What is the best birth control?

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The first one I had made me fat and moody, the second one I had caused a stroke. You just have to see what works for you and check ALL the side effects.

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Don’t have sex. :rofl::rofl:

No really for me it was Nexaplanon.

How are some of these people accepted in this group ?? All u scammers, F off! She is asking a question totally unrelated to your crap!!!


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Copper iud no side effects for me at all. I will say once it got to the end of its life it did cause pain with sex but I got it removed and everything was fine. Once I have my baby I plan to get back on it. It is said to last 10 years. I’d say that’s a stretch bc like I said I started having pain I was only in year 9

I loved the paragard iud. Non hormonal and worked great. But you do have a period every month

That’s between you and your doctor, Hon. I’m not a good judge. Had a pill baby and an IUD baby.

The only two that I have liked was nuva ring I can’t use it until I am done breastfeeding but when I am done I will go back. The second is the depo I don’t 100% like it because I always gain weight and get acne but I don’t have to worry about a period but do remember everyone is different I have tried every birth control and these two are the only ones that haven’t caused me to have surgery or get pregnant and miscarry or like the IUD and get stuck in one of my tunes and kill me

I’ve always been a fan of the depo shot. You take it once every 3 months and I don’t have a period on it. Only down fall I’ve found is it’s hard to lose weight on it but I haven’t gained a large amount either.

Keeping your legs closed.


Apparently Mary Cooper has all the answers to all life problems on this page… :woman_facepalming:

Not depo shot if you want more kids. I’m 41 and was on depo from 16-18 with normal periods before and I didn’t get one with depo the whole 2 years and now I’m lucky to get one every 6 months to a year. I have never been able to conceive

It’s all about trial and error. Medications can effect us all in different ways and therefore we all have different experiences. Talk to your doctor about narrowing down what options are best for you.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What is the best birth control?

This is something that differs person to person, your best bet is to speak with your OB about options and get a list of side effects of each. I, personally, have used the mini pill for the last 2.5 years and have no complaints with it. It’s the best option for me though because I’m still breastfeeding and I deal with chronic migraines. The lack of estrogen in it helps keep my migraines to a minimum.

Obligatory Everyone is different
I absolutely adore my IUD. Dont have to think about it except doing some simple math in Octobers to figure how long I’ve had it in. No periods. It’s the best

Everyone’s different: but for me the rod has been good. The pill made me have heavy painful periods. The rod I put on a little weight but not too bad.

I’ve had absolutely no side affects with nuva ring, and it’s working been using for 4 years now

Mirena IUD!No problems and no babies for me for 9yrs then got it out and was pregnant in 2wks.

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I have the copper iud and I just have some really mild spotting and a little heavier period. That’s it

She never said she didnt want kids right now, it could also be to regulate her cycle to have a child or relieve period pain. Just because someone wants bc doesnt mean its to avoid pregnancy :woman_facepalming:t4:

I have the nexplanon. Other than a little break through spotting…I haven’t had any issues.

Vasectomy has no side effects. :joy:


Mirena IUD has been incredible for me. Completely eliminated all menstrual pains. :raised_hands:t2:

Keep A Dime between your Knees.

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I’m on my second minera iud now. First one last thru 5 years it is amazing I only had no more than 5 periods in 2 years. Help for heavy periods and moods swings. My moods has been stable for 6 years no more bitching or craving for chocolate. I’m on newest minera iud and last 7 years. I just had it done last March 2022.

I would do a bunch of research before you choose. Find out all the side effects as some are not really talked about(stroke). Then talk to your gynecologist and decide which one would be the best for you.

Best birth control is waking up at 4am for the past 9 months and not having a full night sleep.

According to alot of people on social media, abortion lol

I mean your body is your own body :woman_shrugging: you’ll have to possibly trial and error until you find the right one. I has nexplanon twice. First one periods every 3 months. Heavy, long, cramps. Second one same thing first year. 2nd year a period a month with spotting. 3rd year two full blown periods lasting a week each. Couldn’t wait to get it out of my arm.
I’m on a 3 month BC pill pack now. My period comes every 3 months, same time each time. Super light and short

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The copper IUD is hormone free but not suited if you have heavy painful periods, I can’t take birth control it trashes my mental health so I track my cycle and use protection.

Abstinence with a good quality accessory in your nightstand drawer is the best birth control😁

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There isn’t, honestly😔 hormones always come with side effects.
I was on Junel, and the side effects weren’t too bad, but definitely still there.
No weight gain, but pretty much every other symptom

I have a kyleena IUD and haven’t gained weight. I suffer from depression and anxiety as it is so idk about that part. The kyleena is low hormone and I never know it’s there or think about it

None. Everyone reacts differently to them. :frowning:


There aren’t any, and each one affects each woman individually differently. So you just have to do a process of elimination to figure out what works for you.

Nexplanon has worked great for me. And no weight gain

Being Organised. I used a Persona machine for years. You wee on a stick eight times a month and it tells you whether it’s a green Day or a red one. On red days you can use condoms or abstain. You get about seven reds a month once you’ve been using it a while and it was 95% effective. Only time I ignored it - I got pregnant :joy: but I used it for years before that.

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The only one is the non hormonal IUD.

Celibacy. No harm to your body, no weight gain, no psychological issues - complete safe and healthy. 100% gurantee of no pregnancy (no other birth control offers that), and it’s free so beyond affordable!

Pill form…Alesse worked best for me.

I have been on the nexplanon implant for almost a year now. Love the peace of mind. No weight gain. No reap side effects. I have had lighter cycles. Some months without one. Then spotting.

Happy with it overall.

none of its good for you.
i would focus on learning your body/ovulation time. or have your husband get snipped :woman_shrugging:t4:

Go with a monophasic type of birth control pill the Dr will know what you mean

So for the abstinence people, question. What about those of us that need it for reasons other than sex? Please, I would love to know. I’d love to not be on birth control. Not everyone needs it for the same reasons :roll_eyes:

I have the paraguard, it’s non hormonal IUD.

Come babysit all four of my kids together! :sweat_smile:

Honestly, I was tired of birth control. After my fourth kid (born in June) I got a tubal and no longer have to worry about getting pregnant again. Now obviously that choice isn’t for everyone. And if you want kids in the future, avoid that option. But that’s what I did and I’m glad I did.

I have used the IUD and the patch. Definitely not the IUD. But I did like the patch. You can’t use it though if you are breastfeeding.

I saw someone recommend the Junel pill and that’s what I’m on as well. On regular bc I’m an emotional mess, but I’m def not with this one. The only weight I’ve gained is because of my own eating habits (started dating someone and started eating lots of desserts :smiling_face_with_tear:), I never gained anything before I changed my eating habits. I skip my period for 3 months and it’s a lot easier on that one month I have it. I prefer it but everyone is different. Good luck!

I had the arm implant for 6 years and am now on Yaz. Both work well for me.

I had my tubes removed. Best birth control I have ever had :slight_smile:

Have u tried the patch I control my periods and I haven’t gain any weight unless I wanted to

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They all make you gain weight!!

Natural Cycles is amazing! No hormones and its so easy! You just take your temperature! Google it :blush:

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Don’t do the arm implant one, I gained almost 70 pounds on it and it caused serious problems for my health 

Nexplanon and I love it. No mood swings, no weight gain, no hair loss, no sex drive loss…

I have the arm implant. Don’t have any problems except for my period is very irregular! The arm implant doesn’t make me gain weight, but it’s super hard to lose weight on it!

I have had nexplanon for 9 years (swapping out for new every 3/4 years). after year 2, my periods went away and haven’t had one since 2016. Didn’t experience any weight gain until last year (probably has to do with me getting a job at a grocery store and constantly being around food lol🤦‍♀️). Have not had any issues with it though bc now I’m healthy vs being underweight like I was in previous years. To each their own though

I get the depo shot, it has really helped with the monthly migraines I used to get.

i have had no problems with the nexplanon, this is my 3rd time using it, first time it was removed just because we started to conceive, and 2nd because I used it for 3 years and needed to be replaced

I have the one in my arm…Nexplanon. It is the best birth control I have ever used. Everything else I had a bad reaction. I will say I have put on a little weight but it’s manageable.

I have a nexplanon (arm implant) I love it it works well I’ve never had any bad sideffects some mood swings when I first got it but that subsided after a couple months and my period is very irregular but I got it to fix my period to begin with because it was very out of whack. I’ve been using it for 7 years

I have been on the pill, depo, and had nexplanon … depo made me gain weight and have a period for 6 mo( I only did 2 cycles) telling you this bc you mentioned reactions to other . I had the nexplanon after my son was born and kept it in for 2 years and in that 2 years I got 1 week off my period . My sister got nexplanon and my mom said it made her a super b. Since I’ve had the nexplanon I can’t even take the pill anymore I had to get a tubal .

No contraceptive method causes weight gain! It is what you are eating and the amount that causes weight gain!!

The implant caused a lot of cramping, non stop bleeding for about 4 months, and overly emotional. Weight gain wasnt an issue. But many other problems cause from it. Same with my daughter

The arm implant has caused tons of weight gain. I have a few friends that have gained over 50 pounds in a year on it. I highly recommend the patch…although the IUD is recommended because there are no hormones.

I have had the one in your arm for the past 9 years I’m on my third one now can’t fault it at all

I use the patch and it works great for me I’ve even been loosing weight

I use the combination pill my prescription is Junel FE. I have not gained weight because of it and I can skip periods for 3 months at a time. This works for me because I have such heavy painful periods and this has reduced that greatly, when I have one now, it does last the normal 5 days or so, but it’s mostly spotting and WAY less cramping. I would talk to your doc about it if that’s something that interests you!

I have the arm implant, I love it. Definitely nerve wrecking for me to have it put in and replaced, but the worst “pain” is the shot of novacaine they give you but they use topical first

Most birth controls will make you gain weight it’s a natural side effect in all of them.

Abstinence or female condom

Condoms and Natural family planning.

What’s best for anyone else may not be best for you. I can’t do anything hormonal because of clot risk. My only options are paraguard iud, getting my tubes tied or NFP tracking ovulation.

I get pregnant on everything nothing worked for me whilst still awaiting my tubal ligation

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I had nexplanon after my stillborn dec 2021- may2023. I gained weight and after not having a period for a few months i started always being on a period. I would have a week at most i didnt bleed. If youve ever had the depo i was told it was the same hormones. I have scar from removal. But i feel so much better not being on it. My cousin had it and said she had a lot of hormonal issues on it. Im about 40lbs more than i normally weigh and having a hard time trying to lose it.

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I have the arm one (nexplanon). Only issue I have is irregular periods. Sometimes I go a few months without one, sometimes I get 2 in a month, sometimes I get a longer, heavier period.

I used Depo Provera. I blame it for my weight gain, as I was on it more than 14 years. I wish I never did.

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Caya, Neem, NFP with a fertility coach and papaya seeds

I had nexplanon 3 timed and loved it I didn’t have periods or any side effects but everyone is different

I did the depo shot but you can only use it for a few years

Learn your cycle, and when you ovulate so you know when to avoid those days.
The nexplanon ruined me. I had it for 6yrs, then took it out for a yr, got pregnant, did nexplanon another 3 yrs after baby and then I wanted to have a period and try to regulate myself and it hasn’t ever come back regularly, which possibly has caused my body to go into early menopause that was 3yrs ago at least since I took it out and my period is still almost non existent. The doctor said it should have came back regularly by 6 months of no BC. The time I took it out before I got pregnant, my period was heavy like it always was before nexplanon and I got pregnant 3 months after it being out. I have friends who have had similar issues.

The shot is what I have my kids on. I took the pill and it was a low harmone one.

I’ve been on the depo shot for almost 4 years for period control. It’s NOT recommended if you’d like to have children in the future as it’s only supposed to be used for 1-2 years. I just got back from my annual/depo shot appointment. We’re now discussing moving forward to sterilization because I’m 30, done having kids, and I’m starting to experience different side effects from the depo like severe mood swings (bad enough that they almost mimic BPD symptoms) and debilitating migraines about a month before I’m due for my next shot. I’ve gained about 50lbs since I’ve been on the shot, and it’s so so hard to take off. Your best bet is to talk openly and honestly to your doctor about what forms of birth control they’d recommend for you. Every woman handles contraceptives differently.

Something that’s best for me can be worst for you


Don’t do the arm one. A classmate from high school had it put back in when she could after she had her baby and died not long after.

I got pregnant with twins while having the iud