What is the best double stroller?

So big news just came to my family… We’re having twins! Our first! Lol. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for the best double strollers? Also taking suggestions for ANY products moms of twins should have, but especially looking to lock down a good stroller for twins. (BTW, we live in a big city, so the smaller/more portable the better.) Thank you! #Products


Not a stroller recommendation but look into the podee hands free bottles. I imagine feeding with twins sometimes may have challenges

I always use the baby trend jogger… granted they are kinda bulky but I love the fact that they are bicycle tires and affordable with a good quality… congrats on twins…

I’ve heard a couple twin moms say Boppy Pillows are a must for feeding both at the same time…

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Baby jogger City select! It’s not wide like most double strollers and they last a long time! They are kinda pricey but you can get them used as well

We dont have twins but our girls are almost 13 months apart. Do not get the type of stroller where they sit next to eachother. Trust me getting through doors with 1 stroller is hard enough imagine 2 next to eachother. Get the one where one baby is in the front and the other in the back. We got our double stroller when the youngest was 6 months and already sitting so not sure what works for little babies. Make sure both the front and back one have cup and snack holders (especially with all the walking you will be doing you will need this lol). Make sure the stroller fits in your car. Also, my sister’s kids are 12 months apart and she has a stroller where they sit next to eachother, lord… hitting, pushing, crying, snack snatching etc. Another good reason you dont want them next to eachother😂! Congrats!!


I have a Graco Modes duo. I don’t have twins but I LOVE my double stroller.

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I have twins and we have the duo glider. We also bought the graco twin pack n play. And two bassinets that we moved around. Two swings on for bedroom and one for living room.

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Bouncers are over rated.

Join your local Moms of Multiples Group. They will be super helpful and usually sell to other MOMs. I had a Chico stroller for my carriers that was helpful when they were tiny, then used a double Schwinn Jogger which was my favorite. Fit through most doorways and not super heavy. Twin pack and play is a must.

The stroller where the car seats latch for the 1yr then a double stroller not side by side & a big diaper bag plus one for toys & snacks

I love my Graco Click Connect. Carseat snaps right into it and when they are bigger you just use it at a normal stroller up to 40lbs I thibk. Soooooo much easier. Also get Mom’s on call for a great sleep schedule. My twin boys sleep 13 hrs at night :raised_hands:

No need for a twin pack n play. Get them their own cribs. We have a joovy room2 for when we travel. I hated side by side strollers. The one where they are inline is a whole lot easier.

The Bob Duallie has saved my life- I can do anything with that stroller with ease! It’s pricey, but I used it daily and have never regretted the money! I can steer it with one hand, and it fits through a single door!

Join some mom’s of twins groups- and if you plan to breastfeed, the Le Leche League for Moms Of Multiples on FB was literally invaluable to me- I exclusively breastfed my twins until 14 months, and it’s all thanks to that group!

Good luck- twins are the best, lots of work- but the best!

Take it super easy and trust your body telling you toshow down or stop

I always use the baby trend jogger… granted they are kinda bulky but I love the fact that they are bicycle tires and affordable with a good quality… congrats on twins…

I so wish to have twins :slight_smile: congrats honey

Icandy twin pram my sister used for her twins…Very light easy to push…Its expensive so try ebay they usually have people selling them…My sister got hers on ebay…Was great with car seats and newborn ones and older seats x