What should I do about my son?

My son his 15 years old now and had a always been quiet and don’t go out with his mates and that but normally a happy young man but his not been his self now for a few weeks and not talking to anyone and yes he knows when his ready to talk big or small I am there ready and waiting XXX but he has been weeks now where he would sit in his room he come down and stand there watching us all (cook or clean or chatting what ever we are doing at the time when he comes down) he don’t say a word if I take to him he just move his head to answer me and then he be gone again XXX he literally in his room from minute he wakes until he going bed his not doing anything just sitting on his bed and when gets dark he won’t be turn light on he sit in dark only thing he does is get dress and do his hair and sit there I don’t know how to get him out off it and get him to talk don’t want to push him and make it worse and I know he won’t go to doctor but I think he needs something


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I do about my son?

Clearly has depression


Definitely depression. Needs to see a Doctor.


Definitely the start of depression! Whatever you do please don’t force him to take depression medicine it can do more damage then good. I hope you figure everything out. Best of luck


push u may save his life br pushing tell him how YOU feel

Depressed more than likely. Take him to the Dr anyway. He needs a counselor. Or therapy. But I also know vitamins help. Vitamin deficiency can cause mental breakdowns. Ask his Dr to do a vitamin panel and maybe reference for a therapist.
Something traumatic has happened, I think.


I’m so sorry for your son. :cry:

These are all very, very clear signs of depression. I understand you not wanting to push him, but please do something to intervene because all of these signs of him getting more reclusive could lead to him committing suicide.

At 15 years old, he does not have fully developed emotional skills and has not fully developed the abilities to handle all of these huge emotions and thoughts he may be having.

Please try to talk to him and try to get him to talk to someone professional right away, like a counselor and/or psychiatrist (a psychiatrist will possibly try to encourage you starting him on some type of medication, so decide if that’s something you and him are okay with or against BEFORE seeing a psychiatrist).

I wish you all the best, this is not an easy thing to go through personally or to see a loved one go through. :heart:


It sounds like depression. Maybe try and take him for a lunch date with just you and him.


I do this. All I do is sit. I have no interest in anything. Just getting up feels like a chore a lot of the time. It’s depression.


I agree with everyone else that it’s depression. Maybe try getting him into therapy first and then go from there.


I was a 15 yo in the same situation. I badly wanted to tell my parents I was depressed but didn’t know how. Talk to him about mental health, even if he doesn’t say anything he is still listening. Ask if he would like you come to the doctor with him. Well done noticing and wanting to take action, that means everything. You are a wonderful mother


If it was sudden onset…it may be a trauma response followed by depression. Has something happened at school?

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Maybe ask him if he feels depressed and read about depression and what you can do. If he won’t see a doctor maybe talk about diet and exercise. These both can help. Being a teen is a daunting thing. Especially now with the pandemic and modern media pumped into them 24/7. Just getting out and joining something or volunteering as a family will make him feel better because the more you do to feel better, the better you feel.

He does go to school

Take him to see a psychiatrist so they can give him an evaluation and help diagnose him and get him the proper help and or medication if any is needed. I suffer from bipolar depression, anxiety, and ptsd. So I can’t stress this enough if your child is showing any signs of their moods fluctuating , and or decrease in productivity like you have mentioned those are signs of depression. Please talk with him try and find ways to get him to open up because sometimes we feel so alone that we forget we have people on our side, could her be experiencing stress from school or being bullied?

Keep your head up momma :purple_heart:


Give him a bible. Better yet you read with him. With God all things are possible. You and him take a walk everyday also. Get him outside


Go sit in his room and just put on a movie. Bring in some popcorn and sit there and watch it there and watch it with him. Offer him popcorn, if he says nothing just leave it at that. Shrug it off and don’t push. Ask questions about the movie if you think of any. If he doesn’t answer thats fine, just sit and act like its no big deal if you get an answer or not.

Don’t try to force him out of his room. Right now thats where he feels safe and comfortable.
Go buy him new socks and those disposable travel toothbrushes that don’t need water.
Always ALWAYS ask him if he wants to come with you to leave the house. Even just to grocery shop or sit out somewhere pretty.
Just try to be a friend. He doesn’t want to go see a doctor or anything thats gonna make him feel like somethings wrong with him. Hes just needing someone to care enough to be around him til he comes out of it even the littlest bit and he IS ready to go see a doctor.


That can be a sign of depression or a need to have a physician check him over .and possibly seek help with a psychologist. Explain that a doctor can make him feel himself again. .I truly wish you the best .🕇❤🕇

If your son is depressed…
He will talk when he wants too be careful if you decide to send him to a therapist…my son didnt say a word…

I took him out for lunch and told him i was worried about him…took a lot of time for him to open up but he did finally

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Is there someone that he is close friends with, perhaps a teacher, coach, ect. Maybe they could come and take him for a bite to eat. It’s worth a try. Prayers. :pray::pray::pray:

I don’t the same thing at that age. I was in a deep depression when my best friend died. Please get him help. It took two years for me to finally get help and it helped me work through alot of stuff. But it also made me realize that therapy can be a big help. I’m 33 and still see my therapist just to help make big decisions and get a different perspective on things. Therapy is a life saver

You need to make him talk. Find out what is going on to help him. Make sure you do something before doing nothing gets you in a place of losing him.

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These seem like very clear signs of depression. Seek help from resources in your area.

Maybe try here SAMHSA’s National Helpline | SAMHSA


This sounds like depression. I would reach out to the school counselor and have them have a word with him. Don’t let this go.

And make sure he have not been abused. Something shot him down🥲

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Get him someone to talk to…

Please do whatever it takes to save him. Push him. Get him out of his room. Get him to a therapist. Hugs, mama for you and your baby :heart::heart::heart::heart:

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I would try to get him help. A lot of people lose their life to depression.

Sounds like he is depressed

Sounds like me at 14 going through hardcore depression. I desperately needed medication and therapy but my mom refused.
I would definitely recommend getting him into his primary and possibly a psychiatrist and psychologist if you can.
Whether it’s chemical or environmental something is going on.
Best of luck to you and your son.

He needs a Dr at 15 he needs you to advocate for him what’s happening.

Sounds like social anxiety and depression. He needs confidence boosting. If he was already sort of shy and to himself, and now it’s like he’s on an island, something may have happened that hurt his self esteem when it started to increase.
These issues need med care, please take him anyway and say all this to them.
And explore some fun confidence boosting activities- sports, classes, community groups at place with kids his age that he can befriend.


Definitely don’t leave him along long at all! Depression kills and it literally only takes a few mins… My first hubs committed suicide 2007. He suffered with bipolar disorder & depression for years… Definitely talk to your son’s doctor and your son about this. There is a ton of info out there how to talk too & ask these kinds of questions to your teen. Good luck mama!! Your instincts are right!! You’ve got this!!


This surely isn’t meant to be all one sentence. I gave up trying to read it.


He might be in love…

Sending love and light, definitely sounds a lot like depression. I’d seek professional help and have him evaluated.

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It sounds like depression to me. Try to talk to him and see if he will go to a doctor.

Male him go to the doctor. He has depression at least! You are the parent…

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If he seems nervous and choked for words. Sounds like anxiety. Been here not nice at all. Be supportive gentle and always on hand if you can x

Doesn’t he go to school?

My uncle used to do the exact same thing and he ended up having schizophrenia. A doctor is definitely needed

Go to a doctor . Ask him if he is being bullied as well

Definitely try get him to see a doctor because he does sounds depressed, I was the same as him at 15, the doctors wouldn’t do anything because of my age but that was nearly 10 years ago, things have changed now and there is so many options for young people suffering with mental health. Just let let him know that you’re there as well because even though you’re his mum and you’ll always be there he might not feel like that because of the way his kind is working at the minute. I hope he gets the help he needs and starts to get better soon :heart:

He sounds depressed, he needs a doctor

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Maybe get a doctor or therapist to call and put him on the phone with them & give him privacy. I’d also ask him point blank if he’s been bullied, abused emotionally or sexually, threatened or figured out he’s gay. Did he see something gruesome like a bad accident? Another kid getting beat up? Did a teacher or other adult authority figure hit on him? Even if he doesn’t answer, maybe you can read his body language for clues. The fact that this happened all of a sudden is worrisome.

If you have to shove him in the car and drag him to a psychiatrist/psychologist’s office and shove him in the room and shut the door behind him it could save his life.

Is he not going to school or doing schoolwork at home? Is he eating and bathing regularly? Does depression or other mental illness run in the family?


If he’s depressed but he comes into the kitchen to watch you guys cook then make sure you acknowledge him maybe even when you have a moment give him a hug and kiss him. Sure teenager’s hate when there parents show them affection but do it anyways. Sure he might hate it but later in life he’s gonna miss it. Maybe take him out to the movies or just go get icecream. Show him he’s loved and see if he improves he might eventually talk but for now just make sure he knows you love him


Sounds depressed or something tragic happened at school . Maybe someone touched him you never no but that does not sound normal to not speak at all something is going on

It does sound like depression and anxiety. Ask him if he can write you a letter, and explain how he is feeling. It’s easier than talking, especially for boys- or illustrate it if he’s artistic. Whatever you do, get medical help for him, and don’t take no for an answer from doctors. He needs support and intervention now. I speak from lots of experience.

As I have suffered from depression in my teens, I think school or private counselling would be good.
It can be is personally as well, but for you to manage it, maybe look for a hobbie that would be good for him. It doesn’t need to be sports, but art classes, music or any other hobbie that interests him would be good after school hours.

Ask him it’s okay if you come in and sit with him for a little while. Even if y’all don’t talk. Let him know that you are here for him when he is ready to talk. Tell him you love him. I know he already probably know’s all that, but it might be good for him to hear. My son is not that old yet, but this is something I would try.

Get him to a dr asap. Omg poor kid


Does he go to school?

Please get him to a therapist and dr. He sounds depressed.


My son is 15 he did this I was so scared and yes we have a very open relationship where he can come talk to me about anything but this time he wouldn’t , so I talked with him and let him know he was scaring me to death that I loved him an no matter what I was on his side after I talked with him he came out and told me he was gay an had other issues going on so I took him to get some help with depression and found out he was severely depressed and had Adhd they got him a treatment plan and now he has a wonderful Mentor and he has changed so much with med an him therapist he is a happy teenager now and I thank god every day cause he was thinking of suicide . so plz just get him some help your doing a good job Mama never forget that :slight_smile:


Just go get him the help he needs, he’s clearly depressed and struggling. Dont wait until it’s too late


My son went though this a few years ago. Definitely take him to the dr. Have them do a full blood panel on him. He could be low on some vitamins or electrolytes. My son was very low on Vitamin D which can cause depression. After several months of him being on the vitamin, going to a counselor, and me openly talking to him, he started to snap out of it and start feeling better.

Talk to him about how he is feeling. Ask him if he has ever thought about hurting himself. Ask him if he’s ever thought about hurting others. Even if it tears you apart with hearing him talk about his pain, that he has thought about hurting himself or others, still talk to him about it.

Now my child is his normal, nutty and goofy self. I was one scared momma though.


Get him a hobby or a therapist will do good for him to try talk and open to a person thats not his family

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Please get him to a doctor not meaning to scare you but the suicide rate among teens is high! My grandson lost a friend to suicide recently because of depression and he was 16 please get him some help


Poor kid Something is wrong 1st thing u Need to do is Call the Doctor u don’t need to tell him until u get there This is very Serious Good Luck

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Get him help he is either major depression or some other mental illness.

Get him out side make him do activities sit him down and help him open up! Teenage kids are sumthing else now days but their should never be something you can’t talk about to him about! You know pretty much everything as a active and concerned parent that you seem to be!

Praying for you guys​:purple_heart::pray:t3:

Go in their mama! You never know what’s going on in his mind. You say he knows your there when he wants to talk but maybe he needs you THERE. Obviously whatever is going on with him is huge. Something small doesn’t change someone like that. Express yourself to him. Whatever you choose. Good luck.


Drag his butt outta the house, sounds like he’s looking for attention. Ironically he may be depressed and need some support. He may push you away at first but he needs a void filled. Thankfully he still showers and dresses. If that stops…. get help fast.

You all are saying depression…I think yes it could be part of the problem but sounds like something has happened and he has now shut down…I would get him to the Dr Asap before something happens…You say he want go to the Dr sorry you’re the adult he is the child so yes he will go…Please get him some help now…


Umm, “he won’t go to a Dr”.
He’s 15. It’s not up to him.


He’s 15 there is no he won’t go to the doctor it’s your the parents make him go.

Its easier to get kids to get help as teenagers than to get young adults without insurance to see a doctor

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Sounds like sign of abuse to me. Take him out alone for the day buy some ice cream and remind him that you are here to listen to his problems,his fears and that no body can harm u ,his brother and sisters or anyone he loves if he tells you what happened.and tell him how u are not scared to stand up for him. If anyone messes with him they mess with u.he will definitely open up.

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I knew someone like this it was depression they did not heed the signs the teen grew up to a socially dysfunctional adult please seek therapy

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Won’t go? He is a child, YOU ARE THE ADULT!!! Make him go. Sorry, for sounding harsh, but his life is on the line realize it or not. He could be severely depressed or could be being abused and you don’t know it. You don’t ask, you tell him. Like “grab your jacket and let’s go.”


He needs help from a therapist ASAP


I am a born again Christian ,I do not know where you stand with the Lord, but God knows you and your son. So trust in the Lord to help you. Either way your son needs help if you can talk to his friends, see if a pastor for a church could come to your home and talk to you and the whole family. Something is so wrong and he does need help , our son did not like it when we did a family intervention, but now he is very grateful that we did . sometimes we have to show tough love and not give up.

Maybe he could use this.? I’ve used things like this for year’s since I was around 14ish ) can be set to friends only/public or completely private there are as many lads/men on there as there are females and a real safe place to open up x

Depression sounds like. Just at that age. I sure hope it gets better.

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I would go to his room shut the door and we would talk. Then I would go from there. Could someone be bulling him?? Does he have a girlfriend?? I would be having alot of son time. Good luck and God bless.


Get him to a dr I agree witht he other moms. Also I suggest just you want him going out make a FULL day of bonding time with him doing things HE likes, if you don’t know what he is really into anymore then guess. But I suggest getting him out of the house for the day. Just you 2. He needs you now more than ever Mama. You got this!


First. Send him to school whynis he in his room 24/7? get him in a regular 15 year old rutine. He will eventually reconnect with friends. Get him out of the house, take him to see a doctor. Ask him what he would like to do for a sport or hobby. He can pick but he has to do atleast one thing. You are a parent move and do what is best for your kid while you can. Also, when a child sees that you care it will make a big change.

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Be there for him. Be actually there for him. Sit with him. He won’t talk right away but just wait. He is going through something he’s afraid to share. Make him know and feel that you are actually there and willing to listen with no judgement.

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I would go to his room and speak to him 1 on 1. Explain what you are seeing and how you are worried about him. Let him know that you are there to help not judge, you just want to help him through whatever is going on


Go in there. Talk to him. Don’t give him an option. When my son seems down…I sit until he’s ready to talk…within minutes of me just sitting on his bed…he cracks. .


I would give him a journal to express himself . And give him a hug . Being a teen is hard and thank you for being a loving parent to him . Time is all your son needs .

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Go out to a park maybe tell him ur worried for him n that u are not afraid to stand up for him against anyone…try get him to open up to u

Ppl sayn he’s a child n make him go see Dr…but thing is dealing with a teen in this situation is harder than they REALIZE it


You can’t make him talk but you can go to him and tell him you no something is not right ask him if you can talk about it no matter he thinks you will think could be lots of things could be sexual could be drugs could be a girlfriend dumped him or went out on him my gosh these teens will drive you crazy maybe somebody said something he’s trying figure it out id ask if he don’t respond id say well guess you got a new room mate for awhile im moving in here until I find out whats up For your sake as well as his if he don’t come clean and tell you id take his door off better safe then sorry and make sure as long as he is at home someone else is there never underestimate a teen just when you think my kid would never they will Lord God be with you all hopefully he bounces back

I would definitely try to talk to him and if he refuses to talk to you, take him to a therapist, he might say things to a therapist that he doesn’t feel comfortable talking to you about. The faster you get him help, the better!! Take him out just you and him for activities he enjoys and see if that’ll help relax him enough to talk.

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No vote, he sees a doctor and therapist. Call. School ask if there is anything going on at school.


Definitely take him to a counselor. Be aware some will not share info with you stating confidentiality patient privacy.


Sounds like depression. Something must be going on at school if he has a cellphone I would check it


Sounds like hes depressed…try taking him out for the day do what HE wants to do…hes in a dark place momma and sounds like hes screaming for help but just doensnt know how to ask. When your out on your day try small convos with him to see if he will open up to you. Tell him NO MATTER WHAT IT IS BIG OR SMALK YOU WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM and he has people he can open up to.

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If he doesn’t want to talk just sit in his room with him in whatever setting it is. You don’t need to do or say anything to get him to talk. I’ve been in that mindset before and a friend did that with me and I ended up feeling better and opening up. Good luck :heart: I hope he gets better

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Is he on meds, you may have to have them adjusted. He is only 15 he has no say so in going to a Dr. Is he on a phone or video game where someone could have said something to him? If he’s not on meds he could just be going through depression set him up an appointment with a pyschitrist.

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He needs help! You as his parent need to discuss with him that he can tell you anything & you are there to help him but that if he doesn’t want to talk to you then you have to take him to a counselor because something is seriously wrong & you can not just stand by & watch him fall further emotionally or physically. I’m very sorry this is occurring. Please help or get him help immediately. Something is weighing on him. Remember he is a minor & you are his parent. You can take him to a certified counselor wether he wants to go or not. They are trained to help him.

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I’m sorry but what dose xxx mean

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He could possibly be depressed :pensive: id definitely talk to him in his room and have that one on on talk . And not Juged him .mabye try a therapist.or call the school and see if anything is possible going on .

Take him to a therapist! You said he won’t go, you are the adult!!! Sounds like he needs help and the sooner the better!

He sounds deeply depressed. He is also still a child and even if he doesn’t want to see a therapist is your responsibility to take him. Honestly the situation you described worries me A LOT. Please help your child and have him evaluated

What? I got some of what you said but man it’s hard to understand you.

Since when a child will tell you what to do? You are his mother so go a seek the helps he needs.

He needs to go to GP asap and get mental health care asap