What is the safest way to send photos of your kids?

I can’t think of another option to take and send photos besides texts or messenger…it’s really unavoidable today because in order to print pictures at a Walgreens or other photo place you have to upload them to the app or email them. Just monitor your iCloud and keep social media on private. You can make password protected folders on your phone to save your pictures. I understand your concerns with child trafficking. but understand that you can only take measures to hide your child so far if you want to keep and share photos with others. Traffickers try to trap and deceive victims. So just be aware of shady stuff you see online and be aware of your surroundings.
You can also try a digital camera like we’re back in 2007!

WhatsApp or email, post in registered post even better. We don’t do FB pictures as they have in their agreement that they can use any pictures you post/they own them including messenger

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The iPhone photo stream is a great way to share. Everyone needs an iPhone or iPad though.

Facebook is safe as long as you have all of your profile private & dont add random people you dont know as friends.

iPhone has a photo album that you can set up so only certain people can see. My sister who is also doesn’t want pictures of her child out on social media uses it
But yes everyone has to have a iPhone or iPad to use

I don’t mean to be rude but literally everyone post pics of their kids of all ages

Uh if you’re worried someone is going to hack your accounts or whatever, then just do it old school and send Polaroids in the mail lol, ANYTHING on your phone or computer can be hacked into, but I don’t think everyone in this world is out to get some random person, so in general you could just make your Facebook account private to where only your friends see your photos and posts? Which everyone should do anyways.

by E-mail only… thats the safest way… as you would be able to send to the respective family members you want.

When you use a fb App or messenger when you first open it you have to say that you agree to terms and conditions. In there it states you give Fb the access to your phone like photos for instance. I only use fb in a web browser.

Get them printed and post them?

If you feel comfortable sending texts and emails to friends and family and not worried about the fact that what you say may end up on social media then I’d say you’re pretty good when it comes to sending them a photo that way as well. But there is a safe way to upload photos to social media through your privacy settings you can make your profile completely private turn off your location and geo tagging, you can make sure that your albums are even safer by only allowing people on your friends list to view them you can make your profile unshareable so they can’t share your children’s photos and have somebody who’s on their page potentially see them. But honestly the likelihood of somebody taking your infant child’s photos for child pronography or sex trafficking is slim to none especially if you’re an intelligent parent and aren’t posting naked pictures of your baby online

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While there are concerns with social media and creep bc let’s be honest those two concerns will always be around. Sounds like you are in first child protective phase all first time parents go thru. It’s so hard bc you only want to protect the little life you have been blessed with but you will find your balance. There are parameters you can set to make your fb safer.
With my first I used to print up photos for grandma and give her cute little brag books to show her friends. Fast forward to 3rd child who is 3 and she recently called and told me she still had the one and only photo of our son on her fridge, it was his birth announcement!!! :rofl: you will ease into feeling safer about things, and your standards will change and relax greatly with time bc of necessity you can’t control every situation you can try but you will be miserable. it comes with time. My one regret with my first is I was always worried and guess which child is my worrier. I wished someone had told me.

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As someone who has the same concerns (I’m from South Africa), I say that you should just show your child to your family through video calls, Skype, zoom. To the people laughing, you are Class A asshats and should touch an electric fence

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We found this app. Its called family album… I got this for those pic I didnt want to post on Facebook. (Or some body didnt use Facebook?) I believe we just just now able to print them off before you couldn’t save the picture unless you screen shot.

I did the same with my daughter no social media anything can be hacked. Why not try zoom chats or send pictures in the mail. I wouldn’t take the chance with social media to many scum bags out there.

If you keep your Instagram account private and Facebook pics to friends only (assuming friends are only close family and friends) then pics is what’s needed. Pictures through anything these days can have risks but it’s low if they are private and you don’t let anyone use your account/devices. Anyways best way really is to do old school and print pictures and send through the mail !!

:roll_eyes:… rolling my eyes. They will grow up to resent you and eventually rebel! Come on!

Yes mama relax a bit.post if you want to.there are so many other things to worry about as a parent .I’ve got 5 kids.just have privicy settings if your worried and move on

We set up a WhatsApp group. We didn’t want her on FB in the early days for the same reason and even know if I mention her, I refer to her as madam.

I made a separate group for pics of my kids and only put relatives in it. You could do emails, texts, or maybe some sharing apps? Nothing is immune to hackers but are relatively safe!

Good luck. I highly doubt you’ll last long not posting.

It’s very easy to have an IG, and only allow family members you want to share pictures with allowed to see your page. Just don’t put on your info “mommy of a loving baby” or anything personal about you being a parent.

U can still use social but only allow people u want to see. U can select my family all over this what we do keep in touch.

Look on the app store. They have a few apps just for sharing baby photos with family’s

Good luck with that! You may not put her on SM but someone will. Text is fine but you not posting on sm doesn’t stop traffickers. Js

Send cards via mail and tell people not to share on social media.


Make a Facebook account for just family

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