What is the best birth control?

I need opinions on birth control. I will NOT take the pill or the shot. I’m looking at getting an implant. Pros & cons y’all have had with one?


Following, as I just had my 3rd and want to get an implant too! I heard nexplanon was a good choice.

Lots of pounds and moody this last year was good tho also no period

I like it no worries for 3-5 years

Had my daughter in September and got it at my 6 week pp appointment, and I still love it, sometimes I even forget it’s there

Loved my IUD. I was one of the rare ones who had a six month period after implantation, but it was super easy after that. No issues or worries after that.

Gained 45 pounds in a year no matter what I did to combat it.

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I have the Nexplanon. I LOVE it. No periods, spotting for a few days, no weight gain, no mood swings.
This is my second time having it. First time was better, never had a period!

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I have nexplanon and love it…some spotting here and there

I like the patch, been using it forever.

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DONT DO IT had emergency surgery mirena migrated frew into my uterus and not sure if i can carry a baby since

I have the nexplanon going on my 6th year. Never gained weight on it periods were good not to heavy. The only thing was i lost my sex drive.

Loved my mirena for 3 years though

I didn’t get the implant in the arm but I got an iud. So far nothing bad. I was told eventually it stops your period but I still have mine. But haven’t had the iud that long.

I did the nexplanon, I gained 70 lbs and when I wanted to get it removed it turned into a minor surgery because it sunk until my muscle tissue and I lost some mobility in my hand on that arm. The doctor who implanted mine didn’t happen to mention it was his first time to implant one until after the fact… so as long as you go to someone who is more experienced you should be fine

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never had problems with the mirena

Currently have paraguard


I had it for 2 & a half years & only complaint I have is weight gain. But it worked good for me. Still had my periods every month.

Make sure to get a doctor who has put them in before, & has had good reviews.

Not neplexion. I’m gonna try the paragard

I had a lot of pain…this was years ago hopefully they have improved…had to have mine removed

Mirena worked great for me. Absolutely no issues lasted the full time did exactly what it was supposed to do and I got pregnantafter of getting it removed with no issues

I had the Mariana IUD for 2 years and recently just got it out due to it moved having horrible pains and bleeding come to find out it had broke inside me had to get it removed and currently in healing process with stitches
Everyone is different and experience different outcomes

I love my mirena. My periods are light and no mood swings.

I had the nexplanon for 3 years and had no problems with it

My daughter uses the patch.

I have Mirena and have had it since my son was 2 months old. I have had a decreased sex drive and my period went from really heavy to very light. I have had an increased appetite and I have been getting mild cramps but no overall complaints other than that.

There is a Nexplanon and implanon (old version of Nexplanon) support group on fb. A lot of women to hear from!

Me personally, I’ve had Nexplanon for just over 2 years now. It’s supposedly been approved for 4 years now, not just 3. For the first 3 months or so, I had sharp shooting pain in my arm where the Nexplanon was located, that shot down my arm. I haven’t had an actual period, but I’ve had spotting 2 or 3 times, mostly around the 3 year mark. Since the 2.5 year mark, I’ve taken pregnancy tests monthly because I have a ton of crazy pregnancy symptoms on and off. I have gained a bit of weight and have not been able to shake it. It has also worsened my depression and anxiety. I can’t wait to get it taken out.

My 20 year old got nexplanon 2 years ago. 16 year old got it a few months ago. No weight gain, no period, some spotting…

I have nexplanon and the weight gain is terrible🙄 spotting randomly is annoying. I miss my patch but it was very expensive.

I had paragard. When I got it placed initially, i had bleeding for a month straight. :confused: (2013-2014) had the nexplanon (2015-2018) severe mood swings, horrible weight gain. After it was removed, I didnt have my period for 2 months (did not have sexual relations either; hormones were dying down) and i lost 10 lbs after it was removed. Oh, and the mood swings died down alot too! Planning to have tubal ligation after this pregnancy.

Hated the arm implant, shit literally made me a raging psycho bitch. I was so happy when they took it out. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

Do not get the ESSURE implant. Research any decision you make.

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Just get your tubes tied

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I loved my Mirena had it all five years and no complications or issues. I had a light period every month but no spotting. Didn’t have much weight gain. Had no issues getting pregnant after having it removed and delivered a healthy baby girl in February.

I’m getting the arm implant next month.

Never liked mine. The patch worked wonders with me.

I’ve had the mirena for 3 years now. Love it!

I heard the implant is the same hormone as the depo shot. But I have the copper iud and I haven’t had any side effects and it works for 10 years :slightly_smiling_face:

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My aunt had the Mirena it was so far up her ribs that it almost killed there they had to do surgery and the surgery was life threatening where the Marino was at

NuvaRing is my favorite.

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Francine Morgan did you ever experience like 3 month bleeding ? I just got mine in April and had bleeding then nothing then got spotting and still going not as heavy as I’ve usually had it when I didn’t have the mirena tho which I love but this is getting annoying:/

Try holding a nickel between your knees


I thought this said onions

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Honey that’s your decision us ladies ain’t all the same we can bitch and complain what works what doesn’t just stay abstinence yea easy for me say lol

Implant depends on the woman I got it after I had my youngest ND my body couldn’t handle it

I have nexplanon. I’m regretting it. Been bleeding for months now non stop and I’m sick 24’7. I have headaches non stop.

I do NOT recommend the Nexplanon implant :-1: I had a very bad experience. After having it in for a year, the hormones ended up giving me a VERY heavy, VERY long ((32 days to be exact)) period. Worse than afterbirth bleeding. I was miserable. I had to get it taken out and then couldn’t go on another contraceptive for what seemed like forever.

Not nexplanon (implanon). I had it and bled for months at a time but a coworker had it and didn’t have any side effects.

What does this even mean?

Paraguard=copper iud, no hormones, 10 yrs. I had mine for 9 years and loved it

I just take the pill lol. Cant stand the thought of anything implanted inside of me. After this baby is born im sticking to the pill! It hasnt let me down yet

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My cousin had the one that goes in ur arm and had to have emergency surgery to get it out cause it had moved. I’ve been on the depo for since 2016 and the only complaints I have is when I’m near or running late to get another shot I blow up like a puffer fish. But I have no periods and no cramps

My sister got pregnant on it twice
My nail lady got pregnant on it and it messed with her so bad she had to do chemo

So I personally won’t do the arm implant. (Assuming that’s what you’re referring to)

I got the implant in April, i was timid about it, but I like it, it still gets itchy every now and then, and my periods were messed up at first, now I usually just spot a little but still get period cramps. It’s nice to be worry free for 3 yrs

I had the implant for a bit over 2 years. I got it because i didnt want to take the pill but it ended up causing me to bleed for 9 months straight so my doctor put me on the pill along with the inplant. After that as long as I took my pill every day it was perfectly fine. I ended up having to get it removed because i changed insurance. The doctor the new insurance gave me didnt beleve that the pill was the solution to my problem and she refused to give it to me. By the time i changed doctors again for an unknown reason it started to cause pain in my arm. Over all it wasnt horrible but bleeding the amount i did was annoying and just wasn’t worth it to me.

Love my implant. I’ve had the nexplanon for 3 years almost. No problems at all and no period. I go on the 18th to have it switched out for a new one.

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I had nexplanon and no issues it’s nice cause you dont even know its there plus no periods ,and last 3 years

I got nexplanon last week and so far i love it
My sister has it and loves it
Its good because its only 1 hormone so it shouldnt affect milk supply if youre nursing

You will probably scar from the implant and some of the side affects are more severe

Do NOT use nexplanon. They put it in me correctly I bled for 3montha straight my Dr then said to give it time. I gained 50lbs. Then when I said enough is enough a yr later my Dr went to take it out and couldnt find it! I had to go get xrays just to find out it had traveled on it’s own. I had to get it surgically removed and I’m struggling with some fertility issues because of this birth control. I got it when I was 17 and it’s still effecting me now in my 20s. I would get an IUD if anything.

Jessica Mikula a friend of mine had this, and had to have it surgically removed not long after.

I had the implant after my first ambut it didn’t agree with me i had mo this of bleeding, so had it out. After my second I thought I’d give it another try and hope it’s better, it wasn’t and it made its way out of my arm itself. But I know a few women have had it and been completely fine with it.

Amanda Michek everyone reacts differently. Mine was great

Nexplanon. I have had zero issues or side effects…this was my last try before having my tubes done. It’s been great. All other birth control makes me sick or bleed non stop.

I liked using nuvaring

I’m 2 years into my second implant. Had it once before then decided I needed a son so when the 3 years was up I waited to get the second one.
Pros: it works like a champ (I have a depo baby so if it works YAY)
And they invite u to participate in their study and pay u 10 bucks each time u complete the questionnaire which is like 4 times a year.
Cons:: U still get ur period and both times the first year my period was erratic as ever. Sometimes lasting for 3 weeks.
And I think it makes me crazy not too sure since I’ve always been crazy but my moods are def wayyyy more intense during my period…

Jessica I’ve had it for 9 months now and I’m still bleeding with major stomach cramps. I hate it and cannot wait to get it out!

Ashley really!! Dang girl get that out! I liked the mirena a lot. I have the paraguard now since I’m breastfeeding and so far I like it but havnt had a period yet

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Jessica I bled for 3 months straight after getting this in… then just spotted for a few months and now I get random outburst of huge amounts of blood with major stomach pains. I’m pretty sure it’s not normal lol… I’m going to call Dr and get this thing out. I should probably get the Mirena

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