So I have a 7 month and I’m gonna have another one when she’s a year and two months old, she sleeps in a crib right now but that crib will be there babies after he/she is born and I was gonna get her like those big play pins they have and put a toddler bed that sits on the floor inside just so she can’t roll off the bed cause I was just gonna put a mattress in it but my question is does that osounds safe enough for a one year old? In my head is does but I wanted advice. I wanted to try to get her used to sleeping in it before the baby came but I don’t think it’s to safe to start doing right now, I think I’d rather wait until she turns one
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Do a bassinet for the new baby until the new baby is too big for it. Then the older one will be old enough for a toddler bed with bed rails. And the new baby will than go into the crib. I believe that is the safest for both babies.
Floor bed! Neither of my kids had cribs we just had floor beds. It’s very common in Montessori parenting. I loved not having a crib. Just make the room safe for her to be in alone for when she starts moving because she may get out before falling asleep or after waking up, my daughter was one of those kids so we only had stuffed animals in her room for a while.
Toddler floor bed. Only like 6 inches off the floor. Started my little when he was one and the transition went fairly smooth. He slept in a pack n play before that so probably appreciated the mattress:woozy_face:
Buy another crib or use a bassinet or pack n play for the new baby.
Get a floor bed - won’t hurt if she rolls off and she’ll be safe
I had my first 2 19 months apart. I bought another crib and wish I wouldn’t have. I should have just put a twin mattress on the floor, it still is safe and more cost effective
I would get a toddler bed now and let your little one get use to the idea. Let her nap in it during the day n see how she does. Two of mine were about the same age n this is what i did n it worked great! The toddler beds have rails and are very low to the ground. She will be fine. Mine never fell out of his or anything. I would also get a bassinet for the new baby. He/she will sleep in that for a few months. By the time you’re ready to move the new baby to the crib your daughter will hv already been in the toddler bed for a bit. Im she sure will love it!
My oldest slept in a pack’n’play from the time she was born until she was like 2. They’re safe
Put your baby in a bassinet for a few months. I’m trying to think back I think mine were in bassinets until 4-6 months. Either until they outgrew it or was too active, sitting up. That will give your toddler extra time in her crib. Then if go straight to twin. I never bothered with toddler beds. They’re just 1 more thing you have to buy & transition. You can put the mattress & box spring on the floor without a frame. If her room is safe I wouldn’t worry about gating it off. Just gate or close the door.
I wouldn’t put baby & toddler in the same room. Keep baby with you. Keep an eye on them. I have an 18 month gap. My daughter would climb in the pack n play, bouncer etc on top of baby.
Play yard my daughter is 11 mo and it’s my everything from bassinet on top removed when she out grew and she sleeps in the bottom part
A mattress on the floor is perfectly safe. We just do it on the floor then eventually move to a bedframe.
I’d get 2 cribs. Babes sleep wayyy better in a crib.
Put an actual mattress on the floor. That’s your safest bet.
I’d do two cribs… you can use them until 4 or 5 if you need to
Nothing sounds safe about this
Id buy another crib -mom of 2 under 2
I did a toddler bed with my oldest because my youngest was and had to do the crib and. With oldest in toddler bed igot bed rails if not bed rails I put pillows on floor next to bed my 2 are15 mths apart
Putting a bed in a play pen sounds extremely dangerous like a suffercation risk. My baby was in bassinet for a long time so your baby will probably
Be almost 2 and by then you can have her in a bed with a side rail.
Why would you evict her from HER crib?
Use a toddler bed with rails.
Buy another crib… they are both to young
Get a crib that comes with a toddler side. You lower the mattress and just change the bars for the toddler thing. We
Got both of
Ours off marketplace. It’s a 4in1 goes all
The way to twin headboard/footboard
I didn’t understand anything i just tried to read .it was words mashed together .
I had 2 of my kids 11 months apart. My first slept in a crib till he was 2 my second slept in a baby box/ bassinet/ pack and play till she was to big and it seem uncomfortable. Then my first went to a toddler bed and my second went to the crib till she was 2-2 1/2. Don’t put a mattress in anything that it can side around in and make it possible for the baby/toddler to get wedged in-between either straight on the floor away from the wall or in a crib or toddler bed. Never in anything it’s doesn’t snuggly fit in its very dangerous!