Come babysit all four of my kids together!
Honestly, I was tired of birth control. After my fourth kid (born in June) I got a tubal and no longer have to worry about getting pregnant again. Now obviously that choice isn’t for everyone. And if you want kids in the future, avoid that option. But that’s what I did and I’m glad I did.
I have used the IUD and the patch. Definitely not the IUD. But I did like the patch. You can’t use it though if you are breastfeeding.
I saw someone recommend the Junel pill and that’s what I’m on as well. On regular bc I’m an emotional mess, but I’m def not with this one. The only weight I’ve gained is because of my own eating habits (started dating someone and started eating lots of desserts ), I never gained anything before I changed my eating habits. I skip my period for 3 months and it’s a lot easier on that one month I have it. I prefer it but everyone is different. Good luck!
I had the arm implant for 6 years and am now on Yaz. Both work well for me.
I had my tubes removed. Best birth control I have ever had
Have u tried the patch I control my periods and I haven’t gain any weight unless I wanted to
They all make you gain weight!!
Natural Cycles is amazing! No hormones and its so easy! You just take your temperature! Google it
Don’t do the arm implant one, I gained almost 70 pounds on it and it caused serious problems for my health 
Nexplanon and I love it. No mood swings, no weight gain, no hair loss, no sex drive loss…
I have the arm implant. Don’t have any problems except for my period is very irregular! The arm implant doesn’t make me gain weight, but it’s super hard to lose weight on it!
I have had nexplanon for 9 years (swapping out for new every 3/4 years). after year 2, my periods went away and haven’t had one since 2016. Didn’t experience any weight gain until last year (probably has to do with me getting a job at a grocery store and constantly being around food lol🤦♀️). Have not had any issues with it though bc now I’m healthy vs being underweight like I was in previous years. To each their own though
I get the depo shot, it has really helped with the monthly migraines I used to get.
i have had no problems with the nexplanon, this is my 3rd time using it, first time it was removed just because we started to conceive, and 2nd because I used it for 3 years and needed to be replaced
I have the one in my arm…Nexplanon. It is the best birth control I have ever used. Everything else I had a bad reaction. I will say I have put on a little weight but it’s manageable.
I have a nexplanon (arm implant) I love it it works well I’ve never had any bad sideffects some mood swings when I first got it but that subsided after a couple months and my period is very irregular but I got it to fix my period to begin with because it was very out of whack. I’ve been using it for 7 years
I have been on the pill, depo, and had nexplanon … depo made me gain weight and have a period for 6 mo( I only did 2 cycles) telling you this bc you mentioned reactions to other . I had the nexplanon after my son was born and kept it in for 2 years and in that 2 years I got 1 week off my period . My sister got nexplanon and my mom said it made her a super b. Since I’ve had the nexplanon I can’t even take the pill anymore I had to get a tubal .
No contraceptive method causes weight gain! It is what you are eating and the amount that causes weight gain!!
The implant caused a lot of cramping, non stop bleeding for about 4 months, and overly emotional. Weight gain wasnt an issue. But many other problems cause from it. Same with my daughter
The arm implant has caused tons of weight gain. I have a few friends that have gained over 50 pounds in a year on it. I highly recommend the patch…although the IUD is recommended because there are no hormones.
I have had the one in your arm for the past 9 years I’m on my third one now can’t fault it at all
I use the patch and it works great for me I’ve even been loosing weight
I use the combination pill my prescription is Junel FE. I have not gained weight because of it and I can skip periods for 3 months at a time. This works for me because I have such heavy painful periods and this has reduced that greatly, when I have one now, it does last the normal 5 days or so, but it’s mostly spotting and WAY less cramping. I would talk to your doc about it if that’s something that interests you!
I have the arm implant, I love it. Definitely nerve wrecking for me to have it put in and replaced, but the worst “pain” is the shot of novacaine they give you but they use topical first
Most birth controls will make you gain weight it’s a natural side effect in all of them.
Abstinence or female condom
Condoms and Natural family planning.
What’s best for anyone else may not be best for you. I can’t do anything hormonal because of clot risk. My only options are paraguard iud, getting my tubes tied or NFP tracking ovulation.
I get pregnant on everything nothing worked for me whilst still awaiting my tubal ligation
I had nexplanon after my stillborn dec 2021- may2023. I gained weight and after not having a period for a few months i started always being on a period. I would have a week at most i didnt bleed. If youve ever had the depo i was told it was the same hormones. I have scar from removal. But i feel so much better not being on it. My cousin had it and said she had a lot of hormonal issues on it. Im about 40lbs more than i normally weigh and having a hard time trying to lose it.
I have the arm one (nexplanon). Only issue I have is irregular periods. Sometimes I go a few months without one, sometimes I get 2 in a month, sometimes I get a longer, heavier period.
I used Depo Provera. I blame it for my weight gain, as I was on it more than 14 years. I wish I never did.
Caya, Neem, NFP with a fertility coach and papaya seeds
I had nexplanon 3 timed and loved it I didn’t have periods or any side effects but everyone is different
I did the depo shot but you can only use it for a few years
Learn your cycle, and when you ovulate so you know when to avoid those days.
The nexplanon ruined me. I had it for 6yrs, then took it out for a yr, got pregnant, did nexplanon another 3 yrs after baby and then I wanted to have a period and try to regulate myself and it hasn’t ever come back regularly, which possibly has caused my body to go into early menopause that was 3yrs ago at least since I took it out and my period is still almost non existent. The doctor said it should have came back regularly by 6 months of no BC. The time I took it out before I got pregnant, my period was heavy like it always was before nexplanon and I got pregnant 3 months after it being out. I have friends who have had similar issues.
The shot is what I have my kids on. I took the pill and it was a low harmone one.
I’ve been on the depo shot for almost 4 years for period control. It’s NOT recommended if you’d like to have children in the future as it’s only supposed to be used for 1-2 years. I just got back from my annual/depo shot appointment. We’re now discussing moving forward to sterilization because I’m 30, done having kids, and I’m starting to experience different side effects from the depo like severe mood swings (bad enough that they almost mimic BPD symptoms) and debilitating migraines about a month before I’m due for my next shot. I’ve gained about 50lbs since I’ve been on the shot, and it’s so so hard to take off. Your best bet is to talk openly and honestly to your doctor about what forms of birth control they’d recommend for you. Every woman handles contraceptives differently.
Something that’s best for me can be worst for you
Don’t do the arm one. A classmate from high school had it put back in when she could after she had her baby and died not long after.
I got pregnant with twins while having the iud
I’ve been on the pill and depo and I gained weight from both and got bad spots on my face too! I last was on the depo just after I I had my youngest who’s nearly 3 then came off jt and not bene on anything since, the one I’m on now is “keep your legs closed” I’m not on anytbing but I don’t do anytbinf either so I’m 100% safe!
I refuse to go on anytbinf anymore I gained weight and I managed to loose it and get back to how I wanted to me so I don’t want it to ruin it again for me and make my confidence go again
You need a non hormonal option if you don’t want to gain weight. IUD would be the way to go, Paraguard specifically. I got my tubes removed and it was the best choice I’ve ever made for me. I reacted badly to just about every other form of birth control.
I had arm implant twice after both of my kiddos were born.I didn’t experience any weight gain from that specifically or develop health issues. Almost a year ago I switched to depo because I no longer wanted a period.
I have had nexplanon twice the Implant in your arm so 6 Yeats total I’ve never had issues period other then irregular bleeding but I love that it’s out the way
I liked the nexplanon and the mini pill. Mini pill is less effective, but I got fewer side effects from that as opposed to the combination pill. My periods were super painful and heavy on the combination pill
I have had the nexplannon twice I got it after my daughter and had it removed I think about a year later it did take us longer to get pregnant but I don’t blame the implant because my periods were never regular so I never knew when I would ovulate then I got my tubes removed after my last baby but I had some issue with very very very heavy bleeding after birth and so much pain my ob suggested I get on bc to help slow them down but since getting the nexplannon I haven’t had a period at all I get little cramps when I’m supposed to start but that’s it I love it. I only got it this time because my ob didn’t want to perform a hysterectomy on me if we could get the issue taken care of with bc. Everyone’s different so all you can do is try it and if it doesn’t work for you get it removed. It wasn’t painful to get it or have it taken out you do bruise around the insertion area but it wasn’t painful to me.
I had the arm implant and 100% regret it! I finally got it removed after 3 years bc we thought we were ready for another baby, After it was removed, it took my husband and I over 6 years to conceive again. My mood swings were horrible, my hair was falling out, my cycles were all over the place, no drive at all, definitely hated it but again everyone is different
Honestly you need to speak with an OBG/YN about this. It took me trying 4 different kinds before I got one that worked for me. I tried the IUD, twice and my body rejected them. This is a question for you and your doctor, not unqualified people on the internet.
I got pregnant with my son on the depo shot.
The implant caused me a lot of problems, surprisingly weight gain was the only thing I really didn’t deal with from it.
Nothing! I wont take any form of medication to prevent pregnancy! Read the labels, they stop u getting pregnant but cause other health issues, if u are done having babies ask your man to get the snip
None condoms and spermiside also tracking periods and ovulation
I’m getting my nexplanon removed and getting on the pill. I’m having periods 3 weeks out of 4 and so heavy I’ve become anemic. It’s different for everyone but on the pill I had no periods.
I have the depo injection
Never any pills. Pills are weak. So are patches. Most on pills have at least one baby while on them. With any birth control, you still want to use condoms if truly wanting to prevent without sterilization. Depo and IUD are the most effective. All of this came from multiple OB’s.
The arm implant is the worst of the worst.
I have Nexplanon (arm implant) and it’s no different to me aside from messing with my periods. There’s also the patch you could try. You just attach it to your stomach or an inconspicuous place and wear for x amount of time
I am on Slynd. It’s a mini pill, progesterone only. More effective than other mini pills. Absolutely no weight gain and for me, no side effects at all. Also if you do have a period while on this pill, it’s only 2-3 days. The “sugar pills” at the end that are usually 7 days, are only 4 days on here.
Nexplanon ( in the arm) works best for me
Nexplanon get mine every 3 years
I have had the nexplanon for over a year now. I love it.
I’ve had no luck with any bc. I have taken several different bc pills with tons of side effects along with bleeding. I bled for over a year straight. I then got my first iud. Hurt like no other, it was in for over a year and then rejected. It was lodged in my uterine wall and had to be removed. Obviously everyone reacts differently to different bc. I have never tried the short or the arm implant.
I have nexplantion. No issues other than occasional irregular periods. It goes in your arm for 3 years which is less invasive. Depo is a shot every 3 months but it can mess with your weight and make you gain. I got pregnant 2x on the pill.
I’m on the injection it’s every 3 months I’ve been on it for nearly 2 years haven’t had a period in those 2 years it’s give me no side affects or nothing
If your done having kids, you get tubes tied, your s/o gets the snip. Fair and double protection.
You can get hormone free copper iud. No side effects for me
I just got the iud pulled yesterday. I was bleeding daily for months and we did an ultrasound, it was stabbing me in the uterus. I’m In excruciating pain right now
I’ve had 6 iuds, all but one were fantastic. Most eliminated my period completely. I wouldn’t recommend the pill bc when I had the one iud that caused me issues removed I went on the pill. Took it religiously on time daily and within 3 months I was pregnant. However I was on the pill from age 16-24 and never got pregnant so unsure if it was the specific pill I was on or what bc it was not user error. I was not on the mini pill tho bc my dr said the failure rate is much higher than the standard pill
I am no help. My husband got a vasectomy because he didn’t want to see me have to go through the hormonal changes or get “fixed” and it was a pretty simple procedure for him. If you find one that works, let us know because there are a bunch of women that have this same question!!
If you had depo ever these votes for nexplanon its the same hormones. I bleed constantly on it. Some can have that reaction like me. Mirena IUD was awful bc of the hormones. There is an IUD i havent tried yet that has no hormones. Some say they get a heavier period but thats the only symptom ive heard. But i havent tried ot yet. I usually juat like the lo dose pill these day