Over the years my husband has humiliated me and made me feel so small with his flirting and messaging his mates wives calling them sexy…then my so called mates having a thing for my husband which he encourages and then them being funny with me… He made a sort of p*** video with prostitutes??? Or escorts??? keeping the video then lying about it…saying it wasn’t him but kept it hidden in a drawer…at the time we were going through some horrific problems to do with his family and had no money… He says he made that video for some dodgy man(he knew several dodgy people) to earn us some cash…as we were in a massive financial crisis while dealing with his sisters kids as well as my own 3 and had lost everything financially and also were in the middle of losing our home, Even though it was him his face his body his clothes and his voice… locking himself in our bathroom for hours and taking semi naked pics and videos of himself in the bathroom mirror and bedroom… He once joined my space looking for no strings sex and he thinks I’ve got a problem… Time to leave and call it a day I think… You know most married couples would say if I had a chance I’d marry them all over again… I can honestly say hand on hand I wouldn’t.
My kids are suffering because we are rowing every day but he doesn’t see what he’s done wrong. He says he loves me and wants to be with me but I can’t forgive him his flirty ways and things that have happened during our marriage… Its always to do with other women.
I cannot forgive him and it causes massive issues because I can’t forget what he did
Divorce him you don’t deserve this treatment by anyone let alone your husband hope you and your kids have a good future x
What in the world ? What type of question is this ? Why are you still with this person ? …
Woman, please do yourself and your children a favor and end that relationship RIGHT NOW.
The audacity, the utter disrespect he has is outstanding, and you know it. It’s time to go. It’s time to throw out the trash. And while ur at it throw out your “mates” or friends or whatever that entertain his lil games, THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS.
Any GOOD, loving, and loyal husband wouldn’t do this, Any good, loving and loyal friend wouldn’t entertain that type of interaction with your husband,
Clean up ur life and kick everybody who is not loyal to you out of it, don’t allow that behavior, not even as a joke.
You tell them leave and to take their NONSENSE with them.
Sounds like you know what you need to do
I be walk out. bec you need good people in your life . Pray that you will get all the help you need to move on with your life .
I would’ve left long ago. No sense in making the children suffer because you’re holding onto something that isn’t there. Real love. I’d focus on myself and my children first. Self love, is the best kind of love you can give yourself. I was in a short term (thankfully) abusive relationship and took a year to even love myself again for what I had endured, I thought I was at fault for it all. I went back to school, found someone (wasn’t looking) who loves me and my babies, now we’re engaged, we have a baby together and we’re buying our first home together. It doesn’t matter where you start; it matters where you’re going and to reach your goal, even if that’s just finding your happiness within yourself and if you leave, be proud of yourself because that’s the hardest part breaking the routine of being with someone. He doesn’t appreciate you from the sounds of it and he’s acting like a bachelor. Leave
Prayers for you and your family
Leave him lifes to short to be married to a miserable pos so many other men out there that wont repeatedly cheat on their spouse
Would you tell one of your children to stay in this marriage?
Your happiness matters. If you stay in this marriage you’re making a conscious decision to choose unhappiness.
Leave …you’ll be better off in every way .
People like this don’t change. Leave while you still have something left of yourself. If you keep going this way you’ll wake up one day and wonder why you wasted your life trying to make someone love you. Love yourself and leave.
That man isn’t happy with himself and is seeking outside validation. His actions are 100% about him and his insecurities. You deserve to be loved and respected.
Your the one in control and staying, it sounds like you are way overdue for a divorce for you and ur kids sake. That ain’t a good husband
Leave him. You and the kids deserve more
Get out and heal the. go find someone who deserves you.
You say your husband thinks that you have a problem…you do. It’s him. Get a lawyer and start divorce proceedings so that your problem can go away.
Sounds like you could write a book, sweetie. His lack of respect for you and your marriage is appalling. Make a plan to coparent your children with him and leave the marriage. You can forgive him but never forget, don’t carry all that disgust and disappointment inside you. Your so-called mates are NOT your mates, I’d cut them out of your life too. No matter the life situation or personal relationship, always keep in the back of your mind that this is your life too, and that you deserve respect, honesty and real love. Best of luck to you and your children.
Get rid of that pathetic sad insecure prick… go find urself a grown man who will treat u with the respect u deserve… what a vulger nasty vile cretin. Ur feelings are totally valid.
You deserve so much more
Seriously how can you ask what you should do? He sounds like a big ole POS
I think everyone would’ve left him a long time ago. . Everyone said they would leave so that’s your cue
Leave and don’t look back. He will never change. It’s all about him and no one else.
Sounds like you already know what needs to be done.
He doesn’t love you. You don’t treat people you love that way. Know your worth.
If you are on here asking what you should do… i think you know what you should do. Once a cheater always a cheater. Dont be in a marriage with a cheater.
Yea I would be gone, he is the one with the issues, definitely not you! Honestly you deserve way better, and your kids deserve a genuinely happy mother.
Leave him it wont just stop like that
I didn’t even read passed the few first sentences. Drop him and your so called friends.
I didn’t even read passed the few first sentences. Drop him and your so called friends.
I didn’t read more than the first sentence. Leave
Kick his bitt out or just live with it…u only one that can make a change
That’s not true love. Move on.
Ugh honestly I’d prob be in jail. no words
You leave. Hold your boundaries and leave.
Get off here and start packing…today!
Get rid have a life for you and your children you dont need or deserve this!!
He’s a disgusting, perverted pig and you have every right to leave.
The smartest thing you can do is get your ducks in a row so you and your kids will be financially stable maybe if you have family they can also help you and leave as soon as possible because that is way too many things to forgive I believe that respect and love come hand-in-hand
People can change if they really want to. But that’s not love and it don’t sound like he wants to change for the sake of your relationship or marriage. There comes a time when you need to just walk away.
Time to move on and be happy. Not every relationship is like this best wishes.
Leave him you will never be at peace.
I know it’s easier said than done, but it sounds to me like you should have left a long time ago
And I may be attacked for this but I feel like after you leave him he should change his ways a great deal before allowing him to see the children and I bet with the things that you have told us, you would have a leg to stand on in court I feel like if he is doing those things then he isn’t the best person to be around the children… That was seriously worry me
Agreed. Get supervised visits. Your husband sounds gross and disgusting and not a good influence for the children. Is his stupid spending why you’re always in financial straits? Do you work outside the home? With luck you can get assistance and subsidies to help you get back on your feet and out of debt. Don’t waste any more time with this loser.
Get out your lucky he didn’t give you a disease
Girl I done had to go back to the beginning and reread this whole thread:joy:
ok gimme a min or several cause this is whew chii
Why did you stay for so long
I suggest you go and get a full sti screening
if women and sex is all he wants leave with ur kids u don’t need that show him u can do bad all by urself
Take your kids and LEAVE
What a f’ing douche. Make him beg and then leave him anyway. That’s just
If he is not prepared to work on the marriage and put you and the kids first then you have to leave to protect your kids
U and your kids deserve better and I’m so sorry for how badly you must be hurting hug them babies and know better days are ahead. Get out. That man is a pig. He does not love you or he wouldn’t do you that way nor your children. I’ll pray for you.
I’d leave. If he doesn’t have eyes and feelings for you and only you, I’d say peace out buddy. You and your kids deserve better!!!