What is the best sunscreen?

My 1 year old has super fair skin and burns very easily. What do I do if he will not leave a hat on? His hair is so blonde (almost white) and thin that his head gets burnt everytime we go out i the sun! Anyone else have this problem?

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I put baby sunscreen on my babies head since she barely has any hair


I put sunscreen on my kids heads. :joy:

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Put sunscreen on his head. That’s what I did with my son.

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I put sunscreen on my head especially my part

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My girls are the same way. Put sunscreen on his head . When mines hair was short I’d even put some on their scalp over their hair :joy: sounds weird but it worked lol

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Put sunscreen on even if it looks greasy hes protected

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I would put sunscreen on his head. They sell special scalp sunscreens. Also get a hat with a chin strap and keep putting it back on. Make sure he has lotion on his whole body before you go outside and keep him in a long sleeve surfshirt…he can swim in it and it dries quickly but adds an extra layer of protection.

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My kid was the same I found a hat with a chin strap she couldn’t get off lol


Use baby sunscreen. It make their hair greasy, but it’s better than burning.

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I used sunblock on my kids head. Lol.
Keep trying the hat tho.
I started to wear one and that helped my kids keep it on. :heart:

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We have the same problem. Sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat when we play outside.

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my son had the same issue we got one of the hats that had the strap on them so he couldnt take it off easily

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No judgment, but as much as they love to play outside, maybe make him stay in. Especially at certain times. My oldest is 15, and being looked over for Melanoma. Wish I paid closer attention back then!

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I just rubbed sunblock on my bald babies head when he was little

Just keep on putting the hat back on and say no when they go to take it off … he will eventually give up x