What is the best birth control?

I am almost 3 months pp of my first child and I’m also taking birth control. I stopped bleeding heavily after the first few weeks and I do know birth control can cause some spotting, but I only seem to start spotting now mainly the next day after intercourse and it will last a couple days. I didn’t know if this was normal or if I need to go to doctor?? Sometimes the bleeding seems a little much for spotting but not enough to be more than just spotting (if that makes sense?)Anyone else experience this??


I’m also curious for myself

I think you really need to see a doctor just to make sure

Yes happened to me. I liked it so much I stopped taking the placebos and don’t have any bleeding during my period anymore. Maybe one day every 3 months and it isn’t even actual bleeding. Best 3 years of my life.

You haven’t healed yet , but I would definitely talk to my Dr…