago. It two weeks to recover. I got back to living. I was placed on hormones, because an ovary was also removed. No more periods and no more pregnancies.

I had one in 2013. When I woke up I was in terrible pain but once I emptied my bladder and kept my pain meds controlled through the night, I went home the next day with very little pain at all for maybe 2-3 days. Best decision ever!!

I was in my early 30’s when I had it done. Some soreness afterward but relatively easy recovery.

I had mine at 24 also. First few days ruff but after that you going to love it!!’ You will feel so much better about being a woman!!! Love it!

I had good results with my surgery. Healing time was quick
Low pain level. The only thing is it threw me into change of life symptoms. Are you keeping your ovaries?

I recently had my Hysterectomy laparoscopic last Halloween for both PCOS and Stage 3 Endo. I’m 31 so I still have my ovaries due to my age. The recovery was hard during the holidays but after I healed I’m so much better. I have always been in so much pain practically my whole life and now the pain isn’t there anymore. And I feel like a new person. I had an amazing surgeon, and curious why u have to have it vaginal? Like any surgery, it’s painful the first couple weeks and then you start to heal. As long as u listen to the dr and don’t over do it and listen to your body while healing you will recover with minimal scare tissue and do just fine!

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I had one. It was great! No soreness on my abdomen from a surgical cut. I was back to work, light duty after 1 week. The only symptom I noticed was I felt “full” or bloated inside until the internal swelling went down. And I only took a couple of pain pills on the first 2 days.

In 2004 At age 31 I had a partial hysterectomy. Biggest pain was I felt like I was gonna bust inside. The other nurse checking saw they had the tube to the catheter wrapped and kinked by my leg and it was not draining (so keep an eye on that one). Other then that, the Percocets made me sick after 3 days and then caused constipation too. It extended my hospital stay 3 more days. You’ll Be sore a few days and just take it easy and NO lifting!!..Best decision ever…gave me my life back!!

Had same surgery at 34. Now 61… absolutely NO LIFTING for 6 weeksno driving for at least 2. Alternate tylenol and ibuprofen and be ready for hot flashes. Those will be rough and can start about 6 hours after surgery. Beware of hrt… mine caused breast cancer about 12 years later when dr changed pills… . you will be fine…

Do not overdue it! Even something as simple as vacuuming! I did and 3 weeks post surgery started hemorrhaging and ended up having emergency surgery. Please take it easy and do not feel guilty!

I had it done four years ago. I ended up getting a bacterial infection which, from what I understand is because my surgeon nipped my intestines. It was called cellulitis of the cuff. Two oral antibiotics and I was fine. I took six weeks off of work, but did not need that long. I was 55.

What everyone has said is pretty accurate. Not completely horrible. Just follow directions and take it easy for as long as needed. The first few days are uncomfortable but you’ll forget about it pretty fast. I do think younger people recover faster…as they heal faster. My friend had hers in her late 40’s and she took two weeks to feel normal. Take care of yourself and don’t worry just listen to your doc!!! Best of luck!!!

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I had mine at 50 due to fibroids. I was in the hospital for a couple of days, then home to rest. I even went to Florida a month after, taking it easy the entire month.

I had mine a year ago. I felt sore for a couple of days, was back to work within 3 weeks. It took me about a week to feel comfortable driving but you may be different. I will be honest from time to time I do feel upset or sadness when I see other women with babies but I wasn’t done having kids. Hang in there and follow the instructions and you’ll do fine. Good luck

Give yourself at least a week or two to recover or longer if needed. Of course everyone heals and recovers differently. I was off from work about 6 weeks after mine but maybe having had twins prior had something to do with my recovery time. Good luck to you.

I thought the surgery was easy w little pain thereafter. I went home in 23 hrs.

The pain was better than the pain i.was in.prior to the surgery. I was dizzy and nauseous the first day from anesthesia that was the worst part

I had one and felt good after 2 weeks but wasn’t aloud to go back to work for 4 weeks because I do alot of heavy lifting on my job. But it wasn’t bad at all.

Had mine in 1992, 6 weeks after I gave birth to my Son and was fine within a week just took it slow with lifting heavy things.

I had one at age 38 it went wonderfully - best decision ever!

LAVH… You will be sore for a couple days. Rest rest rest. I had mine in 2014 I had to go back a few days later to remove the staples on the belly…

I had one and the only think I had was pressure down there but it eased up after like 3 days n I was good. I’m glad my dr done mine this way

Everyone is different i hadcit done when i was 27 i believe.I was healthy as a horse.I was told not to bend stoop pick up anything carry anything for 4 ton6 weeks.I got up started cleaning house washing clothes i was back in tje hospital within 4 monthsListen to the dr.when say say do nothing do nothing.Suck it up.Their is a reasin your body has to have time to heal.I was told i would be crying .i adk why the dr said alotvof woman dont feelblike axwomen anymore becausecthey cant have kids.zI told him it dont bother me.Then he said alot of women enjoys it because they knowxthey cant have anymore kids and they dont have to take birth control pills.That eould be me dr.sorryvi knew i only wanted 1 if that.Some ppl are born to be a mom some arentvim not onecto be a mom.I have kept kids all my lifeI wouldnt give her up for all the money in the world she is my best friend.She is my world.

I had one a 29 yrs old. It wasn’t all that bad. Just have to do what the Doctor tells you. Good luck with yours.

When I had mine done I was out and home in 2 days… much better than cutting…

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Definitely don’t vacuum, that is the worst thing to do. Even if kids or husband doesn’t do it to your liking. Follow orders.

I had the same thing in 2011. It’s not bad was sore for awhile and hormone adjustment was a little rough.

Talk to your doctor. Mine was done my belly button ( was new a proceduture when I had to have mine done in 2007) I spent 5 days in hosp but day after I came home , I was floating on a floaty in pool. Good luck but if you are having questions, ask your Dr.

I had the same surgery and felt awesome the day after like nothing happened

Your Doctor should share all the Hormonal changes with you. Ask questions and if you feel great :wave::wave::wave: But if you do not please speak up!!! I wish I had called and talked to someone instead of trying to work out the hormones on my own. I had mine 20+years ago and did not have a good experience. Ask those questions and you will do just fine. New Methods in place now.

I had one in December. It literally felt like period cramps. That’s it.
I was taken off work for 3 weeks though because I wasn’t allowed to lift or anything. I didn’t drive for a week and half, by the time I drove I was doing light housework and grocery shopping.

I had it when I was 26. I can’t remember any major issues.

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Much less pain for me then when i had my tubes removed. I had a complete hysterectomy so instant hot flashes. But recovery was like a week

I had to have one cuz of major bleeding issues for decades Finally found a good doc who listened and had mine done at 38 last march Was a easy recovery Maybe a week down time And im a sissy when it comes to pain Word of advice dont have sex till doc says so I did about a week an half before i was supposed to and well ya pain from it lasted about a week Rest n listen to ur doc It was the most amazing feeling to have no pain or issues after everything was gone My sex drive for 17 years was gone too but after hysterectomy im like a rabbit now Good luck

Mine was abdominal and it wasn’t bad at all. Healed up nicely. Vaginal should be even better.

I had mine years ago from surgery in stomach my sister had vaginal she had some pain for a few but was good after.

Had one years ago and didn’t have much difficulty. Preferred vaginal extraction since it reduced recovery time. No worries…

I did at, best decision I made, wonder why I didn’t do it sooner

Just had mine a week ago. Still weak but some days are good.

I had one twenty years ago and had no recovery time at all

Get a belly band mine helped me tremendously

Best decision I ever made…you will feel like a new woman?

I had the Da Vinci surgery on 4/28. 4 small incisions that had no stitches, no bandaids, they were that small, so zero incision pain or recovery. I had everything removed, including 15 tumors, at least one of which was a lb! I had a previous laparoscopy many years ago and had no pain with that either. I had internal pain for the first 24 hrs that was rough, but it was like an alarm went off and after that, no pain AT ALL. Doc didn’t have me drive for 2 weeks and my 6 week appt is Monday. At first I felt absolutely normal just tired. She has me off work, no bending, housework, lifting, baths, or sex (I’m actually really wanting sex!). I’m now not as tired but feel absolutely normal. Obviously, all my symptomatic pain prior to surgery is gone. I did not do HRT and so far so good. Only weird part is, I had migraines always on the first day of my period before. Had a migraine the day I got out of hospital ( I was only overnight). Had a migraine on what would’ve been my next period(which was 2 weeks out). I should’ve been on my period now, but no migraine…yay! So I think I resolved the hormone related migraines. :crossed_fingers:t2:
Do take it easy! You don’t want complications!

I am a obese woman and had a vaginal devinci robotic Surgery for endometrial cancer, I got out of surgery at 4:30pm and was home by 8:30pm. Took 2.5 mgs of norco twice a day for pain for 3 days and was walking around 2 hours after surgery. Take it easy with doing anything strenuous or lifting things but I was shocked how fast the recovery was. I did have some slight pain for weeks following due to the weight of my stomach fat tugging at my Inside cauterized everywhere they removed something and stitches inside. The hard part was the being forced into menopause for me since I had everything removed. It was worth the surgery .Don’t stress, Pray for calmness. This was the first surgery I ever had and I’m 51 years old. Give all your stress and worries to God and He will give you peace :pray:

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My daughter had one at 37. The usual pain for a spell, docs address that, she’s great now

Done 6 years ago . Cancer free happy !

I was upset with myself for not doing it sooner

I had one 2 years ago was vaginal but the done a c section cut also to get my uterus out it had huge fibroids it was 3 weeks of hell pain but i healed fine and sex is even better

It wasn’t that bad sore for awhile

I just had one 12 days ago

If in doubt Google it and read what people say

I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy Monday and I have endometriosis. This was after the ablation procedure which was done in January failed (worst procedure I ever had)
I made this decision with my doctor due to heavy bleeding and abnormal pap smears I don’t know about vaginal specificities but I can tell you my experience!
Monday I was in surgery two hours due to adhesions and ended up with five incisions three in the center of my belly and one on each side.
Tuesday I was very tired and drained and uncomfortable getting from laying to standing
Wednesday I was able to walk a bit but was still uncomfortable
Thursday and Friday I am still very uncomfortable and I try to not jostle myself a lot, I was told nothing over a gallon of milk to lift and I have times where I have very strong cramps and pains in my vagina
While I’m uncomfortable which is why I’m awake at the moment I think this surgery will have been worth it for the long-term.
I had everything removed except my ovaries and I am honestly very glad I did the surgery. I wasn’t living much of a life with my cycles and I was always sick I’m hopeful this gives me my life back. Good luck! Also I’m turning 31 on 6/25

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There’s a group online called Hystersisters.

They were a huge help!

Best thing I ever did. !

Amber, maybe you can comment your experience and recovery!

Google, Hyster Sisters. It’s a really good resource and you can ask any questions, from women who have gone through this. I found it really helpful and the extra support from other women who had experienced the same things was amazing. Good luck with your surgery!!:blush:

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I. was only uncomfortable for a few days, then I felt fine. I had six weeks off work and enjoyed every minute of it.

I had a hysterectomy at 33 due to endometriosis. My surgery wasn’t the vaginal method though. I was mostly super tired afterwards for about 3 weeks then started having more energy. Its radical but was worth it to be pain free. I hope yours goes great too.

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I had mine at 50 due to massive bleeding. I had never had surgery of any kind so was freaked out. They took my ovaries because a sister died of ovarian cancer. No hormone treatment ever and I’m fine. No pain, felt wonderful. Out doing one mile walks 3 days later.

I had one 10 years ago and I had to take 6 weeks of but for sex I cannot answer that one because my husband been gone for 11 years and I haven’t dated any but I think have it done this way is a lot easier than being cut open hope that helps and now I can’t even see where they put the little cuts witch is just three very small cuts

I had a full hysterectomy at 37 best thing to happen to me took six weeks after that life was good take care stay safe :pray:

I had a vaginal hysterectomy, rectocele, and bladder sling at 33. My recovery was more difficult because the day after my stitches ruptured and I started hemorrhaging (happens in about 1% or less of patients). Luckily mr dr was on site.(LOVE my dr) so they had to go in twice. I lost half my blood but everything came out alright in the end. I love it now! So glad I did it! Sex is great! My anatomy slightly changed because of the rectocele and it took 6 months for nerve interference to subside, but overall good experience. I would say make sure you have a good relationship with your dr. And trust them. Mine delivered 3 of my 4 kids and is honest with me and I with her!

Just had a vaginal hysterectomy in December. I took no pain killers and was walking the hospital halls 4 hours after surgery. Went home the very next day, but every one is different.