What kind of activity can I do with my son?

I have a 3.5 year old son and a 1.5 year old daughter. My ex and I have 60/40 custody. I have the baby for one night every two weeks extra while my son is with his dad. I want to take my son to do something just him and I since we never get time alone. Any suggestions?

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  • Check your local library for activities and story hours.
  • Chat over treats at an ice cream parlor.
  • Are there kids programs at local museums? Any children’s museums near enough?
  • Can you arrange a trip to a fire station to see a fire truck and meet a firefighter? Or a trip to a police station to meet an officer and see a patrol car? At the least they should have junior deputy badge stickers for him.
  • Make something together like cookies, a cake, finger painting, Duplo or Pla-Doh creations.
  • Hit an indoor or outdoor swimming pool with a kiddie pool area, like at a Rec Center. Or a splash pad. Use sunblock often.
  • Go to the grocery store and buy interesting foods and try them. Weird fruits (dragon fruit! Star fruit!), vegetables with dips, a new kind of (preferably at least a little healthy) snack like HipPeas, flavored popcorn, wasabi peas.

Children’s museum

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Do a craft,bake something,go on a nature walk and find some treasures,go to a park,build a garage with some cardboard boxes and a ramp and race matchbox cars, check out Pinterest…loads of ideas and crafts…….just spend one on one time with him.