What is the earliest age you can start stage 1 baby food?

My son is 4.5 months old, has head control, and is doing okay with eating rice cereal. But it’s not really cutting it. He doesn’t really like it… what is the EARLIEST age you started stage 1 baby purée food?


I started all 3 of my kids at 4.5 months

4 months for all 3 of my kids.


4 months, they have stage 1 and up

At 4 months I started mine with maybe one can of baby food a day to get their stomachs adapted to it, then at 6 months I transitioned them to baby food/ solids full time. No issues.

They can start baby jars at 4 months c

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I started my daugher on stage 1 at 4m stage 2 at 6m then regular food she eats absolutely everything since 7m there is nothing I found she won’t eat she’s about to be 1 she’s also been on whole milk since 7m smartest baby I know besides my son which I did the same with him he’s 8

4 months per pediatrician

Every baby is different but on average its 6 months. And I feed them from the table food so they will learn to love what you cook.

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I waited with my first and it was a struggle and still is and he is 12 to eat anything but my other 4 kids I started feeding them once they sat about the 4 month mark and they are still good eaters . Purée are the best and baby rice biscuits .

My baby is 5.5 m now. I do evaluations at 4.5, 5, 5.5, and 6 months.
He liked my homemade purees at 4.5 but wasn’t ready for the spoon. So I waited. Today I gave him a bit and he liked it but mostly wanted to just spit it back out to pay. I’m going to do it again in 2 weeks and he’ll be on purees until I BLF him.

I did purees stirred in the baby rice to mix up the taste at 4 months with my son. Then I tried him on just purees around 5 and he had no issues with the spoon or texture so we continued.

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You are supposed to wait until 6 months… but i think some babies could be ready earlier than that…

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You can do purees now.if the doctor ok’s it. My son’s pediatrician ok’d it for my son at 4 months but he wasn’t ready. He cried anytime I would try to give him food until he was 6 months.

6 months. Used to be four until more and more babies had GI issues. Leaky gut syndrome is definitely real. Baby shouldn’t have anything but formula or breastmilk until 6 months. Not even baby cereal or you’re risking GI issues

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Honestly, it’s /technically/ 6 months- that’s when I’ve always done it- but many do start as early as 4

once mine started with pablum I started making my own baby food with a blender. My 3rd was allergic to MSG. So I had no choice after that. besides you already cooked supper just a tiny bit of 1 item for a few days to test for allergies. Judge for yourself but fresh made is better than jarred junk with additives

Baby led weaning can start at 4 months
I never used baby food. I fed mine what I ate. Eggs. Mashed potatoes. Mac and cheese as early as three-four months.

What do you think people did before baby food was invented


6 months, anyone who tells you earlier is lying


It’s ABSOLUTELY 4 months. I don’t care what these other people say. Anyone saying something other then 4 months is giving out false info, their opinion or they are not in the United States and have different doctor recommendations where they are from. Also, there is nothing wrong at all with baby food I fed it to 2 out of my 3 children but with my last I did baby led weaning and I truly feel like it made a huge difference with the babies not liking certain textures. For example after eating baby food (purées) I had a hard time getting the babes to eat pears because of the gritty texture. Feed the baby whatever you are eating as long as it can be smashed or cut up into tiny pieces that can be safely swallowed. My babes loved mashed potato’s. All fruits and veggies especially strawberries and bananas. Teeny tiny chunks of hot dogs, spaghetti was a huge hit or any type of pasta with tomato or Alfredo sauce. Apple sauce, cheeses, bread. Literally anything. It’s so fun to experiment. Another thing to that’s great about BLW is that they are feeding themselves and picking up those tiny pieces themselves giving them great practice with hand eye coordination where as baby food obviously has to be spoon fed by you. It’s fun to give them a spoon and fork and just let them go to town all on their own and painting their entire body with food :joy: If they get gas or some constipation don’t have a heart attack and stop giving the food just get some prune & apple baby food and also some apple, prune or pear juice. You could even give the apple, prune or pear baby food every other night as a desert and give 3 ounces of juice with dinner each night (1 1/2 ounce juice 1 1/2 ounce water) just to water down the sugarness. Babies are not as fragile as some seem to think and once they get a taste of some yummy food it’s on like donkey Kong :smiling_face:

I started mine around that time he did great.

4 months old for all 3 of my children :blush:

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I started my youngest daughter at 4 months cuz she was ready. Once your baby starts showing signs of being ready then go for it.

I started at 4 months with just a couple things. Only do one food at a time so you can make sure baby isn’t allergic

6 months with 2 and 4 months with 1. Little dude was drinking so much formula, they suggested baby food. At 6 months he was on soft table food and baby food and by 9 months he was eating what we ate for dinner.

I’m not saying it was right or wrong but my dad was secretly giving my son Gerber Pears when he was like 3 months old. We never had an issues

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Gave my babies 0 sugar yogurt at 4/4.5 months

I struggled with finding the right formula so my son wasn’t constipated or spitting up. I started baby food around 4 months especially prunes got his bowels going like they should. So every baby is different.

We started at 3 months🤷🏻‍♀️

Supposed to be 6 months. Formula or breast milk should be main “food” until baby is 1.

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We skipped the rice since it’s just a filler we did oatmeal and mashed bananas at 4 months with our first and 6 months with our second. It was when they were ready.

I did at a month but I’m old school


Back when my kids were little I feed them baby food at 2 months they did good never hurt them an store bought milk at 2 months that was years ago when we used common scent.

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We started a little at 4.5 months

Mine were all 3 months old except for meat and eggs. They started those at 6 months. Everything was Gerber goods.

Nothing before 6 months for anything but formula or Breast milk. Then do BLW So much easier and a happier, healthier child.

Months, real food, not processed.
What we ate, pureed up for them

Honestly they shouldn’t have anything other than breast milk or formula before 6 months. Also baby cereal/ rice has no nutritional value for them

Nothing ever, before 6 months.


6 months + , too early can trigger good allergies. A childs gut is not as close knit, so “leaky gut” can be an issue if introduced too early.


Five months. We skipped baby rice for allergy reasons. We had millet porridge, mashed banana, avocado etc and yoghurt. We did lumpy food as mine didn’t like purees.

They say 6 months. But by 4 months old my son wasn’t thrusting his tongue. So we did mashed potatoes and a little butter. And we tried one new food every two weeks after that.

6 months with signs of readiness with any foods.

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My daughter had tongue thrust reflex until 7.5 months. So she wasn’t ready until then. My son was ready between 5.5 and 6 months. I was going to wait until 6 months, which his pediatrician recommended for solids. He decided to steal food shortly before 6 months. He was sitting unassisted, had pincer grasp and had lost the tongue thrust reflex.
By 9 months my daughter only ate what she could feed herself. My son had a combination of purees in pouches and blw.

4-6 months depending on baby… If he eats the rice /oatmeal fine he should be OK to start… But consulting his Dr may be best as none of the internet stranger know your child

My children’s doctor approved to start my youngest at 5 months. We started baby food and she hated it so she got what ever we would eat. Veggies and fruits were mashed up. Meats and pastas went into a silicone tether thing so she could suck on it but not get any chunks that she could possibly choke on. She absolutely loved it

Purees are safe from 4 month’s according to my paediatrician. Just make sure you buy the 4month ones, or make them suuuuuper smooth if doing home made. It should barely be thicker then liquid x