What should I do about my friends wedding?

I have a friend who is Canadian and her soon to be husband is American. Part of their wedding will be in Edmonton (a dinner and reception) while the sealing, ceremony and a dinner and reception will also be in Reno. Has anyone ever had a wedding like this they attended? She doesn’t have a date set yet but plans to set it soon for sometime in the next 3 months. My son is two as of July. It would be just me with him as my plus one as my boyfriend will be unable to go with such short notice. We already have all proper documents needed for air travel but I’ve never been to Canada and no idea what to expect. I’m just wondering if I should only worry about going to the main part of the ceremony which will be in Nevada. Thanks!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I do about my friends wedding?

It’s a beautiful place to be. But you’re going to Edmonton in a few months which will mean winter so be prepared for a cold one


She is nuts if she expects you to go to both. Pick one


Usually with things like this they only expect/anticipate people to go to one and not both. Just do what you are able to. If you can go to both, awesome. If not, that’s ok. And if you can’t get the time for either don’t feel too bad.


Personally I would just go to the main part given how young your child is. I would let the bride know so she doesn’t pay for food for someone who isn’t going to be there.
This comment is based on the second part of the day being later at night :blush:


Going to one should be enough there should only be one anyway

Ask of kids are allowed first


Ask of kids are allowed first

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bring a jacket, will be real cold here in 3 months lol


Personally I love traveling so I’d go to both. If you can afford it and have the patience lol go to both. If you don’t want to do both then don’t! You’re choice.:heart:

Unless you guys are super close I would just stick with the one close to home. 


You need to go ! Canada is simply breathtaking ! It’s gorgeous and you will have a lovely time ! Please do go while you are young and able to travel . You won’t regret it ! Maybe a relative could
The baby , also !

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That seems extremely excessive to think that everyone they invite could attend all of that.


Buy a parka if you’re coming to Canada. December is very cold :cold_face: lol

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I think the reason they did events in both locations is to prevent persons from having to go out of the country. I would just worry about the US event. I’m sure she’ll understand if you don’t go up to Canada. You can also let her know how you feel a bit stressed with traveling just with you & your son out of country.


You have to do what you can afford

Just go to one, no need to go to all that expense.

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If you are not part of the wedding party then you should only go to the main ceremony and celebrations in Reno.
There is no sense in spending all that money and dragging along a 2 yr old by yourself for out of the country prewedding festivities.

I think it’s crazy to expect guests to pay for fare to Canada, unless yall are well to do financially…airfare, hotels, car rentals, personal needs such as hair stylists and such…personally; I’d just attend the Nevada ceremony :grinning: