What is something you wish you would have known before dating someone older?

My fiance is 45 and I’m 33. We’ve been together 7.5 yrs. For those of you with older significant others, what is something you wish you knew beforehand about being with someone older?


I am 28 and my husband is 43.
I wish I knew the statistics on sex drive. While his is decreasing, mine is peaking. I wish i knew I’d have to constantly be worried about blood pressure and salt intake. I wish I knew that he’d always be tired, too tired to do anything.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What is something you wish you would have known before dating someone older?

That many older people try to get a significantly younger person either because they mentally aren’t mature for their age and relate to someone younger and also because they like to control someone who doesn’t have as much life experience as them


That they were going to die 7 years into our marriage and leave behind a 3 year old son that he adored. (12 year age gap)


My ex was 39 and I was 19, while you think it’s great because the maturity level is similar… while you grow up they’ll still stay the same.


I am the older and prior married. Dating a younger can be tough sometimes because you’ve experienced different parts of life, with that comes ideas, knowledge, understanding and sometimes expectations you put out there without knowing. That doesn’t mean it can’t work, but like ALL relationships it’s work.

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I’m 42 and hubby is 69. #1 thing is they are more set in there ways than younger men! Also, they seem to have more traditional ‘old fashion’ ways of doing and seeing things. For me, that’s what I like, so I was prepared to an extent.

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That they get really embarrassed if you call them dad in public

They just continually get older

That just because they’re older and have had more time to deal with their baggage, does not mean it can’t still be difficult and complicated.


They think they know everything better than you and rarely listen to your opinion …until you’re proved correct then they wonder how you could possibly know that when they dont :roll_eyes:


Whether or not they still talk to their exes. Especially the ones they don’t have children with. It’s cool they have exes. I expect it. But to lie and hide their relationship with their exes and when their exes know about you and block you on social media before you even know they exist. Super red flags flying. My soon to be ex has a woman I didn’t know about for 5 years of our relationship. I found he was calling her every single morning and talk for hours. I didn’t ask him I just reversed looked up her number and investigated before throwing down any accusations. By that point I already knew she was an ex, she had me blocked on social media had to find her with a dummy account and that they had gone on a trip out of state while I was pregnant with out 2nd baby. Now I found out after we had lost our 3rd baby and I was absolutely more heart broken than ever. He said he will talk to whoever he wants and he knew her before me ect. Ect ext… gaslight gaslight toxic toxic. Yeah i was in a very messed up for a very long time.