What is your meal plan for toddlers?

What are your go to lunch, snack and breakfast choices for toddler ages

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Avocado on grain toast, banana, milk,

Chicken mayo wrap, strawberries w yoghurt,

Cheese toastie, baked beans, juice,

Corn on the cob, sausage, cheese, watermelon

Pumpkin quiche, crackers w dip, fruit,

Party pies, fruit skewers w dipping yogurt,

Half sandwiches cut in 4ths, tiny cubes of cooked meat like sausage, shredded beef, chicken or pork, cooked bits of ground beef, little bits of fish, small bites of soft cheese. Cheerios, any fruit cut small (including avocados), applesauce, oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat, barley, peas, small dice tofu cubes soaked in something they like (apple juice, soy sauce, chicken broth, ketchup), chick peas or other canned beans, cooked white or sweet potato cubes, cooked carrots cooked until soft, cut small, creamy peanut butter on a spoon to lick. Whatever you’re having, cooked until soft and/or cut small enough to prevent choking. Once there are some teeth you can expand their choices.