Hey mamas does anyone know of a generic version of similac alimentum?? We’re struggling a little financially and I even tried to get on wic for the formula but my bf makes to much even though he’s the only income at the moment. I did get a job that was willing to work with our schedule but I haven’t started working yet so until then we’re trying our lo on parents choice sensitive to see how he’ll do. We do have money put back for alimentum Incase he doesn’t do well on the sensitive.
Anyone have any other suggestions for formula?
I was breast feeding but couldn’t keep up with it since we had latching issues. Any help is appreciated , Thankyou💛
Call your pediatrician they might have samples
There’s not a generic on any stores. It’s an arm and a leg but the only thing our daughter can drink also.
I have wic and we are over the income base. I would definitely try again with them and I don’t honestly think they have a generic brand of this one. This is also what I daughter is on. The only bad thing is , unless they are showing blood in poo they will try to change it on baby at 6 months
Tell the babys pediatrician you’re out of formula. They should help
Ur insurance company should pay for it. Idk where u live but I live in Massachusetts and my son was on similac alimentum to and the doctor put in a prescription for it and our insurance company paid for it because wic wouldn’t cover the alimentum. But also did wic themselves tell you ur husband makes to much money for u to get wic? Because I was worried about that to and my wic office told me they don’t turn people away at all over how much income is coming into the home. But best bet call your pediatrician and see if they can help u get ur insurance company to pay for it. You’ll get a case a month through them atleast that’s what I got when my son was on it.
I’d try the parents choice one and see if it works. Also ask your pedi for samples, I’ve also heard that for some formulas you can get a rx and insurance will cover it. Also, email Similac they’ll likely send you a free sample and/or coupons
See if your pediatrician will write a script for it.
See if the pediatrician can give you a Rx for it and try for WIC to help that way. My son needed this really expensive iron supplement and the only way WIC would do it was with a Rx.
Wic refused my family to. Hubby is the only income. WIC needs to realize the Bill’s going out vs the money he gets before taxes. We are raped with taxes.
I’ve never heard of wic refusing people on income…my husband earns to much for us to get food stamps or me to get women’s Medicaid after my pregnancy and my wic has never asked about his income…
Have your doctor wright a perscription for it. Thats what i did when i couldnt get it from WIC
Sams has a great store brand for 25.00 for a big container and similar to Walmart brand
We have only used Costco Kirkland brand started at 3months now he’s 10 months and he loves it. Membership is $50 a yr but formula is $16 and I use their diapers too
not sure of off brands iv only used enfamil because my girls stomach couldnt handle the simlac or off brands.