What should baby wear to bed?

It’s really hot where i live and am wondering if we can go with lighter clothing. Maybe not even a onesie.


just a diaper lol, my daughter still does it some nights and she just turned 3


My kiddos slept in a diaper and shorts in case of a diaper slip or when they were in the streaking stage a onesie and shorts.

Best to dress with light top n cover with baby blanket to waist

A diaper with a thin blanket is what I did cause my son would get so hot. I know blankets are bad but he has always been a blanket baby. He is 3 and still has to have a blanket!

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A light onsie or just a diaper.

Regular baby t-shirt and diaper


A diaper is all u need

Listen, it’s YOUR baby. None of the “rules” or books, fit ALL babies. You are the mom, you can let your baby wear whatever you want it to wear. As long as the baby is comfortable, sleeping well and seems happy…do what feels good for that baby and you. Bump or kick to the curb anyone that tries to shove rules or protocol down your throat.

I always let mine sleep in little t-shirt and diaper while small during the hot time of the year. When the weather cooled off, I adjusted what they wore accordingly. When they got older, I tried to be THE MOM of the year and have mine sleep in pj’s. WHAT A LAUGH! I’d walk in to check on the boys, they would be down to their undies. My daughter would have her top and undies on. Who are we to judge what feels good to them? We have to watch how they react when they can’t talk.

If it’s that hot, just their diaper.

What do u consider hot at night? Is there a fan?

It depends on how old the baby is. And what temp. I need more info?

The legless onsie, just a diaper is fine, or diaper and a short sleeve shirt. Also go for clothing that are breathable in hot weather

Mine wears a tshirt a onesie or just a diaper

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Yup just a diaper and super light receiving blanket

If it’s hot just a diaper and a onesie. I always say do a onesie just so they dont get the diaper undone.

My baby sleeps in just a diaper!

lordy put him in a big ass coat thick pants and socks :woman_facepalming:what kind of question is this? if its hot what do u do? dress lighter right? smh :rofl:

Some people should not be able to reproduce :bangbang::thinking:

We always just did a diaper,on cooler nights a onesie or sleeper depending on the weather

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My son was 6 months old and would wake up crying and sweating at night during December. I asked the pediatrician. He said - he’s hot! Just leave him in a diaper. So I did. Happy kiddo. Slept just fine after that.


Sometimes having no clothes on will make you hotter your skin will stick vs a light Cotton shirt will allow baby’s skin to breathe and be cooler

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How this page went from nails to relationship/parenting advice


My kiddo has always run hot. He liked the night gowns when he was a wee one. Now he can’t sleep in anymore than a diaper comfortably.

A diaper is just fine! My kids used to run around in just their diapers all the time at home. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

My son always just sleeps in his diaper or single onsie

If its hot we do just a onesie, sometimes just a diaper if they are older. If the ac is on we do a thin sleep sack or sleeper.

Light cotton oncies are ideal… keeps baby cool

Just Diaper unless its extreme cold then pjs

If it’s a warm night just a diaper is fine a lot of babies get heat rash in the summer time if they got extra layers of clothes on them. During the winter time if you’re cold in home the baby’s cold so l
Footie jammies are a good deal during winter

Definitely consider getting some type of portable air conditioner to cool off the babies room a little bit… Next you be asking how to treat heat stroke. Hope it’s not to hot in there. Luck to you!

Really???,if you need a question like that answered,you don’t need a kid

Why is this stuff being posted on " Nails 2 die for???

i put my baby to bed in just a diaper all the time she’s a little hot body and hates wearing clothes to bed

Seems kind of silly to ask this in a nails group instead of a parenting group

Diaper is just fine :slight_smile:

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These questions :rofl: just wow. How old are the mothers??? 12???


you catch a cold from some one who has one not sleeping in just a diaper


Baby needs to be cool to sleep. What ever is necessary. A diaper alone.

Omg. I live where it gets hot but AC still makes it cold. I still put mine in a onsie or a pj shirt


Same as you. If the temperature in your house is too hot for you to wear pajamas it’s likely same for baby. My kids slept in loose onesies or diapers when it was super warm.

Whatever you choose.
Hot weather, nothing probably is most comfy🤔

To the op, maybe Momspace (Mom Support Group) could be a good group for you.
That being said, a diaper is fine. Some of these comments make me sad. I mean, I guess some people forget what being a new parent is like, and that just because they have ac and can afford to run it doesn’t mean everyone else does. A little less judgement and sarcasm, with more support and understanding could go a long way…


Depends on the day for us. Sometimes a onesie maybe with pants sometimes a sleeper and like last night she fell asleep after her bath doing skin to skin and we just slept like that. Each babe is different. My girl hates having any type of cover on her but also gets warm in her sleep so we try to keep the temp for her to sleep well.

Rule of thumb my worker told me if you would be to hot/cold in things then baby will be too … In the summer months here ide put baby to bed in just a diaper and a blanket and she was fine on nights where I put her in more she fuss I followed that still to this day my babys are 5 and 11 now lol even in winter I say oh today I was too hot and my kids say yes mama we were too so we dress down and always seems good :slight_smile:

When we lived in Arizona I usually just put them in a onesie and little socks if their feet were cold. If it was really hot sometimes they slept in just a diaper. Whatever helps them be comfortable.


Depends on baby. My son slept hot. We had the ac going and he was good in just a diaper or shirt. My daughter ran cold and wanted to be in fleece onsies.

A question for the questioner do you sleep naked or with anything on that will answer your question for your baby

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A baby needs on more than a diaper even in the summer maybe try a diaper and a short sleeve onsie or tshirt… do you not have AC?


Just a diaper. My girl is HOT blooded and sweats like crazy. Since she was a newborn all she sleeps in is a diaper. But now she is older she uses a blanket. We even had to put a fan in her room with the the ac going lol we live in Texas so it gets HOT are u swaddling ?

How old is baby? I’m from south Texas and it’s very hot most of the year. Maybe if he/she is newborn/ very small infant I would go with some thin cotton pants and a thin cotton short sleeve onesie. They still might get a bit cold depending on how cold you keep the AC at night. To be honest once my son got older 6 months and up I started keeping him in a onesie or just his diaper during the day. He would get hot and sweat very easily and start fussing because he was uncomfortable. He was a very chunky baby lol. He stayed cool and comfy :person_shrugging: Now he’s 2 almost 3 and he prefers to run around in his pull-up all day. All summer long when we’re out and about he wears shorts and muscle shirts. It’s all based on what works best for you mama and what baby is comfortable in.
But if you don’t have AC or having trouble with your ac and it gets hot just a diaper.

Onesie or they have short sleeve and short PJ’s


Inner wear onesie without socks

Just a diaper is fine!!!


I switched from a thin onesie to just a diaper with socks on for my baby.

Let me guess, she became a mother thanks to a stork :rofl:


A very lightweight breathable material is good, like a looser fitting t shirt with the diaper. A light blanket too, if you feel it gets too warm during the night just remove it. Babies get much cooler than adults do.
I don’t understand the rudeness of some of these comments. Were y’all not 1st time mothers or just needed answers at some point? Some new moms have absolutely no one to teach them the ropes. Maybe she’s trying the best she can to do what’s right for her child. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes before you beat them down. Says a lot about some of ya smh


My little guy hates being hot. He sometimes sleeps in just his diaper and he’s perfectly fine. You don’t catch a cold from being cold LOL.

I don’t see why you couldn’t put baby in lighter clothing… it’s just a mini person. Just do a short sleeve light material onesie if you’re worried.

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A diaper and a cotton under shirt should be find but as night falls it does get.cooler so just check on the little one before u go to bed yourself

When infants are cold stressed, they use their energy and oxygen to generate warmth. Just a one degree drop from the ideal temp, and a baby’s oxygen use can increase by 10%. I’d side with caution and at least dress the baby in a lightweight onsie. Touch their little head after a bit and see if there is a chill or sweat and adjust accordingly.


T shirt and diaper is good…:slightly_smiling_face:


Sensory development is very important for kids to run around in just a diaper when I was volunteering for family building blocks a therapeutic nursery program we had the kids in diapers so they could develop Sensory skills water table ect we did dress them for going outside tho

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A fan on low setting in the room to circulate the air, and a very lightweight sleep sack.

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Onesie with feet and a light blanket for weight.

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Whatever helps them sleep and is comfortable enough for them. If it’s a diaper so be it, if you have ac then some socks or something a little warm but not too much. I’d say start with more and take off stuff as needed to find the balance for your baby.check their hands and feet to see if they are cold or too hot

Hey! So basic rule of thumb is dress baby to moms comfort (if your hot they are hot) but then add 1 layer. So if you are sleeping naked, put baby in a onesie

My opinion is a onesie or just a diaper w/sockies. Babies are human, my ob told me if your cold or hot baby is the dame. You need a jacket or light wrap so does baby.

If you are hot, they are hot

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You can check on google what baby should wear for the temperature of the room

Whatever you like to wear when it’s hot that’s what a baby likes to wear also

I used to do the thin sleep sacks or nightgowns because even though it’s hot it may not be to an infant and I didn’t like blankets in the crib

Just a diaper
Or if you’re uncomfortable with that a light weight onesie without socks.

I always got told whatever your body is feeling your babies body is probably feeling it too but I’ve always gone with my gut you could put your baby in a long sleeve shirt but have them wear just a nappy or some shorts or the other way around have them in a tshirt but have long pants on

I think it depends a lot on the age of the baby. A newborn I would say swaddle in a light blanket in just a diaper an older baby a light onsie. When I first had mine someone told me whatever you’re wearing to bed, pajamas blanket ECT, plus one layer.

Just a nappy maybe a singlet

I always bought my kids the cheap dollartree T shirts to wear to bed… No socks and just the diaper… Sometimes when its real hot… Just the diaper

Just a diaper, why does anybody need pajamas to sleep in??

Onesie and ankle socks

Ask your pediatrician.