My kids are suffering because we are rowing every day but he doesn’t see what he’s done wrong. He says he loves me and wants to be with me but I can’t forgive him his flirty ways and things that have happened during our marriage… Its always to do with other women.
I cannot forgive him and it causes massive issues because I can’t forget what he did
Over the years my husband has humiliated me and made me feel so small with his flirting and messaging his mates wives calling them sexy..then my so called mates having a thing for my husband which he encourages and then them being funny with me.. He made a sort of p*** video with prostitutes??? Or escorts??? keeping the video then lying about it..saying it wasn't him but kept it hidden in a the time we were going through some horrific problems to do with his family and had no money.. He says he made that video for some dodgy man(he knew several dodgy people) to earn us some we were in a massive financial crisis while dealing with his sisters kids as well as my own 3 and had lost everything financially and also were in the middle of losing our home, Even though it was him his face his body his clothes and his voice.. locking himself in our bathroom for hours and taking semi naked pics and videos of himself in the bathroom mirror and bedroom.. He once joined my space looking for no strings sex and he thinks I've got a problem.. Time to leave and call it a day I think.. You know most married couples would say if I had a chance I'd marry them all over again.. I can honestly say hand on hand I wouldn't.
What in the world… girl leave!! Please find someone that loves you and respects you