What should I do about my boyfriend talking to other girls?

Sounds like u already know what to u do u just want someone else to tell u to do it :no_mouth:

He doesnā€™t respect your thoughts now, he wonā€™t ever. Dead end relationship hun. So sorry

I LITERALLY dealt with the EXACT same thing for 4 years. Had to leave. He wonā€™t stop unless he wants to, and he clearly doesnā€™t want to if he keeps doing it even though it bothers you. Accept that you two shouldnā€™t be together, that thereā€™s someone else out there for you, and gtfo. Or kick him out if youā€™re the lease holder :wink: I realized I should be better, not bitter, and left. Wasnā€™t easy, but Iā€™m much better off with someone else now.

You donā€™t know what to do? How about grow a brain lol


You teach people how to treat you. Youā€™ve allowed him to disrespect you and your relationship so it will continue. Put up boundaries. Youā€™re worth more


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Good bye - donā€™t let the door slam on your butt.

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Girl you already know you should leave him!

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If heā€™s not respecting your feelings then simply leave. Obviously he doesnā€™t care how you feel about it

Sweetheart you donā€™t need no advice you need to leave you donā€™t deserve that

I wouldnā€™t tolerate this kind of behaviour. One of you has to go.

You need a new boyfriend.

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You know what you should do. If a dude ever ā€œslammedā€ anything at me he would be a :man_zombie: man.

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He has no respect for you. When you truly care for someone you also care about the condition of their soul. Men are supposed to be protectors and providers, and on an emotional front he seems to be neither. Sorry youā€™re dealing with thisā¤

If he isnā€™t making an effort to change then you need to walk away. He obviously doesnā€™t care about respecting you. once is bad enough, continuing the behavior and getting mad at you for questioning the behavior is unacceptable.

l get paid over $130 per hour working from home. l never thought Iā€™d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18666 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Cheater, cheater pumpkin eater! Byeeeeee Felicia :wave:


If he is paying for only fans heā€™s not interested in you enough to give you the respect you deserve and not pay to see other women. The right MAN will respect your feelings enough not to do that or temp the possibility of making your uncomfortable or the possibility of you leaving. My Husband also agrees with me he read your post and says heā€™s not serious about you or your feelings.


l get paid over $130 per hour working from home. l never thought Iā€™d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18666 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Two choices leave or stay and put up with his bullshit! Your choice!!

Leave him. Heā€™s not gonna change for you because he doesnā€™t want toā€¦

Well heā€™s abusive and cheating

You have two choices.

  1. Stay, let things stay the way they are and just deal with it because heā€™s made it clear that heā€™s doesnā€™t care about your feelings.

  2. Kick him to the curb and find a man that appreciates and values you.


Whatā€™s good for the goose is good for the ganderā€¦give him a dose of his own medicine :+1:t2::rofl:

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Leave heā€™s not going to stop.

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Get a different boyfriend, one that respects you and your feelings. The one you have now doesnt.

Girl, value yourself. Heā€™s not going to change. Thatā€™s so disrespectful!

Dump him get an onlyfans and make him pay you lol

Leave him he obviously doesnā€™t want you anymore because heā€™s paying other women to do stuff

Iā€™m sorry honey but you should leave him. I met my ex husband in 2012 and got married in 2015. Around the time we got married is when I met the true him. He did exactly this and much much more when I met him, throughout us dating, our engagement, after marriage and even during my pregnancy. We finally separated in 2019 and are working on a divorce now. Heā€™s still doing the same things with his new girlfriend. They donā€™t change honey. They just find someone at some point who accepts the game.

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Well thatā€™s simple leave ā€¦ he doesnā€™t respect you

For me, itā€™d be a reason to break up with him.

What is wrooooong with you girls. Leave.

Leave or keep putting up with the bulls***

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I agree with the other ladies, leave! If he respected you he wouldnā€™t be doing this, no man would. Know your worth and what you deserve and know itā€™s certainly a LOT more than this and what heā€™s giving you.


If heā€™s getting mad about it heā€™s hiding something ,if he slamming his phone down heā€™s violent becarefull


Talk to guys friend too , see how he like it

If you donā€™t like it leave

You donā€™t know what you should do?
Is this a serious question?

Leave he does not love you he just wants to process you itā€™s toxic

It doesnā€™t matter what heā€™s actually doing. The specific act is irrelevant. Heā€™s blatantly disrespecting you and your boundaries. He has found something more important to him than you and how heā€™s making you feel. Heā€™s putting looking.at other women first . So you need to decide whether you want to stay with a person who uses you , probably for s#x and finds zero value in the other parts of you like your boundaries and feelings.


Sounds like heā€™s losing interest or has already lost interest. Very big red flags and if he doesnā€™t change his ways you might want to leave before it gets even worse over time. Hoping everything works out!

Leave before youā€™re tied down to a disrespectful ahole

Leave or make him leave.

Honey. Listen to me when I tell you he wonā€™t stop. Heā€™ll get more aggressive, heā€™s already shown and proven that youā€™re not important in his life. If you were he wouldnā€™t have even been doing what heā€™s doing. You deserve better. Way better than this.

This is a definite no for me. If my husband disrespected me this way and disregarded my feelings to this extent, Iā€™d be gone. I couldnā€™t continue a relationship without trust.

Tell him that if he is going to be on OnlyFans, then so are youā€¦ Trust me hun, they donā€™t like that very much :wink: good luck


Grow a set of balls and walk away

You need to put ur foot down, and if that doesnā€™t work, leave.

Leave him, no man is just having a friendly chat with other women on snapchat. We all know what snapchat is for and if people think that others use it for any other reason, then theyā€™re naive!

He talking to other femaleā€™s he still looking if he was satisfied with you he wouldnā€™t be talking to otherā€™s safe yourself now.