What is the average age to stop breastfeeding?

What average age do most stop breastfeeding? It’s getting harder so I think I want to stop. We are 7 months.


It’s different for everyone. 7 months is amazing!

When you want to… Some people can’t, some only for a short time, some do it for years… 100% your choice.

I feel like that’s completely up to how you feel some prefer to do it longer than others so you stop when you’re ready momma.

I stopped at a year old. It’s really when YOU choose to. Many experts are recommending to do extended breastfeeding (2+ years). If you think you want to be done, be done! 7 months is great!

7 months is awesome! Great job. I’m at 4 months right now and it’s tiresome.
I exclusively pumped for my first and we made it 6 months.
But you do whatever you feel most comfortable with!


I was told a year was best for the baby!

My son was only 4.5 months and my daughter went to 9 months

Its up to you when you stop. My oldest went she was 5 and my youngest til she was 4

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I only managed 3 1/2 months with my oldest before he had to be weaned off… My second was almost a year old. Do what works best for your family.

I always try to keep it going for at least a year.

It all depends on your situation. There’s no right time. I fed my youngest till she was 20 months x

With my son I breastfed until 9 months my daughter she’s a year and I just started introducing cows milk and she loves it ! Whatever works for you and your babies I’d say is perfectly fine

I nursed my daughters for 21 months and my son for 22 months. I’m a teacher so I weaned them over spring break. It is a personal decision and I admire you for breastfeeding. I know from experience, it’s not always easy.

I nursed my first for 2.5 years and my second for 4 only months because of medical issues. They’re both smart and healthy kids. You do what life allows. I think a year is probably what I’d strive for to avoid the hassle and cost of formula and bottles.

the World Health Organization recommends at least 2 years. :heart:

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My son will be 14mths in Dec 4 and we’re still breastfeeding but by now I think it’s comfort feed more than anything

I stopped at 11 months and started milk

Whenever you’re ready mama.
Make sure baby is getting what they need from formula and foods.

Idk the average but my son was 4

It’s all up to you and your baby! I breastfed my last two kids for two years.

I stopped about the time they can hold a cup, drink out of a straw, feed themselves! Some feed up to 2 years! All babies are different, have different needs but, the mother also makes the choice!

I went for 14 months with my youngest, but people go much longer. Whatever works for you. Thankfully he could switch to regular milk at that point, but I had been supplementing with formula already so it still saved a ton of money

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Breast-feeding is recommended for at least 12 months if you can hang in there until then that would be best! But if you’re absolutely not willing to, be proud of the 7 months you have accomplished so far!


We did 16 months. I went back to work at 6 months.

It’s reccomended to go until at least 1yr. I breastfeed until 2y and it’s difficult but worth it every time. Great job making it this far!

Whenever you want I have breastfed kids for 3 months, 8 months, 2yrs, 2yrs 8 months and currently 1yr 6 months. It’s what’s best for you and your child! :heart: I don’t regret stopping with any age.


I nursed son for 2 years. Twins for 8 months :heart:

I think they say more than half stop by 6 months but I could be wrong on that. IT’s recommended for the first year but you have to take care of you too and switching to formula doesn’t mean you love your baby any less. I breastfed my first for only a couple months before my schedule made pumping impossible and messed up my supply. I breastfed my second for 13 months, but my kids are 7 years apart and I had two very different situations. Do what’s right for you, you did amazing already.


I exclusively pump and bottle feed my baby we just made it 8 months, I go day by day but I’m hoping to make it a year :heartpulse:


What ever is best for you. That’s good you did to 7 months.

My oldest was 2.5 and his little brother was 3.5. I found I felt done at different times with both of them.
The world average is between 3 and 5. The US average is between 6m and 2. ACOG and AAP both recommend breastfeeding until 2, with the majority of nutrition after one being solid foods.

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I breastfed 2 out of 4 babies. 1 stopped on their own at 10 months and the other one stopped on their own at 11 months. I was really trying to make it to 1 year with both- they had other plans

My little girl is almost 5, and she still wants the boob. Pretty sure they are all dried up…it’s more of a comfort thing for her. She’s definitely lost interest.

I stopped my youngest at 18 months.
My oldest weaned himself at about 7-8 months.

I think that’s a very personal decision and shouldn’t be compared with others

It all depends on you really , you always have a choice to continue or stop . Just remember if you stop breastfeeding baby will still need formula or you can pump your milk if you’d like because breast milk or formula is babies number 1 source of nutrition until the age of 1 :slightly_smiling_face::heart:

I breastfed my babies until they weaned themselves. 9 months to 2 1/2 years.

There isn’t an average age. It’s recommended to breastfeed until two but do what’s best for you mama. 7 months is a long time and you should be proud of yourself for it!


Whenever you feel like it’s time to stop.

Nothing wrong with stopping at 7 mo…you did great chica

I went 1 years and 6 months with one and another I went till 7 months and another I did for 2 months. Whatever works for you. Honestly the best time for me was 1 year and under its extremely hard to ween off a toddler lol babies are just easy.

All babies are different I breastfed 5 babies stopped at different ages only 1 stop before 2yo bc he was having issues but my other 4 I bf well over 2 into 3 years…it was always when the baby no longer wanted breast milk

I breast fed all 5 of my kids, however I stopped by the age 1. This was my own personal preference, after they can walk I wasn’t comfortable with it.

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My daughter turned 1 11/15 and I’m still breastfeeding her but I’m transitioning her to full milk also, I’ll send one bottle of my milk one bottle of cows milk to daycare. Honestly I’m ready to stop soon but I don’t kno how to wean her off me at night bc that’s when she wants me the most

Still at 3
Still at 10 months

I go for however long they need😃

Good luck!

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I think it’s normally around 1 year- when they are able to drink whole cows milk, but you do what is comfortable for you and your little one :heart_hands:

Whenever you want to. Fed is best

I think it depends on the individuals circumstances. I have two young boys in school and they bring home viruses constantly. My daughter just turned two but I am going to continue to BF throughout flu season to boost her immunity.


I let mine continue til they wanted to stop. It’s a win win. They fall asleep, I get to relax some more :heart: my middle stopped at 4 and my last is 4.5 and is half way weaning. I want to stop sometimes but I hurt after a day and cannot express anymore :upside_down_face:


I had planned on stopping at a year but my son decided he wanted to wait until he was almost 2 :joy:

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It varies, I stopped nursing at 3.5 years, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being done if you aren’t wanting to do it anymore. Just make sure you switch baby to a formula until a year old. :heart:


When they start teething…


I stopped around 14 months but the last handful of months were just to go to sleep at nighttime

The AAP recommends until 2!

Everyone’s life and circumstances are different and can’t always allow for that but that’s the recommendation for maximum health benefits. Any amount of breastmilk is significantly better than none so you have already done WONDERS for your baby’s health!! Be proud mama!! And remember you can’t pour from an empty cup!

My daughter still breastfeeding my granddaughter 10 months . She plans to do it for at least a year maybe 2.

I stopped at 3 1/2 years with my son

Average age is whatever age you want to stop. You don’t have to get to a specific goal unless you’re have a goal in mind and it is still a positive experience for both parties

Breastfed for 13 months. Both babies

I stopped at six months. Those teeth start coming in and I’m done!

I stopped at 3 months. My son was ready to quit. He preferred bottles because of his lip and tongue ties. You stop when you and baby are ready. If it’s becoming too overwhelming and will weigh on your mental health which is not good for either of you.

The average world age is 4. The recommendation is to at least 2.


Once they got teeth n can talk then I would stop if it’s thr milk u wanna continue I’d go to pumping then and give them breast milk through like a silly cup or bottle

The longer you put off stopping the harder it may be. My youngest is now three years old (freshly three years, but still three nonetheless) and of all the things we’ve done as far as switching to a toddler bed, potty training, etc, she is having The Hardest time completely stopping breastfeeding. (I really don’t want/need to hear “just stop giving it to her” like that’s literally the most trash advice I hear constantly)

I breastfed my now 7 and 4 years for 2 year currently going on 10 months plan to also go 2 years but I don’t think I will he’s not as boob crazy as his siblings

My youngest still had breastmilk once a day till he was almost two. Take the cue from your child they know when they want to stop

The min your kids teeth come through

A year typically. Many decide to nurse to 2 or 3 and nothing wrong with that. Breastmilk or formula is to be the main source of nurtrition until age 1 :slight_smile:


I’d keep going till about 1yrs old. My first stopped on her own but she was also bottle fed with the babysitter and nursed with me. My second took long. She was exclusively breastfed for most of her life and I led the weaning starting at 2 and she was completely weaned a few months after she turned two.

When you want to stop just don’t give cow’s milk it cause so much illness. I did 15 months and I wanted to run away so do what’s best for you.

It does not matter the average age someone stops. If you want to stop then you should! I nursed all 4 of my kids and it is freaking DRAINING. I wish I would have cut myself a break and stopped when I started feeling overwhelmed by it.


it’s very common to quit at a year.

more so unlikely to nurse past 3

Breastfeeding should stop when it’s no longer enjoyable for mom and baby. Keeping in mind, a baby needs either breastmilk or formula until 12 months. The switch can be hard on their tummy causing pain and discomfort but your pediatrician will be happy to guide you through that process if you call. Does your baby know how to use a cup or a bottle? That’s another factor that you must keep in mind. I was a wic breastfeeding peer support counselor before taking a pre k teaching position if you need continued help feel free to message me.

My baby boy is 18 months right now and still going. My first was 11 months when we started swapping to milk she started weaning on her own seemed like and my supply began drying up. My second child only made it to 6 months there were extenuating circumstances as to why we had to stop so early but it was the right choice. At the end of the day there is no right set average age. Some moms start weaning them off once they begin teething because it starts becoming more difficult. Other moms have issues which require them to stop. Others still let them go until they begin to wean themselves off. There is no one way what is right for you and your baby is the right call.

7 month’s is a great achievement. If you feel done that’s ok.
Every women is different with different circumstances.
Some women couldn’t even breastfeed which was me I managed to express for 3 months it was alot on me mentally & physically but I’m thankful for my 3 month’s & bare minimal sleep

Everyone is different. But I went until 18 months. I would go until a year so you don’t have to buy formula