What products can I use to firm breasts?

Hello, I’m a mother of 3. I’m looking for tips to firm my breast after the kids. Are there any products or anything to help with the firming?


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Welcome to the saggy boob club


Lucky you posted anon, your inbox would be blowin up with the mlm huns.


What’s always worked for me is coconut oil and continuing to take my prenatal even after delivery and such, breast naturally sag just cause of their weight and gravity, you’re still beautiful and your breasts still look great, go get you a sexy push-up that’ll make you feel good. At the end of the day your beautiful the way you are!


Push ups and pull ups will help too

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Let me know if you find out :joy: all those years of breastfeeding did a number on my sag bags


Exercise that area and dont wear a bra all the time


Unfortunately there is no way to firm breasts naturally :confused:

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Not wearing a bra so you boobs can work on holding themselves up.

I’d like to know the same thing

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Check out Truly Beauty they have a boobies an butt line an their all natural products ive been using Acia your boobies from them an ive seen results.

I wouldnt really say there are any products for firming. However building up the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and arms will reduce some sagginess due to the bigger muscles doing more work in those areas. Practicing good posture and losing weight also help. Though I wouldnt recommend weight loss unless your in a position to healthily lose weight


You can just do like some of us did and gain lots of weight…:joy::person_shrugging:


Absolutely loving Auden front closure bras. They look damn good in the right bra. And I’ve never met a dude that wouldn’t complain about getting to touch boobs.

Welcome to motherhood saggy boobs club.

Maybe look up exercises for pecs. Because building muscle under them will help perk them up.

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I’m hoping for a boob job once I’m done breastfeeding :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Just embrace the sag.


Physiologically, it will remain that way and continue to sag through the years…unless you lactate again for a new baby

I went bra less and my breasts have lifted a little bit

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You have to work out the chest muscles.


Nothing like that available sorry.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What products can I use to firm breasts?

Coconut oil! It works wonders. Use it everyday after you shower. You’ll see results in a few months.


Collagen lotion and vitamin e oil will help. Also doing exercises like push ups.


I use olive oil every night alternating with coconut oil. Works for me.


Get the bloke to massage them. :yum::face_with_hand_over_mouth::hugs::crazy_face::upside_down_face::heart_eyes::crazy_face:

There and exercise we were taught put you arms up in front of you put your palms together push and pull do it in front of a mirror so you can see it work. Invest in a great bra.

It only works while using but firming lotion over the counter works short term. For a more permanent fix there are exercises that target the chest in women

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What products can I use to firm breasts?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What products can I use to firm breasts?

I used this and it did a good job for me. I was surprised.

The machine at the gym that you pull inward with your arms- it will help strengthen and tighten the muscles, helping to lift the breasts.


I always found standing on my head put mine back where they used to be :wink: couldn’t get much done though in that position. Sorry couldn’t help myself :wink::joy:


Going bra-less helps lift breast over time

Palmers Cocoa Butter Firming Butter!

Singing. It firms up the muscles.

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Work out your arms and chest. My breast have lifted 2 inches in last year and half

If there were an answer to this question I doubt any of us would have saggy boobs. lol

Derma rolling. I’ve bought a whole set for my face and body. Kinda addicted at this point. :sweat_smile: buy hyaluronic acid with vitamin E to rub in after you roll.

Simple: Nope unless you go for implants

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No unfortunately :joy: I had saggy tits before my daughter :see_no_evil::joy: I was a size F, I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction (implants) before I fell pregnant so I’ll always have perky tits (get them done every 10 years) one thing to look on the bright side about :joy:

I use Body Boost anywhere that need tightening

I have found my breast are more perky now that I don’t wear a bra.

Boob job, nothing else will work its all false advertising…:grin::grin:

coconut :coconut: oil after every shower

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Exercise/weight training

I told my husband 2 kids 2boobs! You have three!! That’s two new boobs AND a tummy tuck!! :black_heart::joy: