What is the best baby stroller?

I am expecting a newborn in April and I have a 3 year old that’s about to start JK in September and iam looking to buy a stroller; not sure if I need a double or single ? My 3 year old still falls asleep and gets tired of walking ; but most double strollers hold only to 50 pounds …and recommendations?


Definitely get a sit and stand stroller

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The front of the double strollers hold up to 50 pounds but that doesn’t count the 22 pounds the top carrier supports. So if your 3 year old is over 50 pounds then I would look into a sit and stand!

Following cuz im in the same boat

I used a front pack and a single until they were a little older then did a double jogger. They seemed to be a little easier to manage with big kids. My five year old who is sixty pounds still sits in ours with his three year old bro.

We just bought a sit n stand baby trend stroller for my almost 3 year old son and baby due in April. Its bulky, but no more so than most double strollers, and he already really likes it and the “big boy” feel of the sit n stand part.


Definitely a sit and stand !


Im thinking of getting a sit and stand. I am due in april and have a 2.5 year old

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Front and back stroller

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Baby trend sit and stand stroller

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Those sit and stand ones are good.

Graco DuoGlider Click Connect Stroller, Glacier Amazon.com : Graco DuoGlider Double Stroller | Lightweight Double Stroller with Tandem Seating, Glacier : Baby

This is what I have. I have a 15mos old and a 3 year old, but got this for a newborn. Her carseat clicks in either slot and the back can lay down. Folds up and fits easily in my trunk. Holds 40lbs each. I love this, we take it everywhere.

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Sit and stand is mire better

Definitely a sit and stand!!

City select double stroller, can make it a single, double, or a sit and stand one! We got one second hand and it’s amazing!

They now have a little shelf that you can attach to a stroller…don’t know anything about it but might be something to look into.

I had a 2 yr old with a newborn. Baby got stroller, toddler was walking or on my hip while pushing stroller. She loved helping push the stroller tho so i rarely had to hold her. Its diff if dads there tho, then he got one i got the other

Don’t get side by side strollers…they don’t fit through doors very well

Get a buggy board. Lascal make them to fit nearly all strollers.

City mini gt double I use it for my 1 and 4 year olds

This is my stroller. It is a big stroller but I have room for everything. https://www.buybuybaby.com/store/product/contours-reg-options-reg-elite-tandem-stroller-in-graphite/1045693755?skuId=45693755&&mrkgcl=611&mrkgadid=3287300127&enginename=google&mcid=PS_googlepla_nonbrand_strollers_online&product_id=45693755&product_channel=online&adtype=pla&adpos=1o2&creative=263213775499&device=m&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=CjwKCAiAqaTjBRAdEiwAOdx9xrW0y0W27_xkTtYPQ8kxBzm5wsN8x-PtJT6QDZybssIB0S1Vk0ssERoC8F0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds