Fan Question
Mommas that used formula from the start. Which formula did you use right away? I’m thinking about just doing formula this time around (I exclusively breastfeed and pumped for my first born) but it was so much stress on my body and mind idk if i can do that again. So I’m getting all my options now before baby girl gets here in just 4 short weeks. Yes I know breast is best but my sanity is best as well! Thank you !
Do what’s best for you aswel. Breast isn’t ALWAYS best. I’ve used Similac advance. But you’ll notice signs if baby needs the Similac sensitive.
I done both but he on cow and gate now x
I also use similac advance
FED IS BEST do what is best for you and I used NAN supreme after trying S26 and karicare NAN was best for my bub
Fed is best! Your mental health is important too! Don’t let people shame you, if you feel you need to use formula. I’ve been there! My boyfriend even made sure to tell the nurses at the hospital to make note that I was formula feeding and not to bother me or I would flip! Lol we used enfamil infant to start. We ended up having to switch due to an allergy. But enfamil infant neuro pro has said to be the only one that rates as the same brain development as breast feeding. At least that’s what I was told
Gerber Gentle. Closes one to breastmilk. I have a 6 week old daughter and she couldn’t handle Similac. Made her constipated and gassy. Switched her to Gerber Gentle and have had no problems.
Enfamil has a new line, called Neuro something or other. Supposed to be WAY closer to breast milk than any other formula so far
But for my girls I did Similac Sensitive. With this baby, if breast feeding/pumping doesn’t work I plan on trying the new Enfamil.
I used the Walmart brand for both my kids. It didn’t stain if they thru up and the poo smelled better than other brands. They are 19 and 16 now and are happy healthy teens. Do what’s right for you.
I did Similac advanced for all 3 of my children. Now 8,7, and 3.
The hospital gave me NAN GOLD HA
Two weeks later I changed to nan comfort as bubs got consitpated on the other
I used the Wal-Mart brand parents choice for supplement, then after 3 months used just formula. We also didn’t use WIC this time around. So it was significantly cheaper then the other brand.
We used Enfamil newborn for a bit bc the hospital gave us some (the light blue one) and then switched to Enfamil Gentle ease (the purple one).
I agree fed is best! I tried to pump and EBF and my supply just didnt keep up with her demand. I started with Enfamil Infant and she spit up almost whole bottles so we switched to Enfamil Gentlease and she was on that til she was 1. Good luck
Formula has come so far its molecules away from breastmilk and in my opinion better because you have to be a health nut for your BM to have everything your child needs with formula it’s always there and my daughter has been in the 100+ percentile since being on formula she was only 7 lbs at birth now 18 months in 3t and 34lbs shes a big healthy girl has only gotten sick once when she was 2 months old I used target brand sensitivity has everything all the other formulas have they all have to pass the same safety standards now we use next step so she is still getting her vitamins but maybe express your colostrum for the baby that’s something only mama can give
Enfamil Gentlease here too
Kaiser hospitals Use Yellow Can Newborn Enfamil for all newborns who need. I had a c section so he had more formula in the begging.
Costcos Kirkland also sells formula an it’s absolutely incredible an 20$ a can which is like 60oz vs the standard 32oz at Walmart
My first I used Emfamil and I loved it never any issues with colic or constipation. My second I am using Gerber gentle the orange container. It does cause him to have harder/more formed bowels but with him eating fruit and drinking juice and water as well it helps balance things out so dont have issues. Good luck.
I used conforts gentle. Bc Gerber good start made him conspated 24/7 and I have herd a lot of other people say that
The generic version of enfamil gentle
I tried all the expensive ones and finally tried the Gentle Walmart brand. It worked wonders and it doesn’t foam so much when you mix it.
I do the Sam’s or Walmart brand of Similac Sensitive, whichever place I’m closest to when time to buy more. She’s never had any issues and it’s much cheaper!
Gerber Gentle worked amazing for my son!
I no this feeling not wanying to brest feed i had 5 kids the last 3 i had very serious case of mastitis and it was that bad i had red bobs all down the bottem of my brest top of my tummy the last chid i had i was set on not doing it but per pursher from them midwifes went nd done it was soòoòooo painful i could of drop dead fet wosre than labor so at the end of the day do what’s best for you and your bub mum knows best no helth nurse not your friends its you sweet … xx
I had to use Enfamil GentleEase for my daughter.
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With our first we started on gerber good start and then started using the parents choice (compare to.gerver good start) and with our second we started with similac pro because thats what the doctors office gave us and now get the parents choice version. Its so much cheaper and still amazing stuff!
The hospital started my son on Similac pro advance so that’s what we’ve kept him on. It supposedly has a prebiotic previously only found in breast milk. But part of me also just didn’t want to mess with what he had already been eating since it seems to be working fine for him
We used Similac (silver lid) at first and then had to switch to Similac Sensitive (gold lid) due to his reflux and gas. After a while he was consuming so much formula that we had to switch to Parents Choice Sensitive. It’s Walmarts brand but its pretty much exactly the same for half the cost. A large tub was $19 compared to $30 or so for name brand.
I used Gerber Gentle for my girls. I stop producing milk about a month in so I used that formula for the rest of the time. They’ve never had issues on it but all babies are different.
Anytime i needed to switch my kids to formula i did similac!
Our hospital started us on similac and he stayed on it until his 1st birthday
My first son the hospital gave him similac and it made him sick so he had to use gerber gentle for colic. So this time around we’re just going ahead and starting with gerber gentle
Both of mine were on Similac advance. But my daughter had to switch to Similac Alamentum due to the advance causing her to have bad eczema it took a few months to pin point what was causing the eczema.
Breastfeeding is different for each child. I was unsuccessful with my first I got maybe 6 weeks. And hated everyday of it. But my second was different something clicked. He nursed for two and a half years. I used enfamil with my first. But dont get up it might work with this one. good luck
Fed is best!! Don’t pressure yourself into breastfeeding. I did and suffered for 4 weeks now my girl is on formula. I use karicare from birth.
Similac then Gerber good start when he got on wic.
I usually use what the hospital started with unless it didn’t work. Usually ended up with something other than what was used at the hospital though lol
I started with the similac original (blue can) after a couple weeks we switched to similac sensitive and was good there on out!
Do both I did because I wanted to breast feed but didn’t want to be tied down so I added formula and did both
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The hospital started my daughter on Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and it was amazing. We never wanted to switch our daughter because she was going great on it but it started to get so expensive we switched to Parents Choice Infant from Walmart at 4 months. My daughter didn’t even notice and is still doing great on it.
Similac advance(blue can)is what I started my son in the hospital, I also collected a bunch of it before I had my son and had few different kinds on hand incase he wasn’t able to take it. I never breastfed( never wanted too) but I think the hospital gives you a choice in which formula to choose from, at least mine did.
You shouldn’t feel bad because you want to use formula! I used whatever my kids were started on in the hospital. Call yours and see what they use.
Don’t let others coerce you into breastfeeding. Your baby, your choice.
That being said, we used gerber good start.
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Girl I feel!
I breastfed my son for the first month and it was so hard on me, I would cry while feeding and I was sad to learn I was producing enough to feed my little baby what he needed so I switched him to Enfamil Gentlease which was amazing!
We used Gerber Good Start and then switched to Similac Advance. It’s the kind in the white and blue bottle. They also make ready made to go bottles which is so convenient when you’re traveling.
Started on Similac ? Then was told to try Similac Sensitivity, now he’s on SIMILAC Alimentum RTF (he has troubles digesting powder formula aka “corn powder” as well a milk sensitivity like my first so )
it really doesn’t matter read the label theyre all the same…
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I started out on similac advanced, he is 9 months now and still on the same one
Gerber Good Start. It doesn’t stink or stain like some of the others.
Fed is best. I used similac and bought it from Costco.
I did similac sensitive with both of mine because they couldn’t handle regular formula
Enfamil/Parent’s Choice (Wal-Mart brand) gentleease. Purple can. Parent’s choice is the exact same for half the price. My littles did great on both.
I started with what the hospital gave my baby then went from there. Which I tried to breast feed with my 2nd but didn’t work. Both my children had to be put on Gentle ease so I used the Walmart brand
I used Similac. My baby has an underbite (like me lol) and natural or fake, she was struggling to latch and eat satisfyingly. We started regular Similac, after a few weeks she had lots of bumps on her face and legs, belly was hurting and had liquid poops. Switched to Similac sensitive and not as bad, stayed for a couple weeks but she was still so fussy and in pain, so we switched again to Similac isomil. Bumps went away, fussiness decreased tremendously, and she’s finally sleeping thru the night.
I wish I could have kept breastfeeding, I wasn’t ready to stop but with her not latching and my body not making the milk (she wasn’t draining the supply so my body stopped making so much) it just wasn’t meant to be.
Do your research. I came across several articles about the honest label movement I believe is what it is called listing the bad things that some big formula companies put in their formulas. Simalac was listed as one company that didn’t do that and was participating in the movement.
Of you will be using WIC. I suggest starting in what they approve. My kids did not transition well with different brands.
For all 3 of my boys when I decided to stop bf I used parents choice which is a Walmart brand. The others didnt work well with them.
Similac pro-sensitive works best for my daughter. We also use gerber soothe, she spit up too much on gerber gentle.
Fed is best breast is best is shaming mother’s who can’t breast feed or can’t spend the money on a pump. I worried too, she got about 3 months of milk before I had to switch.
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FED is best. I used the premade Similac the hospital provided for the first week or two and then switched to the powder Similac advanced. With my oldest is it was just the parents choice brand
My 16yr old went through multiple formulas and wound up on nutramigen untill 10 months, then switched to Lipil. My 15yr old started with Lipil and did good on it and stayed on it untill 1yr. My 4 yr old and 3yr old started on and stayed on Gerber Good Start until one year with no issues
I started with Similac Total Comfort when mine was 4 days old because that’s the sample we had on hand. We kept that for a couple months then switched to Enfamil Gentlease because the Similac made him extra gassy. He’s 9 months now and on the Enfamil still.
I used what they gave at the hospital which was similac advanced (blue can) with all 3…my 3rd had to be switched to the sensitive (orange can) and had no issues…although I must add with my daughter that was on the sensitive I tried parents choice that was compared to the similac sensitive and she couldn’t tolerate it
All three of my babies took well to enfamil gentle ease.
I used Similac sensitive (I had to because she had tummy problems but try the blue can first) also if you cant always afford(because let’s face it sometimes money’s tight) Similac the Walmart brand is literally the closest to it and won’t upset her tummy. It’s a good back up idea.
I used similac total comfort
A lot of hospitals use Similac advanced. We tried it with our first but found she couldn’t handle it well so we had to switch to Gerber soy. That worked great! With our second, Similac had come out with their own soy formula and we used that. With both girls I tried pumping the first few weeks, so they had that supplement as well, but the rest of the time they had formula. If you find one kind works better than another, just be careful about switching, it can really mess with the baby’s digestion.
With my daughter we did Simalic the orange one. My son we used enfamil
Started with enfamil gentle ease, had to go to enfamil nutramigen…WIC covered both had to have a script from the doctor for the nutramigen tho!
Formula for all 3 of mine…
Gerber Soothe worked best for my kids. You may have to try a few to find one that works for your baby. It took 3 kinds for #1 and then #2 it took 2.
We started with Gentlease but it turned out my son has an allergy to milk proteins. Even Nutramigen didn’t work for him so he was on EleCare. He’s now on EleCare Jr at 15mo because he still cannot have dairy. ANY formula you choose has everything needed to give proper growth, even generics.
Enfamil gentlease bc it seems all my kids will be born with sensitive stomachs and reflux
Simlac for my 2 and Gerber for my 1
Started out nursing, ended with Similac Total Comfort.
I used enfamil for my daughter, never had an issue:)
I was considering that too. I’m still ebfing but if I ever have another I’m not doing the same. I am considering breastfeeding at home but using formula when I go out and during night time so they won’t be SO attached and rely on the boob 24/7. So I would probably do a mix of both because it does take a lot out of you.
I’ve used similac pro advance on my son and twin girls, I’ve also used Walmart brand to that and Sam’s club.