what is your morning routine with your kids? im tired of dealing with attiutde in the morning but they all hate mornings and i cannot wait for summer break
I wake my older 2 up 10 minutes before the bus comes, they get dressed and leave. An hour later I wake my middle 2 up 15 minutes before the bus comes and they get dressed and leave. My 5 year old watches an hour of TV and my 1 year old continues to sleep. Once she’s up we have breakfast. I still get attitude in those 25 minutes. I’d rather have those 25 minutes of attitude over 3 months of thinking 6am is a good time to wake up and scream at each other though
Following…because all I do is yell
Well my children are night owls both of them are 3 and 7. I take away any electronics turn off everything and make them go to sleep I try no later that 10pm cause any later than that and it’s straight attitude and laziness in the morning. I don’t typically have time to make breakfast in the morning because I have work so me and Dad try to have her at school by 750 to eat breakfast. Showers are at night before bed. She gets woken up about 715ish each morning. But honestly it doesn’t always work out that way she just knows better than to really push me cause she doesn’t want to lose her privileges. But overall idc about whining or none of that because I’m the boss and what I say goes n we can do this easy way or hard way
My husband wakes my oldest daughter, and my son. My son gets on the bus at 645. My oldest daughter leaves for school with My husband at 8. I wake my youngest daughter between 830 and 9 for her first 930 class.
My son is the one who is the hardest. He makes every excuse not to go. I started bribing him. He gets a pop and candy on Friday if he wasnt late to school that week.
I was cheesy before I worked nights. “Good morning to you, good morning to you, we’re all in our places with bright smiling faces, good morning to you,” and the second time around, it was, “lazy (insert name) will you get up, will you get up, will you get up? Lazy (kid) won’t you get up today?” Try your best to begin the day positive! And end it with hugs too. Be goofy. Be fun. Set your alarm earlier, so you are fully awake, instead of groggy, when they wake up.
We homeschool so we don’t need to be up super early and I’m not a morning person so we usually stay up late and sleep in ,then the kids watch cartoons. I meal prep so I get whatever breakfast ready to go then we start school when I’m good and ready no rushing over here.
I have a morning monster, I am a rough person to deal with in the morning.
My kid seems to do better, but I just give her space and about 45min to eat, get ready and get to school. She does most of it herself (7yr old)
My kids get themselves up and ready and have for years.
Kids behave how you treat them. Expect more from them and they will expect it from themselves.
I have 4 kids, only one school age. 11, 5, 2 and 6 months. We live in a really small town so theres one school K-8 and they dont start until 8:50 and we live 2 min away. So myself and my oldest wake up at 8am, get dressed, pack lunch and chill until we leave at 8:40. My 2 year old and 6 month old dont wake until at least 930 followed by my 5 year old at around 1040
I wake mine up so they usually have 50 minutes to get themselves up and ready and if they’ve got enough time they can play a game or watch tv. Works almost every morning
Kids Wake up usually around 8ish. They do their responsibilities (take out trash,laundry, feed pets, pick up house if they didn’t do it the night before) while I make breakfast. If we are going somewhere we’ll get ready but if we are just going to stay home we start out "school " around 9-10am …we homeschool. When they went to school morning were horrible, we all ended up mad at each other and it wasn’t working for us so I took them out and their behavior has improved dramatically!
I don’t get home from work until 7 am after an hour drive, I do lunches they get dressed I take them to school.
Mine lay out clothes, shoes, jackets and backpacks the night before! So it takes all the “work” out of getting ready in the morning by the plan ahead! I have 4 (2 school age) and I work early mornings! But I found when I yell it’s harder for them! So they know the routine right before bed!
I wake up brew my coffee, wake my kids up an HR early because waking them up once is not enough.
Then I braid my daughter’s hair. They give me attitude and all but I always remind them that it’s not always nice to give attitude because when you go to class you will be sad and sure enough they come back home and tell me…mommy I felt bad when was on the bus.
Usually just me trying to get my soon to be 19 y.o daughter up for school.
Every day is a nightmare for the last 6 years basically. I feel your pain
My son 10 gets woken up at 6am so he has time to wake up up, eat, get dressed, and watch TV before he leaves for the bus at 715.
My daughter 5 I wake up at 630 she gets dressed than lays in my bed til 645. Then she gets up eats, brushes teeth, does hair and make up. Then we leave by 720 for daycare.
Very rare do I have cranky kids since starting these wake up times!!
My little one hates mornings but he is such mamas boy he gets up early anyways. He knows his mama wakes up early and if he wants some Starbucks or Dunkin he better get up early.
Get then to bed early…just to read or a calm time to wind down…set out clothes the night before…know what you want for breakfast…make lunches a head of time…write them a note in their lunch bags…
12 yr old Up at 6:30 am does bed, gets ready , ,, breakfast at 7:30 chill until 8:20 bus, sometimes does some homework
I only have a 2 year old currently and my morning routine is letting her jump on my head for 20 minutes while I try to get the energy to move, a quick and easy breakfast for her and cartoons while I chug down an energy drink.
I am not a morning person and I am dreading school days.
My daughter is 6 and hates mornings. She loves to sleep. So, I wake her up as late as possible and she sleeps on the way to school. We prep everything the night before: bookbag, lunch, snack, outfit, etc so it only takes about 10 mins to get her up and out the door. Next year I will have 2 school age children so that’s when the real fun will begin because this one has insomnia and is used to just getting up and sleeping in the car.
It isn’t pretty in the morning waking up my 16 year old son. I too am so ready for summer break.
When my kids were in middle & high school they used to shower at night & sleep in their next day’s clothes so they hey could get up already dressed except for shoes so they could grab a few extra zzzs. One would nuke a frozen waffle to take to the bus stop vs. eating at home.
When my firstborn was little I’d get up @ 5, breastfeed, change his diaper & put him back to sleep. Then I’d switch the laundry, shower, put on makeup & dress except for the outer layer; I’d wear a model’s coat housecoat. Then make breakfast and/or pack the daycare bag with bottles, baby food, diapers, wipes & extra clothes if they were out. Just before leaving I’d switch the laundry again, maybe run the dishwasher, put on my work clothes & load the car.
When he was a toddler, he got breakfast at preschool, though most times he’d eat a breakfast at home first. I’d take him to my office where the little school bus would pick him up (LOVED riding the bus—his incentive for being potty trained). If I was running late and missed feeding us breakfast at home, we’d stop at Dunkin’ for donuts.
We wake up, no alarm but around 5:30-6am. He watches his shows until 7. He gets dressed, we go downstairs to figure out snack for his book bag, make sure he has drinks. And hang until 7:30 then we go outside. He gets breakfast and lunch at school.
I get my 3 up at 530, they eat and change and we leave by 6
You get woke once, you don’t get up, you go to bed a half hour earlier tonight. If they aren’t getting enough sleep, they go to bed earlier. Works wonders on getting up.
When my kids were young, I had clothes laid out the night before. We had cereal or donuts for breakfast. Backpacks were ready. All they had to do was, eat, brush teeth and hair, put on clothes and shoes, then walk to school. They weren’t crazy about getting up, but they knew I had to get up earlier than they did because I had to go to work. I didn’t get too much attitude.
Get them to bed earlier. If my kid stays up past 10 she’s miserable the next morning
Well I’m a little luck if my kids take the bus we have to get
Up no later then 6am but if I drive them we can sleep until 7:00 leave at 7:30 sometimes they just need more sleep so I let them sleep in closer to summer break and drive them to school has prices have made this harder but I still do it because if they are tired they are not learning at their full potential and their just so hard to get ready … summer break is almost here I’m not ready lol
All 4 my kids is up 530 am , ages 16, 14, 11, 5.no issues get shower hair done, ready for the day and work
I did it for 12 years then the pandemic hit and my younger kids were home and it was lovely…I enrolled them in a online public school…ARCA…its great I’ve got a morning girl who gets up and starts her work a mid day boy who wakes up and takes it easy till lunch then starts his and a night owl who does his at night…no unhappiness about school and no getting up at 5 to pack lunches and wake kids up…also my lil girl started her period in 3rd grade and that would of made her ther only girl in her class that had fo be excused to change her pad… so all in all the switch was great. There are numerous other reasons I switched but getting up and ready at the buttcrack of dawn was is something I do not miss.
Routine. Earlier implicated in their life the better. Successful mornings start w successful evening/night routine. 4 & 2 year old go to bed at 8:30p. That Bath time & story time, Melatonin Gummies help w transitioning at times, proper diet and physical activity two hours before bedtime help get them ready for bed. They are both up at 6:30am. Waken up w Warm washcloth to their face. Both go straight to go potty & then I make them breakfast usually oatmeal & fruit smoothie. Closer to 7 they are done eating & ready to brush teeth, go potty again, get dressed. By 7:15 they get their hair done… we are all out the door by 7:30am. P.s No matter if it’s summer time/holiday/etc try to always stick to a routine. Even if there is a (slight) time difference . Don’t let them go - it’ll only jack u up wen u try to re-establish routine in future.
My 6 year old is asleep by 9 and up at 7:30am everyday practically
Stay very consistent with routine. Bed on time, wake up on time. I only give mine enough time to wake up, dress, eat, brush, and get out the door. There is no time for nonsense.
Look at their bedtime and bedtime routine. My boys are 9 and 10. They go to bed at 730 no arguments. The expectation is in their room laying down lights out. My oldest I find likes to write or doodle with the light from the hallway for about 20 mins and then is asleep and my youngest is out within 10 mins. They get up at 545am and they need the rest. I tried moving their bedtime to 830 because of their age but I found they were actually asking to go to bed or if they didn’t the next morning was a FIGHT. This could be a signal they need more sleep even if they disagree their ability to not get up in the morning is telling you otherwise. I do have them get everything ready the evening before so they only have to get up and put their clothes on, brush teeth, etc. Having a ton to do and think about in the morning can be overwhelming too.
Not a morning person. But I get up at 8 my girls are up already with my mother normally I get the baby up. Get lunches made and walk the kids to school. My kids get up at 7 so they have time to wake uo and eat
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Ages: 7 &8
I wake them with enough time (30 minutes) so they can play on their switches (this was a big problem in the a.m.) and have time to wake up. Then downstairs to eat and then upstairs to wash up and get dressed. Any extra time left before leaving they can play on their games or whatever the choose. Our mornings for the most part run smooth. Everyone agrees and is on board with our morning routine.
Earlier bed time, especially for elementary age kids. I adjust bed time so that they naturally wake up at the perfect time. They get up and watch cartoons while eating breakfast, get dressed and then do their own thing until time to go. I eat breakfast, pack my sons bag, get clothes for everyone laid out, get dressed, make sure the toddler goes pee, then it’s almost time to go.
Age - 6
The secret in our house is TIME ! An hour early so that they don’t have to start moving immediately and can slug around is the key ! Before that was discovered mornings were hell now they are a breeze and I wish I would have found the key with my oldest 2 (16,19)
I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21513 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
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Early bedtime, gentle wake ups with lots of kisses and hugs about 2 hours before school starts, brekky all ready to go with a morning cartoon, I pack lunches and lay out clothes the night before so it’s as easy and calm as possible for the kids.
Wake up, brush your teeth, get dressed. Sometimes we have extra time and can spend a little time together wether it be snuggling or watching cartoons (kids are 6&8) other times when they are dressed it’s time to go. Really depends on how much they take their time or as my 6 yr old would say “I keep falling back asleep mom” as she’s brushing her teeth.
Well during the school year during the week I get up at 7am to get them (my 7 and 8 year old girls) ready for school and out the door by 8:40am for school (they started at 9am). Bedtime in the evenings on school nights by 8pm. On the weekend Bedtime by 8:30 - 9pm depending on how they were during the day. My teenage son gets himself up at 6:30am for the most part. Today was their last day of school though so I usually tell my son to go to bed by 12 - 1am and my girls I try to have in bed by 9 - 10pm at the latest.
Wake up, scream, run like maniacs to the car half dressed… breakfast in the backseat, slow down enough for her to roll out at the school and floor it to work.
My son is 6.
I wake him with enough time to play a bit.
We start the day with positive affirmations.
I say things like “today is going to be a really great day because…”
Having a good attitude is a frame of mind.
However, sometimes he’s atrocious and there’s lots of arguing and I’m trying not to lose it…
So just keep in mind, you’re not alone and not everything can be great all the time.
Tea ,meds ,and check calender for next doc app