What is the best way to donate baby clothes?

What’s the best way to donate baby clothes? I want to make sure they go to the person who needs them most without costing them anything.


See if you have a pregnancy resource center in your area or a women’s shelter

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Check into fostering agencies. They take clothes to provide to families, especially in emergency fostering situations.

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Ask family members, friends and co-workers if they know of anyone in need. Someone usually knows someone or knows someone who knows someone. Also, instead of donating to like Goodwill, who resells, consider donating to women and children’s shelters and domestic violence shelters. Where I am, we have a community program called Children In Need, where people donate clothes of all sizes and then families in the community, who qualify, are provided with vouchers and allowed to shop for so many outfits and pairs of shoes for each member of the family.

I always opt for family or friends who are struggling first, then non-profit organizations. I try to avoid giving to donation centers that re-sell for profit.

Linda Ruiz Linda Ruiz for ur daughter since she lost everything

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Ask your local churches if they do a clothing drive.

Women and Children shelters
Pregnancy Center