What should I do about the place I used to work at?

So I worked at Dollar General, and my boss was one of the worst managers ever. He overworked everyone, was very spiteful and manipulative, and if you didn’t get the 20 things done that he asked, he’d cut your hours drastically. I was the only one to stand up for myself because I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, and my doctor told me not to lift over 35lbs for a couple of weeks to avoid major bleeding. The very day I told him about it, he put me on stocking duty and had me stocking the heaviest things we had: dog food, laundry detergent, and 32 pack cases of water. I was livid, but I did what I could. My breaking point was he harassed me. He came out of the bathroom with his hands soaking wet and wiped them off on my arm. It was caught on security footage, and he had previously given me the pass key to see the cameras. So I took a video of what he did to have it as proof, and then I quit. He went from giving me 25-30 hours a week, to 4-10. All because I stood up for myself, and he didn’t like not being able to walk all over me. I posted the video to my Facebook, and it got over 4,000 views. Coincidentally, he was running for school board in our town, and it basically ruined, his campaign. I posted it because I wanted people to see how he really was. I have one previous employee that I worked with willing to go to court with me as a witness of how he treated people, including her. I also had one other girl reach out, claiming he sexually harassed her (smacked her on the butt with a folder). But she doesn’t want her name released, so I know she won’t come to court. I got wind today that he is going to sue me. The video has been taken down for a couple of days. But I’m just wondering, could he win this? I mean, what exactly does he think he’s entitled to? I’m just scared because I’m very broke and if he wins against me I’ll be very upset. I can’t afford a lawyer… does anyone have any advice?


Its not defamation of character or slander if its true so he is dumb to try to sue you


He wouldn’t win. He’s an idiot for even trying. You have video proof AND witness proof of his actions. Nah, you’re good.


Unfortunately he can win. It’s can fall under a couple of things harrasment and defamation of character if you posted the video prior to any charges actually being brought against him. You gotta be very very careful. It’s the same with negative reviews you gotta be careful of what you post.

Does this mean he will? No. But it is a possibility if he has nothing in the court system against him as of yet.

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You need to speak to a lawyer, just so you’re getting accurate advice. Research legal consultation in your area. Where I live, there are firms who will provide a free consultation. You can also look for income based legal advice.


Why was your first step not reporting him to someone higher than him?


You got proof and he doesn’t know it that should be enough

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Yeah! It’s not defamation or slander if the accusations you are making are TRUE. Breathe easy. If he does follow through with it, he won’t get anything out of the case & he’ll take a financial loss.


You are good! You have video of him doing bad things and witnesses as well!


Thats dollar general for you. Call your district manager then HR

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Really depends on if they will rule you taking the video as thief or not…unfortunately with it being private security footage and you posted someone else’s property it could go against you. I am not saying that I think you are wrong and I hope you find a judge and a lawyer who will be able to help you


You should have emailed him the doctors note about the 35# limit. then you would have proof. From what you wrote you don’t have any real proof other then your word. Advice, learn from it (not everyone is a good person) and move on with your life. Not everything has to be a fight.

As for the lawsuit - if he is suing for defamation he would have to prove you posted something unture with the intent of smearing his character. If you made any comments that would support this you might be in trouble.


I am a manger at dollar general. You should have gone to your district manger and HR as well to cover all your bases. But I’m not sure if he can sue you or not I mean I wouldn’t have posted it online but that’s just me🤷🏼‍♀️


Unfortunately, it sounds as though the footage you posted, without permission from the company, was stolen. Regardless if you had access to the footage, no one gave you permission to take it, which makes it stealing. Even if you took it for evidence. As far as your work restrictions, if you provided a note from your doctor’s, stating you are required to be on light duty, different states have different rules. I believe in PA, the company does not have to provide those light duty requirements and could cut your hours until you are released, which would fall on disability pay. Again, every company is different and each state has their own rules. Everyone has had a “bad boss” at one point but you would’ve had a better case if you didn’t post this video on social media because now it looks like you retaliated, when you could’ve said that he retaliated if you just sat back quietly first and not acted on emotion.

Your 1st step should of been reporting him through the employee line. I was a manager of DG for over a year. You are also gonna need written statements from others that have dealt with him or witnessed his behavior to have any leverage. He can’t sue you for ruining his name when there is proof he did the things you are saying.


Posting the video of his behavior is not what can get you in trouble. Taking the video without probably police involved is what is illegal. I don’t really know if you have much recourse except to file for unemployment. Other than that just go through HR. I mean just because you told him you couldn’t lift over a certain amount of weight and he put you on Stocking Duty does it mean he was doing anything wrong if you did not provide proof. I’m in no means sticking up for him because he sounds like a horrible human being but unfortunately things have to be documented legally and go through the proper channels

Call around and talk to lawyers… Something like that you might be able to get a probono lawyer on. He has no case. He’s a narcissist bully. Don’t let him back you into a corner… He’s trying to scare you and, gain control. Fight.


Counter sue him for mental anguish and unfair work conditions especially if you can get a doctor’s note.


What an asshole he is. I hate when companies walk all over their employees!! I don’t believe that your cell video is considered property of the store. These stories make me so angry…when I was 16 my boss would not leave me alone and actually bit me. Sexually harassed daily. And when I told th he higher ups they took away my hours. I quit…I sas just a kid and didn’t know what to do. Hope everything works out for you❤

He’s just trying to scare you… Dollar Tree won’t allow him to sue you… he was harassing you & being inappropriate with his employee… they def don’t want that kind of local or national security…tell them if they threaten or harrass you any further you will sell the video to TMZ…


U should have an attorney if ur taking him to court
Have ur dr. Notes of lit duty ur witnesses
And good for u for ruining his campaign
Hes a douchbag and hitting rock bottom makes people change or forces them to

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Did I over look something? What is he claim? Pictures and videos tell no lie. Don’t tuck and run. Stand your ground. He’s probably blowing smoke so you’ll back off. Stand for your rights.


Did you ever contact a district manager or corporate regarding his actions? Was it within the company policy for you to take copy of the video? And, if you had a written note from your doctor regarding work restrictions? What about reporting him to the department of labor? Without the proper channels being taken, technically what you did could be considered slandor against him, and if the video you obtained was not within policy that could have you in trouble with your employer.


Contact WCB, they will guide you. Also contact HQ (district manager - make sure its multiple people. Email 2 or 3 higher ups, so you know it will be taken seriously).


And a piece of shit boss wins again,pitiful…sue dollar general, maybe they,ll get rid of the piece of shit then,but don’t count on it!!

What does this have to with anything?

He’s trying to scare you and it’s working. He doesn’t have any incriminating evidence but you do.


I m British and studied law years ago I think he’s trying to bully you you know what he did, you also have proof ( the video) and a Co worker whos also been badly treat by this man I really would take this further and fight him As for the sexual assault charge this lady has been assaulted therefore its a criminal offence she can always report him to the police and ask for it to be recorded. She can keep it confidential. But it’s reported to the authorities of he’s ever accused of doing it again. By the way good luck it’s a fight but definitely worth it



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Get all the paperwork you signed and an employee handbook and read it carefully to see if anything says you couldnt take the video

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Hell take the video to the news let that shit get put out there. Hell make dollar general have to pay u for his actions. Talk to an attorney keep any text messages and record all phone calls that u are a part of . Some lawyers would jump on that and try to make some money and dollar general would settle outside court . The attorney fees would come out of that money. Saying all that everything your saying would need to be true and proof they are true . Like what steps of chain u went through and your medical papers stating light duty and ur witnesses.

You USED to work for… move on :woman_facepalming:


Wow. I am sorry you went through this. I currently work at dollar general and my boss is the coolest most laid back person in the world. Personally I would just move on not because what he did wasn’t wrong but because you dont want to go down to his level.

He can’t sue you for releasing a video of his own behavior that he was well aware was being made
(No way a manager doesn’t know about security cameras, their whereabouts and the status of their filming)

Not sure what grounds he can even sue you on

Report him. Ioen an eeoc case. It doesnt cost you anything.

I don’t see how you did anything that could be sued. I ran it by my dad who is an attorney and he agrees, you didn’t do anything worth suing for and I’d be shocked if a lawyer took the case


He may try to get you for defamation but that’s when you make unsubstantiated claims against him ruining his reputation as you have proof this will not stand up in court.

Idk if you’d get in trouble or not for posting that video, but otherwise it doesn’t seem like he had a pot to piss in

Sue you for what? Freedom of press, and you have a right to use footage of something you were a party to.


Stand tall don’t want a man like that involved in any kind of school anything

In customer service if you are full time there are a curtain ammount of hours you should be getting reading your employee handbook it would of said something like that in there. Maybe that can help you so they see you dropped a huge amount of hours because he didn’t get his way. Goodluck

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He’s just trying to intimidate you. Continue with your lawsuit and don’t back down. The thing is, even if you sue him personally, you are not guaranteed financial compensation. You would have to hire (yes, hire) the sheriffs office to enter his residence and take anything of value and then they will hold an auction. If he doesn’t have valuables and you don’t follow that step, you will get nothing. I would include DG in the suit.

I do know u need a note as proof when u have things that need changed. U could have just put in a transfer and got put in another store.

You didn’t handle this correctly unfortunately. You stole camera footage, put it on social media, it doesn’t sound like you provided a note from your doctor and you didn’t present your issues with HR. I would still talk to a few attorneys, many will give you a free consultation and if there is a case, many will take payment if you win after and the manager can be forced to pay all court and legal fees. Unfortunately if you lose, you’ll still be on the hook for the attorneys fees. Good luck!


Had similar expirence with a DG manager. You should’ve gotten hold of your DM when this was happening. They could’ve monitored him without him knowing.

Do you know he’s actually sueing you or this a rumor? If you have received court papers what is he sueing you for? Can’t be slander because you have the recording & witnesses. The truth isn’t either slander or liable. I’d get a lawyer anyway. Ask the lawyer about making him pay your legal fees if you’re found innocent.

I worked for a DG distribution center for years. One of the forms you signed when you became employed covered theft of any DG property. That video is their property. No judge will allow stolen property to be used by you.
Did you present him with doctor orders are weight restrictions. As far as I know, if you did they must attempt to abide by that order. But, if they say they cant accomadate you, they lay you off until that restriction is lifted. That’s the way it worked in the past.
Now, if you didnt hand him your doctors orders, he did nothing wrong. You know DG stores are way understaffed and he might not have had an option for you to be put on light duty. He did reduce your hours. Maybe he was trying to do as much as he could.
Did he actually wipe his hands on you? Since you copied that video against their guidelines, and DG considers that theft, you probably will not be able to use it as evidence. Evidence has to obstained legally.
Since you have no legal proof and you ruined his campaign he may have a case.
And to the person who told you just to file bankruptcy, bankruptcy doesnt absolve any judgements in civil suits. Everybody would do it if it did. That’s why its excluded from bankruptcy.
Take it for what it’s worth, I think that his case against you is better if you didnt present a written doctors orders.
Corporate DG human resources is pretty by the book. And fair in my experience. This goes beyond district manager pay grade.
They dont have that kind of authority in the hierarchy.
I’m just being honest based on my experience with DG.
You need to go for a free consultation with an attorney and stop listening to the bad advise you’re getting here.


Um, I’m going to just doubt this guy has money to bring suit against you. No judge has time for this pettiness in my opinion. Get a better job, what do you expect… :expressionless:

He may go after you for releasing the footage unless you live in a one party consent state you cant release the footage without his consent

He is just trying to scare you and it worked.continue what you are doing
He trying to get you to stop.dont stop.he doesnt have a leg to stand on

Private surveillance footage and images by law are the property of the business and cannot be used without their release of it to you for public or private use, key or not, and use of such imagery with the intent of malice when not handled via the appropriate legal means…is illegal. He has a case against you.


He absolutely could win. You slandered and committed defamation without legal backing. You should have submitted this evidence to a lawyer and sued him instead of using a public forum.


Take it to court and have the video with you and he can’t sue you and will unless you lied and that video backs you up. See if you can find a lawyer to take your case pro Bono or on a pay only if you win case. Don’t back down from him and stand your ground.

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u shoulda just sent it to corporate … i used to work for dollar general and corp. would not stand for this… you fucked up… u better speak to a probono lawyer asap…

Take your evidence to a lawyer maybe they’ll do it pro bono work and maybe get his company in trouble too. That’s not right… Keep fighting.

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Looks like apparently he gave you permission by giving you the pass key to view the camera footage. That was his mistake. Im sure you can get a lawyer to work on a contingency so if you win atty would get his out of the settlement. Go for it !

Anything under 3 to 5 grand and civil, depending on the state, no lawyers are allowed at all. Now I have to tell you that Facebook is probably not the place to get legal advice. That being said lawyers to give free consultations on it and I don’t know what he’s doing you over. I have a feeling he saying defamation which if you have proof he has no legal standing and I would say this is for manipulation purposes. Lots of lawyers also do it based on what you can win. So if you find a good lawyer and you may have to talk to several, they may file a counter lawsuit and believe you may be able to win money out of this and they will do it based on that good luck

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Call the labor department


Sorry, I think your both wrong. Your supervisor for being a jerk. There are no laws against being a jerk. Your trying to show people who he really is can backfire. You took video feed without consent. You did not own that feed. It is the property of Dollar General. Then you used that stolen video attempting to taint someone who wa running for an office & you made a public post without his consent on fb.
I am not trying to be the party pooper here. Hopefully all your hearing is just rumor. Honestly, you both are guilty of not playing nice.

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2 sides to every story and I hope you have more of the video than a few seconds clip because they will want to know before hand what was going on … sorry it h happened to you and good luck

I’m a bit confused… you were told by the doctor you can’t lift anything more than 35 lbs. but said he had you stocking items like a 32 case of water, laundry detergent and dog food. Dollar general isn’t a big box store… I’ve gotten all Three of those items and never weighed even close to 35 pounds… But Yeah I think you just messed up your whole case by posting Th e video on social media. Keep in mind just because someone can sue you doesn’t mean they will win. But!!! You kinda made things harder for you with what you did. Please call around and get free consultation from a lawyer.

“got wind” :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Sweetie, stop stressing over the weather. It’s not reliable. Unless you’ve been actually served and/or notified officially by the court, let it go.


Sue him and the company back…

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He can very much sue you. Theift will be a charge as you stole video camera footage that doesn’t belong to you. Sure you are in the footage, but it doesn’t belong to you. Just like I can’t walk into a supermarket and demand a copy of video surveillance, nor take it.

Second charge will be slander and defamation. Doesn’t matter that you have ‘evidence’, you put him on public trial and you slandered his name ‘by your opinion’ . Very reasonable to say you did that as the account ‘you recall’ is incorrect and wouldn’t stand up in court or you’d of followed the correct Avenue and reported him.

The fact you had access to security footage doesn’t mean it’s your property. I’m sure you worked the till, the cash in it was never yours now was it?

It’s more than reasonable your hours were cut … Look at how disgustingly you behaved. I’m sure they can produce ‘evidence’ prior of conduct not fitting to the workplace or their code of conduct.

Your claim he made you lift heavy stuff, I ho,pe you have a medical certificate and I hope you can prove there is a singular item above that weight in the store that you moved. If you choose to lift 2 or 3 items to get to the overweight, then the owness and responsibility is actually on you. If you weren’t capable of working to your Physical means than you most likely require supervision which is more grounds for you to be dismissed from your job.

You did a very silly and childish thing. And it was malicious (you did it with intent to hurt his reputation in the running of school board). There is no excuse for your behaviour what so ever.

You didn’t follow the correct procedures, so now you have to suffer the consequences (just like the person who victimised you has to deal with your actions).


He has nothing he can really sue you for, but check your state’s libel laws. Some lawsuits happen just to shut the victim up, because the costs can ruin a person before they get the chance to win/get it all back in court.

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good luck!!! It seems like we just have to take what they want to dish out. I know I wouldn:t work for him. What’s he gonna sue you for? telling the truth.This first response u got, she must work for him.How does she know so much? Just go on with your life.

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Yeah not post stupid stuff to social media … :unamused: if you had a problem there is always someone higher than him you could have took the video to them

She can call the local State employment rights office

I went to the top with someone harassing me. Never talked about it though. Just said I would get an atty if it didn’t stop and sue the person and the Bank. It stopped. I went on with my career there.

You definitely went about that the wrong way. You should’ve brought that video to the attention of the corporate offices and he would’ve been fired. Not done it for social media fame… he probably has a case against you.

You should have reported him to corporate, just stick to it was your opinion, he cant sue you for your opinion


Unfortunately, it sounds as though the footage you posted, without permission from the company, was stolen. Regardless if you had access to the footage, no one gave you permission to take it, which makes it stealing. Even if you took it for evidence. As far as your work restrictions, if you provided a note from your doctor’s, stating you are required to be on light duty, different states have different rules. I believe in PA, the company does not have to provide those light duty requirements and could cut your hours until you are released, which would fall on disability pay. Again, every company is different and each state has their own rules. Everyone has had a “bad boss” at one point but you would’ve had a better case if you didn’t post this video on social media because now it looks like you retaliated, when you could’ve said that he retaliated if you just sat back quietly first and not acted on emotion.


Did you present a Drs note?
Did you at any point contact human resources or upper management?
Did you document everything, writing down dates/times and specifics?
Did you take the video that was not your property as evidence?
Yes, you had a crappy, no good manager.
Unfortunately, from what you’ve written for us to read, you’ve handled it from start to finish the wrong way.
Can he sue you? Sure. Can he win? Hmm, possibly. If you didn’t go through any of the proper channels stated above, you’ve not got a leg to stand on in this.


He could try to sue you for defamation as he lost a job, but it would have to be proven to be false. Did you ever go to upper management? Did you get a note from your doctor saying not to lift the weight? I personally would not have quit before getting more evidence and sending it to HR. There’s not a lot of information here. If you have documentation of everything including the doctors notes, you may be able to win.

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He wont win, it’ll be thrown out. Make sure you have everything documented. You can’t going back in time but you shouldn’t have posted the video, that is probably your downfall in all of this. But with your witness plus your account of everything, you should be fine

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You should still call an investigation… gather up info even tho you did that. That was for your attorney right in case he lied…youre on the right path…keep going…call a whistle blower …call an investigation…call discrimination…you were protecting yourself is what you said to me…I haven’t heard you’ve done anything wrong but protect yourself because you are being violated at your job…keep going. Get those doctors excuses…go back and complain you were hurt on the job when you were told by the Dr to take it easy. You were provoked and you reacted because yoy are being violated and call discrimination…there I just wrote your case…go forth and prosper…

Just my opinion, u shouldn’t have taken the video from the dollar store, it wasn’t yours, you should have taken it up with the owners of the store, he probably has done that for years,I would not have quit that job

did you contact human resources and file a complaint against him? at any point did you report his behavior to corporate? hopefully you have documentation of you reporting his behavior. we’re you aloud to legally take that video and share it? Don’t know what the basis of his lawsuit is I think you need to talk this over with a lawyer, taking the video and sharing without permission may be illegal

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You should have never quit especially since you were winning. Ask for a transfer to another location.

Find a pro-bono (you don’t pay unless you win) lawyer and counter sue. Many lawyers give a free assessment of your case.

I doubt he’ll win. He can’t say it’s defamation of its true… :woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5:

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Taking the video is theft, so yes, he does have a case against you. You screwed yourself by stealing the video and posting it.

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You can use him for discrimination and harrassment. Get a note from your doctor. Get a public defender. You have a video


At any point did you contact the authorities to get that video?

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Labor relations board…

He’s bluffing. He thinks you’re stupid. Ask him for his attorney’s name so that you can forward your attorney the information and see where he says

If he tries to sue, then you counter sue his ass… He’s the jerk…

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