What is the best birth control?

What birth control would you recommend that wont make me gain weight? I have been getting the depo shot and am gaining a ton of weight!

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I never had a problem when I was on the pill. Ortho-tri-cyclen

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Paragard non hormonal haven’t gained any weight


I never gained weight on any BC, its different for everyone.


The only birth control I’ve havent gained weight with is the pills and the Paragard IUD. I’ve tried the shot, nuvaring, the patch and nexplanon and gained weight with all of them.

I had paragaurd IUD for 8 years. Never had any weight gain while on it. I’m actually planning on having another put in.

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Birth control affects everyone differently. Just work on being more physically active and eating healthy and it should help with the gain.
Small edit:
Since I’ve had the implant (Implanon), I gained alot of weight. And I get it changed next year (lasts 3 years). But this year I really started to change my diet and be more physically active and it’s helped.


I’m gonna try the paragard after I have this baby since it’s the only non hormonal one. The only one I ever took before was pill and it made me feel miserable and ugly! And took along time to go away after i stopped!

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Depo is the WORST on weight gain. If you AREN’T breastfeeding, I highly recommend the Xulane patch. I’ve had it for 4 months now and it’s been pretty good to me.

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I’m on tricycalin. Lord I can’t spell. But you don’t gain weight

Loestrin works great for me doesn’t. Make me crazy no weight gain and my period is very light

Best discussed with your Doctor, who knows your body better than we do.

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i’m on the nexplanon and haven’t gained. it’s personally the best birth control i’ve been on. i don’t get periods anymore and i’ve had no bad effects.

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I haven’t gained weight on the pill

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Copper iud… no hormones


I have a no hormone IUD and haven’t gained any weight. I’m breastfeeding and steady losing weight. But you should discuss options with your dr. Everyone is different.

Paragard IUD it’s non hormonal

I like the patch i havent gained any weight on it

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I prefer the mirena IUD. The depo shot was horrible for me.

Another vote for the copper IUD


Nexplanon I haven’t gained weight it’s just a little harder for me to lose weight but I’ve been losing it slowly with an okay diet (haven’t kept up with exercise because of a bad knee). Everyone is different heard people of not having periods but I’ve been bleeding for a few months now it’s on and off. Best bet to consult your doctor or go to a planned parenthood

Nuva ring, haven’t gained weight used for 7 yrs


You gain weight with it if you don’t exercise

Man get off Depo if you want kids. I was on depo from 15 to 19 almost 20 and I was trying to conceive with my ex for 3 whole damn years. Still don’t have periods I’ve been off depo since November 2016.

All birth control effects everyone differently. I was on the depo for 5 years and didn’t gain or lose any weight.

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paragard no hormones=no weight gain

I used paragard and didn’t gain weight and was able to lose weight but only if I kept up with an ok diet and exercise plan. But I also had two full periods a month the entire two years I was on it.

Birth control is terrible for you! Take a Rutin supplement and track you cycle.

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They all will effect everyone different honestly talk to your doctor about what might be better it might take some trial and error but something will work for you

Nothing I have had them all. Everyone made me gain weight

The Nexplanon Is Good (Arm Implant)

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I have the copper IUD (no hormones are in it) No crazy side effects and you can’t get pregnant