What should I buy for baby?

Good morning ladies! I am 2 weeks away from having my 3rd boy/3rd child. I have not done anything to prepare for this baby. As far as buying new stuff. Am I missing something or is it normal when you have multiple kids of the same gender? I feel so unprepared but also can’t think of what I may need. Any ideas?


Why buy new when you have barely used at home?, Baby won’t know or care. As long as it is clean and comfy who cares. Save the new stuff for later and spare yourself the stress of shopping. It’s a calm, loving and caring Mum baby needs.


2 girls here 15 months apart. The only new things bought other than essentials were Birthday and Christmas gifts. Hand me downs all the way as far as furniture, clothes and toys. Did buy a toddler bed for my oldest at a year old and packed away her crib for the 3 months so it didn’t seem like we were taking it away from her for her new sister. She adjusted to her big girl bed within a week.

Maybe have a look at a baby registry list? Once you see everything, it will all come back to you what you will and won’t need. You’re just having some blank brain, which is totally par for the pregnant course. No worries. You got this.

After my first. All I bought were diapers and bottles. Wipes and formula. We already hade the crib and play pen. And clothes were given to me from friends.

I had three girls. By the time I had my last all I really bought was a few outfits pj’s pacies bottles diapers already have wipes cuz I have a toddler and a new carseat… I had everything else. I wasn’t rushing to buy stuff either. Outside of that stuff I got the baby medicine cabinet. Like infant Tylenol and stuff like that… a new nose sucker.

Had 3 boys, and bought a few new clothes for them, and a few receivers…

The same as you did for the other two

Ehhh I had my 4th and I don’t think k I bought much until right before because all she would need would be the bassinet and clothes, and that was it. I got gifted the stroller, we bought the car seat I think the day before we left the hospital and installed it quick before leaving the hospital, and I bought as needed. :woman_shrugging:t2: Amazon :joy: