Sounds like they did what they were supposed to do they filed and incident report called you and did try to remove it but failed. With them not being dr’s and by law they can only do so much. Unfortunately there is nothing really to do. You could call CPS and explain your concern with the wood but that’s going to start a whole mess.
That’s crazy, terrifying
Get an attorney and definitely look what actually happened, who was responsible for kids at that time, we send kids to daycare to be taken care of while we work , not for them to be in danger and negligence…. This is ridiculous…. I can’t believe how ill they acted even afterwards.
I understand your concern for many reasons, yes pull the footage, yes investigate till your clear on what happened ect… but removing bark that’s kinda crazy ish the world is out there and your child will need to be able to navigate in it , every one cant remove bark or other environmental factors, you paid these people to help your child navigate while you couldn’t and they failed it’s not the bark .
Wonder why she didn’t call the EMS to have them come and check the arm and transport and or have the MS check it out and call you
Do they have cameras? I would definitely ask to see the footage.
Did the paper you signed dismiss them of responsibility?
Not defending the childcare center at all, but as a former worker of one, they either HAVE to have bark, rubber, or pea gravel around the playground equipment. It’s safer than the concrete which holds the equipment in place.
Accidents with kids happen.
My son was about 15 months old and had just learned to walk, he was outside at daycare and fell into a small rock. The rock implanted in his forehead. The daycare called (video) me and asked if I wanted her to call 911 (he was bleeding but wasn’t fussing about it) luckily I was actually down the street on my way to pick him up early. We went to the hospital, he got 10 stitches in his forehead. The hospital made a report, the daycare had an investigation and all was fine. Kids have freak accidents, and even minor accidents. The only issue I would push is that her arm wasn’t clean from other substances after informing you that they attempted to get the splinters out. I’m no way dismissing your mom gut/worries but like a few comments above, daycares must have some type of “flooring/coverings” around the playground. I hope your little feels better soon
They did exactly what they were supposed to do. I would not have wanted them to remove anything from my daughters body though unless it was a surface puncture. Accidents happen and they may not have seen exact what happened since there’s more than one child running around like a crazy person lol.
An adult did not abuse your child, another child (probably another 3 year old) pushed your child down. It happens. It could have happened at the park when you were supervising. As upsetting as it may be… it happens. The bark may possibly have saved your child from a head trauma.
Accidents happen. Kids push kids. I’d let it go.
It’s kids and they have accidents, believe it that most day care workers DO care about the kids, I worked in several day cares in a city close to my hometown, and only had 1 lady that was a problem and she got fired (bc I wasn’t gonna watch that type of crap) I was about 20 at the time she was a older lady and thought that was the problem that I was so much younger and what not- no lady it was you were a mean lady and I wasn’t gonna watch it- but most I a do mean most are very caring for your kids… some accidents are prevented by it’s harder on the playground. We can’t bubble wrap them. It sucks I know, but they’re kids and will have some scars growing up. I’m sorry she went thru that, it’s scary and could have been worse! (A kid in my class 20 years ago fell on a stick running it went thru his neck, we were so little to see that!) it’s just kids being kids, they do play push, and they do all this fun stuff and are fearless doing it too!
First of all they should have NEVER tried to remove the bark from her arm but should have called you immediately! Bark is actually NOT allowed on playgrounds here. They have to use rubber stuff like recycled tires or a soft bouncy ground cover. Did you ask her who pushed her down? Like was it anlyher child or a teacher?? I personally would call state licensing to report them due to the bark being a danger to children.
Daycare teachers aren’t even allowed to remove a splinter from a child so much less a piece of bark ( I’m assuming mulch). Thet contacted the parent (you) and wrote up the incident. They did the right thing.
Now as for your child saying someone pushed her and they are denying it. I would demand to see the video. Because if you had to take her to the er then you should be able to see the proof on what happened whether it was an accident or another kid pushed her. And they also have to report this incident to licensing.
There shouldn’t be bark at daycares, most daycares iv been too (as a reliever) only have soft padded mats surrounding the outside play areas.
I’m guessing all daycares are different thou.
Hope your little one is okay👍
I work in childcare, yes they totally down play the situation. They will lie about what happened just to save their employees… I’ve had accidents happen and.i wanted to tell the parent but was told to say something else… I will.never take my young child to daycare for that reason. We are usually under staffed and over worked and under paid. I think child care needs to improve everywhere! It’s a real problem. I’m a substitute so I go to lots of daycares and see similar situations… a family member would be best for a little one to stay in my eyes…
Please mamas stay home and take care of your babies
Go public tell the news Tell it on Facebook like you’re doing blast that daycare and then yeah I would maybe look into not taking her there
Why would they remove the bark?
It’s not like someone was trying to stake your child with a 1 CENTIMETER long piece of bark
Your child fell or was pushed (as sometimes happens with toddlers)
That’s it
They notified you
They filed the incident report
The end
This is why my child isn’t allowed to go to daycare and won’t until she’s able to talk. I feel like something happened to my son and the last day care he was in. They scare me
This is why my kid never went to daycare
Is there any Camaras to back up there stories? Most daycares have them these. I’d definitely start there.
Then I’d reach out for information about said child’s parents whom cause this incident and send them the bill. We sre responsible for our child’s actions. This should not be out of your pocket.
Sorry your baby went through this.
This is why I refuse to let my baby go to daycare. You hear a lot of horror stories on what they do to the kids or allow to be done to kids by other kids.
I would start looking for a new daycare in your case, and see if a family member or friend can watch her until you find a new one if that is an option
Get another daycare…
Katie Dorman Aultman keep this story in the back of your mind if y’all ever have to cover the grass at the daycare in the outside play area. I’m so thankful for the grass
Dirty diapers, screaming, trampling, messy house…and the list can go on…
Educators are not medically qualified to remove any item from a body
And add note to incident report
The bark is softer then concrete, it’s there for safety reasons. That’s what was in all the playground I ever played in as a kid. While it’s wrong to push others it’s something that happens when there is a group of kids out playing. Kids get hurt. I don’t know why you didn’t check on the splinter before signing anything because now they have a paper with your signature saying you agree with the story they told you. Why didn’t you notice her arm covered in sand before the doctor sed something? 1.5 cm is so small and I’m dumb founded at how that needed surgery to be removed. It must have went straight in and not just under the skin. Sounds painful.
She should have been taken immediately from school to ER nurse should have called an ambulance if it wouldn’t come out
She could have fell at home an done the same thing and the Daycare personal did the right thing by not trying to remove the bark,her not a medical person,it could cause liable results.
They have no reason to remove the bark. This was a once in a lifetime rare occurrence. Calm down
Accidents happen. This accident was handled just fine by the daycare minus them not cleaning the sand off the area.
Not a lot of common sense going on in these comments…
Daycare did nothing wrong
Mom is overreacting
Yes, it sucks when a seemingly minor incident becomes more than a minor incident. No,it doesn’t change the “blame/responsibility” levels
If this kid went home with a scratch from a planter the daycare workers were able to pull out, there’d be no outrage.
Daycare teachers by the state rules are only allowed to wash the area with soap and water and notify the parents. Mulch is what the state says is safe for play grounds fall zone and or sand only. This is why you only see sand or mulch in a childcare playground. It is what the state not the center says they have to have out side. Many childcare places have insurance to cover stuff but when a parent pushes the issue of a center paying the Dr bill then state comes in to investigate and could be months before parent sees payment on what the state will list as just a fall.
Incidents happen, trust your gut as a mother. My son was at a daycare close to home, until I walked into the daycare to fetch him. ALL the kids were inside having ‘mat time’ when the called the names of the kids whose parents were there to fetch them, my son was no where to be seen. We soon found my son alone outside in one of the play houses crying. He had been that way for about 45mins. I didn’t send him back after that. I now travel a bit of a distance to a school where he is MUCH happier and looks forward to daycare.
Trust your gut, you know what needs to be done.
Take your daughter home and you be her caretaker!
Geez my son came home with a chunk missing out of his head which was inch long an cm In width missing out of his head someone apparently pushed him to at child care unfortunately accidents happen
well , since the day care wants to minimize the situation do this … teach your daughter that the next time someone pushes her she is to push them back and she will not get in trouble for it … it’s called defending yourself
I am not trying to invalidate your experience but the chance of actually getting bark stuck under the skin that needs to be surgically removed, is soooo small. I dont think they should have to remove the bark because one child has an incident. My daughter fell off a bike at kindy on the concrete path and busted up her lip, chipped a tooth, and took skin off her elbows and knees…but I don’t expect them to remove the concrete. If she says someone pushed her, then someone may have pushed her but it doesn’t change the outcome. The daycare can’t just remove a kid because they push someone. When you have a bunch of 2,3 or 4yr old in a room, there is likely to be the occasional bite, push, hit, scratch etc, even with the best supervision. These are little humans that are still learning about their emotions and how to handle them correctly.
It was a shitty thing that happened to your daughter and im sorry you both had to go through that. Kids will be kids and accidents happen