What should I do about my relationship?

Love is not an endurance test. You don’t have to have a good reason to leave him, you can just decide and tell him to leave. His not having a place to stay or money to find one is not your fault.

You need to let him go and stop thinking about what will happen to him without you. It’ll only get worse! Speaking from experience

Only focus on your future the past is just that you learn and then move on.

He is Trouble " please :pray: :running_woman: fast as you can from him :pray:

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Find a rehab or shelter that will take him, pack his bag and then drop him off.

While you are gone, get your friends or family to have locks changed. Since he lives with you, technically you need to evict him. But hopefully he will just stay away. Either go stay with a friend for a few days, or have someone stay with you. If he shows up, call the police immediately!! They will issue a trespass warning the first time, and if he comes back, they will arrest him.

Cut off ALL communication with him after this. No calls, text or anything. Heck change your number if you can.

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It’s not your responsibility to take care of a grown man. Oh, good Lord girl! You have your own home, a good job, and are in college and you are willing to settle for him? Unbelievable!
Kick him out and tell him exactly why. Tell him that you need someone that brings you “up” in life, an equal, and that he cannot fulfill that.
If you kick him out, someone else will take him in or he can go to a shelter until he can get his shit together.
You need to be focusing on yourself and not on a man that cannot get his shit together.

Give him a week or two to move. Then you don’t have to feel guilty and you have an end date. I suggest you make him leave even if he improves during this time. Cut the losses now and move on.

He sounds a whole lot like my ex only I let him manipulate me and live off of me for 2 years. We basically started talking I liked him then he ghosted me then like 4 months later texts me out of the blue and we jumped into a relationship way too fast. He basically moved in with me without even asking like kind of manipulated his way into my house. He eventually got a job but really didn’t contribute other than food sometimes otherwise he lived off of me and I’m a single mom of 3 kids. He also didn’t have anywhere to go when I broke it off with him but I got to the point where I didn’t give a shit and knew he could find somewhere to stay. He tried to make me feel guilty about that and even though I gave him a month to figure things out but at the end of that month he hadn’t even tried so I said screw it and told him to get out. He threatened me with the squatters rights law bs. So get him out now before the law says he doesn’t have too even though it’s your house. Don’t make the same mistake I did and get out of it now. I wish I would of, biggest regret of my life honestly. He knows you’re a good person with a big heart and he is banking on that to be able to stay until he probably finds another person he can manipulate. Don’t feel bad for kicking him out don’t let him convince you to feel bad. It’s not your problem he doesn’t have a car or his own place. He’s an adult as you are it’s time he stop living off of what I’m sure you’ve worked hard to achieve. You deserve better hun and I really hope you take my advice and don’t make the same mistake I made. I wish someone would have given me this advice because it sure would of saved me a lot of stress and heartbreak. Good luck!! You can do this! :muscle::heart:

Run! Your just the supplier to him, listen to yourself. Your the catch! Your story Will end well as soon as you love yourself more. Never ever NEVER EVER chase a man.
A man that wants YOU. WILL NOT PLAY GAMES.
I hope you listen to all this advice.
Good luck!

No no no do not pursue this. :pray:t2: You deserve better.

Mamas uncut… it’s a mom group right ? This relationship drama has nothing to do with that… She doesn’t even have kids… I’m so confused by this group really Mamas Uncut

Best advise ive ever been given is take an hr and imagine ur future both with him and without him. Make the choice on which u think is better for u not anyone else because in the end ur happiness and well being is all that matters. U have to really think about it and decide how u want ur life to be.

Girl you are not his keeper, you owe him nothing,he has to be the one that wants change! You are only hurting him by not letting him go and realize it’s up to him the kind of life he has. No it’s not easy but it’s best for you and him. You want a family with someone that you want to hit you so you can tell leave?? No that’s no way to live. Run as fast as you can you can be a friend from a distance!!! But don’t put yourself in the position for it to be more!! Run

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There’s plenty of men that are single on YOUR LEVEL just waiting to find a partner. Let him go… You deserve to have standards, if they can’t meet you where you’re at in life, on to the next.

I always tell people to look at it like it’s an employee and you’re the boss.
Now you’ve outlined the job details and have expectations for what you’re investing into them.
Now…said employee…isn’t even trying to meet the expectations that were laid out… see’s messes in his area yet does nothing to try cleaning it up…is rude…disrespectful…etc…what would you do?
Keep him employed or???
Never be sorry for knowing your worth, and firing people that don’t even try to meet it. Never short change yourself.
Your man sounds SO much like my ex …
I now have me a good man. One that listens to my issues, discusses them, and then actively works at easing those issues…same as I do for him.
Good men are out there. You just got to fire a few first🤷.
Know your worth. I promise you’re worth it.


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I think deep down you know what you need to do. Give yourself permission to do it.

Honey he’s a addict , he’s going to pull you down emotionally , financially and ruin your life you deserve so much more . You both have had the same opportunities to have a good start in life look what you have accomplished already and then look at him

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Please let him go, he’s only going to bring you down to his level. Run like he**

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Yeah, I’m not going to answer this question. You already KNOW what you should do. Read what you wrote again and imagine it was a close friend or relative. What would your advice be to them? Do whatever you would recommend to them. Also, being sober since the end of 2021 really isn’t enough time. An addict will ALWAYS be an addict. HOWEVER, they can be in recovery. He has ALLEGEDLY been in recovery for less than a year but from the sounds of his erratic behavior, he’s using again. Dealing with addicts is not something I would recommend. I know a few addicts and when they’re using, I don’t deal with them AT ALL. Yeah it’s hard especially when you love/care about someone but it comes down to what is best for YOU.

I got half way and couldn’t do it. He’s not going to change. End things and move on for good.

Reread what you wrote and now imagine this was your sister or a close friend, what would you tell them?? Because girl you have the rest of your life ahead of you and if that man doesn’t give you the butterflies in your heart he’s not the one. Hope you do what’s right for you.

You are a ticket to a free place to live, will rob you blind. Drop him, never speak to him again. Ever.

Girl you’re young you have no kids and your stuff together- DO NOT LET A MAN BRING YOU DOWN- if someone in your life is bringing you down more than they meet you where you are or bring you up- then that person has to go!!! I say this with complete compassion. You’re better off to move on.

You need to not worry about him, it’s you that needs worrying about! Make him leave and don’t think twice about it! He is a true addict and he will not change unless he wants to change!

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Run as fast as you can. He is using you!!


Set up a plan to get him to move out with milestones along the way. Three weeks to three months. He needs to have contacted 6 friends, and two shelters this week about finding a place to live & get on lists or find another place to stay. The following week he has to contact the state and county about subsidized housing, food stamps, Medicaid or healthcare.gov if he doesn’t have insurance.

He can walk, take the bus or get a bicycle or scooter for transportation. How does he get to work now or does he strictly work from home? He can call vehicles for change or other charitable organizations if he still has a driver’s license (I’m guessing he has DWIs or DUIs).

Repeat after me: not my monkey, not my circus! There are systems set up to help him & he’ll be better off if he can stand on his own two feet without help or enabling from you. He told you he had nothing to offer & you wouldn’t want him. When people tell you who they are, believe them!

If he’s not gone by the deadline. Pack up his stuff, put it outside the door, change the locks. Maybe stay with someone overnight or have them stay with you so you dont cave.

There is so much wrong with what you have said…one…you do not need validation from anyone…you are making it on your own. Posting on fb probably gonna hear, leave and you deserve better… if you need to have hundreds of people telling you what you already know, I’m sorry for you…

Sounds toxic and you need to end it

Girl let him go!! His behavior most likely will get way worse. Not your problem where he goes.

Ditch him and do it soon. Honey, him not having anywhere to stay or transportation is really not your problem. If you’re seeing red flags, pay attention to them. You have intuition for a reason., trust it.

I think that by you coming here to get validation of some sort is a sign that you already know the answer. Leave him and do better! Trust me when I say that there is a man out there that is going to be completely perfect for you. Do not settle!


get rid of his ass,him hitting you won;t solve problems it will only make it worse let him go ASAP HONEY.

He is using and abusing you…kick him out


When he ghosted you ~ that was your sign of what was to come. You need to get OUT of that relationship & get him out of your home. He’s got nothing to offer you and, you may not want to hear this, but YOU’RE not good for him either at this point. You’re both just making each other more sick & upset & drawing out the worst of each other & that’s not what a HEALTHY relationship should look like. If you want to remain then get professional help/ counseling involved, otherwise, kick him out, you’re NOT his Mama.

People will bring you down faster than you can pull them up 100% of the time. I’ve been in your shoes… and looking back, I feel sad for the time in my life that I lost being miserable and crying when I didn’t deserve that. I should have focused on me. Anyway, YOU CANNOT SAVE ANYONE. They HAVE to save themselves. They will waste your time and bring you down. Not to mention your keeping him from hitting his bottom… YOUUUUU are doing him a disservice by enabling him. He could hit bottom faster and recover sooner if you stop being his mother and accepting less than you deserve.
Nobody learns from happiness. Pain is the only motivator. You don’t get a scar from being happy… you will ALWAYS remember your pain. If he has no pain… what’s he going to change for? He is on a path that he must do without you. I could continue and write you a book. I know this scenario better than I want to.
I know you will only leave when your ready… but just incase your smarter than me and take/utilize advice… leave. You will only regret staying. I promise.

Put him out, block him completely and do not rekindle any type of relationship with him.

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When you are in an abusive relationship your eyes are open wider to behavior/patterns. You already know where it’s going so get out now before he ruins you.

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Dont apologize for a lengthy post . Sometimes you just have to vent and unfortunately you have alot to vent about

Um you don’t deserve this crap.
I’m not tlaking about his past if he would be 100 clean and it’s in the past . People make mistakes and overcome them

But he just sounds toxic for you … get out now . Like you said your young still . Plenty of time to find someone who will be your perfect match


Kick him to the curb, for good! I know it’s hard, been down the same road. You deserve better.

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You should not wait for him to hit you to kick him out of your house and life.

I really do not understand , he has given you many many reasons for you to leave him and you still there .
You are not a rehabilitation center, a counselor neither a shelter .
Now your damn value and move on before is too late

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Run… just run… my ex husband is an addict, took me years to realize he would never change. Girl… run far away. No one deserves that and it doesn’t have to be just hitting to be DV. Abuse is abuse and you are worth so much more

Girl if I don’t respect yourself , don’t expect anyone to respect you.

Get him out of your house, change your locks, it’s not your problem he doesn’t have anyplace to go, you don’t deserve this kind of a relationship.

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It’s not your job to fix broken people. Don’t fall for their sob stories either. You don’t get rid of him he will never be gone and this can go on for as long as you allow it. He won’t change. Things will get worse too. You made this post and you better believe every comment coming. Don’t ignore any of these comments because it’s all true. I hope you get out. You will lose everything if you keep being with him. He is not your kid.


You are wasting your time with this looser,
Leave and find someone that with appreciate you.
He is using you kick him out


Run & don’t look back. His recovery group – if he’s even in one – would strongly advise against any new or new-ish love relationships.

From your bio info you listed, you’re stepping down…there’s nothing to miss there but hurt & heartache. Treat yourself how you deserve to be treated & don’t settle for mediocrity.


You deserve a healthy, sweet and kind person to be with. This is not that. Time to leave.

He’s a loser and will only bring you down. Kick him out and get a restraining order.

Trust your gut. I feel like you wanted validation from others for feeling how you feel about the situation. I don’t mean that to be a rude comment by any means. However, I do feel like you already know what you should do. And that is to cut ties. Like others have said, it’s not your job to fix a broken person. Yes, we want to help others but if it just keeps going downhill, you’re wasting your time. You deserve better mama.

ɪ was ᴛᴏʟᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴀᴄʜɪᴇᴠᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ ʙᴇɢɪɴs ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴄɪsɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛʀʏ. ɪɢɴᴏʀᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴏʏ sᴏ ᴍᴀɴʏ ᴏᴘᴘᴏʀᴛᴜɴɪᴛɪᴇs. ɪ’ᴍ ᴀ ᴠɪᴄᴛɪᴍ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴡᴀs ᴄᴏɴᴠɪɴᴄᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴ ᴍʀs Lisa jennifer sʜᴇ’s ᴀɴ ᴇxᴘᴇʀᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ʟᴇɢɪᴛ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ sᴏ ᴍᴀɴʏ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴛᴇsᴛɪᴍᴏɴɪᴇs ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ ᴘʟᴀᴛғᴏʀᴍ. ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ʜᴇʀ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ

Rrrrrrrruuuuuunnnnnnn‼️ You can do bad all by yourself. These mood swings are an indicator that he could be using again. Maybe this time he has learned to be sneaky. There is a reason why he has no where else to go. Everybody else fed up. He won’t learn as long as you enable him either. There’s a big chance he may be with you because he needs you and not the right reasons. Nobody needs to live feeling like they are walking on egg shells in their home especially when the other person does not even contribute. Abuse comes in many forms. While he may not have hit you be honest with yourself about mental and emotional abuse. Of course he seems better when you first take him back. That’s a manipulator’s go to. He knows what you want and just needs to do it long enough to get you on the hook. You can’t fix him or change him. Don’t let a tender heart make a hard life.


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Man you’re all over the place did he ghost you or were you dating? He was distant or smothering? He has his problems but it sounds like you got a few of your own to work out

I am a recovering pill adict. Honestly, if you want him in your life you need to be his FRIEND ONLY. He has zero concept or concern of how his actions effect anybody but himself. He only cares about not being sick. Trust me plz. It does not matter how much you love him or try to help him. Only he can fix this. I may just give one suggestion that helped me in a huge way, find a methadone or suboxin clinic. There he can ween off the pills without the painful withdrawal that keeps many addicts addicted. They also offer mandatory coumceling. He knows what a piece of crap hes become, he knows what he’s doing is wrong and hurting himself and others. He needs professional help and YOU MY Dear, deserve better. Please listen to me, I have lived it.


If he stays with u more than 3 months he can have half of everything u have…unless the law has changed

Please look after yourself first get rid. He will bring you to his level you cannot help him think of yourself. X

He is not a contributor, and he has major issues? Cut him loose.

Addicts always manipulate those around them. The use anger and guilt to control.

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I think you know the answer already, best of luck

Give him 2 options, option 1 he gets clean and he can stay sober he can continue to live with you, option 2 he doesnt get help to get sober he gets kicked out

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Why would you let anyone addict into your home it went well ar the beginning so he could get his feet through you’ll door now he has he’s changed typical GET RID OF HIM not your problem he should sort himself out Ruuuuuuun fast

You have too many expectations of this person that he’ll never fill, and a lot of problems of your own to work out. First things first, get rid of him, then work on yourself!

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No one falls in love quicker than a man that needs a place to stay. He seems like he’s trying to control you.


If he is as toxic as you say then you know you need to cut him out of your life.Don’t wait for him to hit or hurt you. That’s not healthy at all for you. Enlist the help of friends and family to support you and get him to leave with others there in case he gets volatile towards you. You have given him a few chances but it’s now time to cut loose. He so clearly is not going to change but it will perhaps escalate. Don’t be there when it does. You know all this you just need to trust your gut feeling and decide what’s right for you. The domestic violence does not need to be your story. All the best. Stay strong!

If you’re not happy you need to do what you need to do to be happy …it’s your choice

You can’t polish a turd. You’re Better Off Alone!

Get rid of that leech. He’s never going to change. What makes you have such a low opinion of yourself that you would settle for a life like that? You are going to live his low fife lifestyle,he’s never going to come up to the life you live. He has latched on to you because you have all the things he needs. A house, a car, food.He’s a looser.

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You’re not his therapist.
You have all the red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:

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Tell him to leave, he’s just using you

Ya tell him to leave you deserve way better

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Been their done that get out now and forget him being in your bed ect !! You will regret it for the rest of your life if you stay promise you :ok_hand:t2: run :triangular_flag_on_post::warning::100: seriously he’s not good for you and it will!! Get worse second anything he blames on you or makes you feel like you deserve such as being upset and crying he’s manipulating you hard !! Run !!! Seriously I wish I could tell you in person because you could see how serious I am right now this will not end well move on

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What a horrible future you will have with him. You are young--------do not WASTE your life for some one like him!!! You will live to regret it if you let him stay.

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Just get rid of him and tell him to get out!

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GIRL… GET AS FAR AWAY FROM THIS PERSON AS YOU CAN!!! Y’all are not married, so not have ANYTHING together, PLEASE, for the love of all thing, get out of this situation!!! It will NOT work out, no matter how much he guilts you!

Get rid of him fast. You deserve better

Run, he’s using you.

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Nope, get out now. Kick him to the curb. No marriage, no kids, no reason it should be anything but perfect. Don’t give boyfriend’s husband privilege.

Work with your individual therapist to resolve your codependency and establish some emotional independence. I’m sure this mess will resolve itself if you do.

You have tried to fix him but fact is you can’t. You need to scoot him out the door asap.
Your other half is looking for you. Come out of hiding and let him find you.