What is your schedule like with kids?

So I’m about to have 4 kid 3 under 3 does anyone have a schedule they don’t mind sharing? My 8 year old we have half the time , then I’ll have my 7 week old nephew (we are fostering him) and then my newborn that’s due in may. Do we pencil in s*xy time? My husband and I struggle when it’s not happening. Lol


You don’t need a schedule, just a rough routine of what you do. Kiss your freedom goodbye for three years. I don’t know what you should do with your sex life, im sure you can manage to figure that out

We had 5 kids in 6 years. Routine is great for kids. Just come up with a routine and they will want to stick to it after a week.
Good luck with adult time :laughing: You will make a way…

My Kids are all school age && I also have 4. It’s much harder when they are younger… I’m not too much help :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: it does get easier tho so there is light at the end of the tunnel. :heart_hands::heart_hands: hang in there you will figure it out!

I had 4 boys 5 and under and a 9 year old daughter. Until they are older you literally sneak in any time you can even if it’s for a 5 minute go!!! You catch a moment… you take advantage of it!!!

Having an actual bedtime for your children usually allows for free time afterwards. My children have an 8:30 bedtime 365 days a year :sweat_smile: & have had that bedtime for years. Our 10 month old is also asleep by 8 pm.

You need extra help. A get away at least two hours in the week.