What is the cheapest camera I can get for my sons room?

Honestly I wouldn’t get one that connects to WiFi that goes to your phone esp in the bedrooms bc they are easily hacked.

We have one by Project Nursery. We like it. Night vision, zoom, Can record and a lot of other features

Why are you buying a camera for your six year old’s room? Honest question.


I got my son a big moon night light from Amazon 2years ago and it did the trick…super bright

Well I say y so long.thats on you.u have 2 choices put him back in your bed or let him cry

Why do people think they need a camera in every room to watch their kids?

You have to be careful what camera you get make sure it’s a camera can’t be hacked.

Buy a Waze camera I got mine at Home Depot

Leave a night lite on.And for heavens sake don’t close the door.If he is scared that DEFENATLY will not help

A Beta fish tank, worked for my girls.

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They have 30 dollar ones that u can see from ur phone

I don’t trust any camera that uses WiFi or any type of internet/app based. Few years ago cases were showing up that web based cameras would get hacked and creepers were spying on people. Especially baby camera monitors and ones that u can talk into from another room. Hackers were talking to children. It creeps me out. I personally wouldn’t. Like a previous commenter said and I’ve read the idea before some where, make “sleepy sprays” and/or “monster sprays”. That’s a really good idea

Buy a night light… It’s cheaper…

Wyze on amazon is like 25$? I think. You can hear, see, talk, night vision. The monitoring app is free. You can set it to notify you when theres sound or movement. It can take small recordings when it detects these things. You can set it so it only does that certain times a day and its HD


Walkie talkies.That way he can always call you,if needed.


Pedophiles can easily hack those cameras…so many sad stories about this. I would never put one in my home. EVER.

Camera: Wansview Q3S

Night light: MAZ-TEK plugin adjustable LED

This combo keeps both of our children happy and safe in their own beds.

Please don’t put cameras. They get easy access to your children and lives /routine. Use other tactics. Pedophiles live of of these things.

Get him a stuffed animal as company

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I bought a victure baby cam on amazon for like 20 and it works really well

A night light
Soft music

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With my first born, his dad and I were separated from the beginning and his dad would cosleep with our son on his nights up until he was about 5 when I brought it up in court and he finally stopped. It bothered me so much because during the time with me he always had his own bed. He didnt have that with dad so it would mess things up when he was with me.
He didnt have his own room though until we finally got a 2 bedroom apt at age 5. We had a little bit of struggle for a super short time of having him sleep all night alone in his room. But he got over that soon, and has had his own room ever since. I blame that on cosleeping with dad all those years though, not because he didnt have his own room.

So maybe we can give the original poster mom the benefit of the doubt and say she didnt have a spare room for him to call his own, until now. But kids do deserve their own room, or shared with siblings at least, by the time theyre 5 :woman_shrugging:my opinion
if its not possible, i get it… but at 6 years old he should be well capable of understanding why he should sleep in his own bed and his own room. A camera is so not needed.

Get him a snuggle buddy Pillow Pet that lights up.

Buy a baby monitor with camera in it

I use the Wyze cams from amazon

I use a mobi cam, I have both kinds and really like them.

They got one for like 20 on Amazon just search security camera indoor

Sakaru Inaba don’t be rude.

20 bucks walmart. I have 3

Have you tried Melatonin

We have YI cameras. Got them from Amazon

YI Home they’re on amazon

YI home camara are cheap.

Vivcian 30 bucks sounds included

He should have had his own room a long time ago and hed be fine

Get a cheap $20 monitor from target or Walmart so you can talk him back to sleep, just audio, you should be fine without the camera. Also making monster spray helps. My husband used to do a nighttime ritual of spraying to keep the monsters away (or whatever he’s afraid of).

These for my room at Walmart for $89 it has like six different settings you can dim it or brighten it and it has a heater we don’t use the heater but we use this for our son and our room as a night light cuz it can dim down to almost Darkness or Brighton clear up

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Sometimes books can help with bedtime jitters! Here is a GREAT one I always recommend…

I have this camera in my living room. My oldest babysits and i wanted a way to feel safer about it. It has night cam it switches to automatically and you can speak through it. It’s amazing especially for the price!

This worked perfect with our son

I got this for my 9 yr old daughter who just got a room on her own. I loved it. Also let him try to use a weighted blanket. My daughter said it feels like i am hugging her all night.

We have an owlet that was gifted to us but before that I was looking at these.

This worked wonders for my daughter. She still uses it and is 8

I have these. Like $20 at Walmart.

I have a video monitor for my toddler son’s room. I can talk to him through it as well if needed. Your son might do better with that, knowing that Mommy is watching and can hear him if he needs you. You could even show him what it looks like on your monitor. (I’d probably recommend showing him during the day, because people’s eyes look a little creepy with the night vision when it’s dark :rofl:). I agree with trying “monster spray” as well. It can be a hard transition for everyone, but everything will work out. A sound machine with a nightlight serves the dual purpose of blocking out all the settling sounds of a house that can be scary and also helps the child to see a tad as well.

I have a Motorola camera it’s about a 100 dollars it tells you the temp in the room it plays 6 music features you can push a button and speak to him to sooth him. I love mine I’ve had it for 3 yrs my son just started sleeping back in our room he suffers from night tremors. We moved the camera to our room to watch him while we are out in the living room

Wyze cam. HD with night vision for $25. I absolutely love the 4 I have and I’ve had them over a year. There’s no extra charges after you buy it, u can watch it live from your phone. It does everything the expensive cameras do. They are rated the best and most inexpensive by all the tech magazines. Can be purchased at the Wyze.com website, Amazon and most Home Depots.

Wyze…$25 indoor from Amazon or home depot

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Wyze from home depot 25$ a camera and I have one in every room and 2 outside

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Wyze from amazon! $25 and a great camera! Use it for my infant.

Have you tried a wyze cam? I think they’re relatively inexpensive and you’re able to view on your phone.

Weighted blanket (makes you feel safe and less anxious), dim colored light (prevents scary shadows) and white noise to focus on. Have him practice focusing on each body part (including teeth to fully relax body) closing his eyes and repeating specific sounds he hears in his head (birds chirping on an app) prevents bad thoughts. And gives noise to focus on rather than wind or cars or other things that can be scary, scented monster spray

“Wyze, $20 to $30. No monthly fee and easy connect.

I made monster spray for my kids, grandkids and now doing it for the great nieces etc, it worked

Mobi baby cam is what i use https://www.amazon.com/Victure-Wireless-Security-Surveillance-Detection/dp/B07T497WZN/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=mobicam+baby+monitor&qid=1595554959&sprefix=mobica&sr=8-3

Wyze! $25ish and works great! better than my $300+ Motorola camera!

Just bought this one via Walmart: MobiCam Multi-Purpose, Wi-Fi Video Baby Monitor, Baby Monitoring System, Wi-Fi Camera for $29.95… Easy to install and works very well up till now… You can speak back to your child through the camera… :grin::ok_hand:

Wyze cameras off amazon. $25

Introducing Blink Mini – Compact indoor plug-in smart security camera, 1080 HD video, motion detection, Works with Alexa – 1 camera https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X6C9RMF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_XnrgFbVC5MMB5

If you really want a camera you could go with a waze camera they are 2 for 47 or you can purchase one online at Wyze.com for 19.99. They have sound and everything.


Hands down the best camera. It uses an app and you can see your home from anywhere! Has a 2 way audio system. I absolutely love it.

https://wyze.com/ we have these in both our boys rooms

Don’t do it, they can be hacked

Wyze camera! Love mine!