What should I do about this situaiton with my daughters daycare?

I had some questions regarding my daughters daycare. Got a call when I was at work saying she had fell on some bark and that there was a piece stuck still inside her arm and the lady had tried to take it out but couldn’t and that I should put her in the warm bath with liquid to extract it out. I came to pick her up signed the incident report and went to the doctors show them her arm and it was covered in sand. Doctor freaked out that her wound was covered in sand. Dr tried to take it out but couldn’t then sent to emergency took an ultrasound found a piece stuck in there that was 1.3 cm long. Emergency doctors tried to take it out with happy gas but couldn’t, and then she was sent to have surgery with a general anesthetic and two stitches. The daughter (3 y/o) is saying that someone pushed her to the ground. I informed the daycare, who pretty much minimized and denied etc. but validated my trauma. I asked if they were going to remove the bark, the lady pretty much said no. Obviously, we are both extremely traumatized by what happened. Has anyone been through anything similar, and what was the outcome?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I do about this situaiton with my daughters daycare?

I understand how awful this must have been. But I don’t think they should remove the bark, accidents can happen on any type of flooring. Also, kids push, no three year old got up that morning thinking ‘I’m gonna send someone to hospital today’
Hope your daughters arm heals well.


Remove her and report the daycare. If there is a hazard on the property that was so bad a child needed SURGERY from it, they should 100% be removing that from their play area. Id also put a claim with their general liability insurance for any medical bills you might have to pay from this incident

Edited to add: if another child pushed her they should be telling you that’s what happened and speaking to the other child’s parents


Accidents do happen. This is one of many to come… They’re 3. It wasn’t malicious.


As an ex daycare teacher, it’s hard to watch everything outside. It would have been better if the teacher would have explained that when outside it’s hard to watch everything. I would have a polite conversation with the director and let them know you understand and suggest maybe putting something besides bark down. Accidents happen.


It’s an awful thing for both of you but I wouldn’t take it further personally.

Bark is everywhere and these things happen especially at that age


If you can keep her out of daycare do it get private sitter


I rather eat rice only then send my children to daycare. I stayed home. Never went out to eat and lived to take care of my family!! Thank God they are all grown. Now I take care of my grandchildren so they don’t t have to go to daycare. Priorities in today’s world are in the wrong place.


Aren’t daycare supposed to have working surveillance cameras? I’d ask for the footage and go from there. No camera? Switch to a daycare with working cameras.


Do they have cameras that you can watch? I would ask to see them and if they say you cant then something is up. But at the same time kids fall all the time but also to need surgery she must of fell hard. Maybe look into it and if it was a kid then kids do it all the time,just make sure it wasn’t an adult.

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My biggest issue is that she tried to remove it. The education settings I’ve worked in say you’re not allowed to remove a splinter (the kid can but you have to send home otherwise). It should’ve been a case of going straight to the Doctor. I think it’s poor of Daycare to deny your child was pushed and poor first aid practice on their part. I wouldn’t be worried about the bark but I’d be questioning the supervision levels that allowed the incident to happen.


Mum of three here, Just imagine for a second if we remove everything that may cause harm to our children. It’s not very realistic. It was an accident. I’d be more upset as to why they are performing medical procedures on your child not seeking immediate medical assistance.


As someone who worked as a lead teacher in the toddler room at a daycare center… I will say we cannot keep on our eyes on a specific child the entire time. We have a handful to watch & we can watch one particular child & the second we then turn to look at another child something can happen. Things happen quick & I wouldn’t worry about it… was it awful for you both? Yes, but accidents happen.


Personally I wouldn’t do anything. My daughters 3 and the amount of injuries and random bumps,bruises,splinters etc that she accumulated even at home is ridiculous. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a calm toddler who didn’t run,fall,push,play hard when outside or even inside. I love her daycare, and am on first name,play date out side of daycare basis with the director and teachers there. I understand the trauma and the “omg that’s my baby” feelings and they are valid. I would honestly recommend never putting your child in contact sports then. Kids get hurt, they don’t think about “oh this could hurt me or someone else” as a first thought. Reporting to the state is a bit extreme in my opinion.


Obviously that day care doesn’t really care about your daughters safely. First of all they should have contacted you before trying to take out anything! They should have left it alone! Second I can’t fucking stand it when people try and act like it’s just your kids fault and just because she’s little then they don’t listen to what she has to say. Take her out of that daycare and find a new one! And I’d file a police report stating that they were obviously not keeping an eye on your child and then they made it worse by just trying to cover it up like it didn’t happen before finally contacting you. Good luck mama

No I would sue the daycare for negligence and emotional harm…
“this is just my opinion” as a mom but my parents were absent parents for 30 years who always put work before us and now we’re suffering from it in our adult lives.
It’s so important to be a present parent … I can’t emphasize it enough!!
I know money in society says work comes before family and etc but it’s 2022 and I think its time parents change there perspectives of being a present parent is better then being an absent one.
I can’t even count how many times my parents were not there for us when we needed them but “I have to go to work” came before us.


Proper first aid would be to clean the area , strap the arm for it to not move and not try and remove an object imbedded in the skin. Photos should be taken to go with the incident report and should also be signed by the staff member first involved in the incident and the nominated supervisor at the time. That’s how it is at my work. Hazards are always assessed in a care setting . A risk assessment should be done by management and if the possibility of this happening again is highly likely then yes the bark should be removed. Im in Sydney and any concerns or feelings things were not or are not being handled adequately needs to be reported to the department of education. Parents input to debt of Ed is what helps them keep standards high in care settings .


Ask to see the cameras! Accidents happen but if she was pushed in purpose, I would definitely want the other parents involved.

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In my state an incident that required medical attention has to be automatically reported to licensing for review and they will determine action.


They should have cameras, but shit happens. Kids get hurt. Kids push other kids and play. I wouldn’t go to war over it.

I would start looking for a new daycare.


Check to see if the daycare has security. The daycare I worked at years ago had them. The owner /manager went back to watched what happen. With it being an injury and had to have medical attention they may send a state representative there to check it out. Im they have to have certain types of mulch/bark and it ifs not the right kind by the states standards they have to remove it.


Young children run, push, bump into each other all the time. Yes they should at the very least washed the would to get rid of the sand but should’ve called you to take her straight to er to get it removed. Los have no spacial awareness and this won’t be the guest or last time she gets bumped. I wouldn’t report them but I would say they need to at least gently rinse off and use their first aid kit to clean and dress the wound as per their required first aid training

My son gets hurt all the time. It happens at home it happens at school. Of it’s reoccurring that someone is being mean I will mention it but there’s little they can do. I’m sorry your daughter got hurt. It’s a good time to start teaching her how to stand up for herself


The only good daycare centre I ever had my kid in was owned by my cousin. But if your gut is saying the daycare seems like it’s doing something sketchy, follow your gut and find a new one. Or a licensed in home child care provider.
One of the daycares my kid went to tried using a PEN and then a TOOTHPICK to pull a bead out of my kids ear!
Another one (that I left really quickly from) had no teacher in the room when my kid fell and smashed their head and ended up with a minor concussion and massive swelling to the forehead.

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Things happen. But, daycare does have insurance and you shouldn’t be out of pocket for anything your insurance doesn’t cover. They will pick up the tab, they just have to fill out the paperwork. My daughter knocked a tooth out when she was 2. She was swinging on her belly and fell on a rock. Since she was so young, the dentist didn’t want her teeth to shift so he put a spacer in and daycare covered everything that my insurance didn’t cover on their own insurance. I didn’t even ask or make a fuss. They offered it up themselves.


These types of things happen with kids. I would do anything personally. They should have cleaned and wrapped the wound until your arrival.

Kids push at that age even good ones, some times no even out of malice 6 and under its hatd to tell. Sounds like the trauma came from the unfortunate circumstance of how it was lodged in and couldn’t be easily removed. Just bad luck. I am not minimizing the “push” but if there was no prior drama with the day care I would assume it was a minor normal incident that sadly turned out to be an event. As a parent I get it, when I look at the providers side I get it too.


Honestly something that serious I’d be looking elsewhere and reporting them to the state. Accidents happen however it seem negligent on the staff who should be watching the students…


Even if the child was pushed , that behavior is not uncommon in 3 year olds. The daycare would have been more at fault had they removed the object and it became infected or needed further attention. They did what they should have. Unfortunately this is one of those freak accidents that happen to little ones. I’m sure your baby was scared but this was no one’s fault and going after the daycare or other parent will make you look kinda crazy :woman_shrugging:t2:


As a mum with 3 kids I can tell you what happened on ‘my watch’ with 3 kids. Just over 1 years of age (in dads watch) child swallowed a plastic toy coin that lodged in throat … Surgery latter to remove. Same child at about 4 stuck a chewed off army man leg in her ear that was hospital ED to remove. Same child at five on daddy’s watch was pushed into side of the pool on boggy board and chipped front tooth. Next child (think we would have learnt after the first child :person_facepalming:) hospital ED to retract broken piece of plasty from the laundry basket from up the child’s nose (she put it up there). At 7 she near tore her little toe off trying to stop on her scooter and was another ED visit. Same year first child broke her arm on her scooter (twice exactly a year apart, same arm).

My point is accidents happen on everyone’s watch. End of the day it’s how one reacts to those situations. Was the child pushed? Really does anyone know in a room full of 30 kids? But how did they handle it? Sounds like they did the right thing, followed procedures and called you.

Are the day care responsibly for the actions or inaction of hospital staff? No.


Make a report to cps.

Accidents happen? If this happened at home I think you’d make way less deal about it. Sure it does suck and it’s sad but things happen. They don’t have eyes just one your child or in the back of their head. Not sure what outcome you expect to happen now? Maybe move daycare if your worried. They can’t take back an accident that happened

Bark is considered a safe landing area if a child falls.
Daycare should not have tried to remove bark from the wound…not knowing if any internal damage had been done…but the wound should have been cleaned and appropriate dressing applied …you should then have been advised to visit the emergancy room where safe removal could be attempted.
Would I sue…no. accidents happen. But their first aid certificates need updated


most childhood places(school/daycare etc)use shredded tires instead of bark… check your state requirements

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I just literally had something very similar Happened to my daughter and she will be 3 also next month honestly my guy was telling me that was the wrong day care finally I got her in another one and she is loving it. When you as a mom have to question the safety of your child you need to act right the way. !


Kids are rough and clumsy. They are going to get hurt and you probably signed a form at the beginning saying if she got hurt there basically it’s not their fault. My daughter was and is extremely clumsy so I know how it can be. She literally was walking and drinking water at school and the top of her water bottle sprang back and popped her right in the eyeball. She had also while at school fell off the swing and ended up with a cut on the top of her head from the swing. These things are gonna happen

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Just an fyi…I’ve worked in a daycare center before and I quit. They are not always honest sadly. I for one can’t be with kids when they are just a daycare paycheck to owners. Just a number. Not saying all centers are like that but majority are. I had a small daycare where I took 5 max so I could monitor and make sure they were safe and loved. They referred to me as being at nanas house. They were treated no less than my own kids or grandkids. I get accidents happen, but daycare should be held accountable as this happened on their watch and should be paying this bill. They should have accident insurance for this type of thing.

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Without knowing all the details, the bark is probably there to soften any falls and reduce injuries. Removing the bark is not going to solve the problem, which sounds like is an aggressive other child. I’d be more interested in finding out if the child who pushed the injured child is showing a history of aggressive behavior, and what is the daycare doing about it?


Check the camera footage. No cameras? Then I’d switch daycares. If you had to pay anything out of pocket, I’d make them pay for it.


If this were to happen at my son’s daycare, I think we would all agree that things happen. Kids get hurt all the time especially on the playground. Unfortunately your child’s situation is horrible for her (and for you). But things do happen and it was a freak accident like someone commented above. The daycare isn’t at fault in my opinion. There’s no way they could’ve prevented her from falling or could’ve prevented the piece of bark from entering her skin. I’m sorry Mama, I know it’s hard… my son has gotten hurt a million times at daycare and I used to get mad but now I know it’s just what happens to kids. Sending your little one wishes to heal asap! :heart:


My 1 year old son at the time (He’s 4 now)just learned how to walk and I specifically told them please watch him while he just started walking he’s wobbly… come to find out when I picked him up he had fallen on his face busted his upper lip open from his teeth AND THEN NEVER CALLED ME TO INFORM ME… as I walked into get him it looked like he had 3 lips on top… I was sooo MAD. Like why wouldn’t you call me you had my son walking around with a very bad busted lip all day I know he wanted his mommy. Some people are careless as hell


They are kids. They are going to fall down. If the worst thing that happens is this, then count your lucky stars.


I’m assuming she was pushed by another child and that unfortunately happens. My kids school used rubber mulch instead of bark mulch (but I believe it’s a lot more expensive) so maybe you can look into it and pass the info along. As to how they administered “first aid” i would definitely sit down an explain (drs notes at hand) that she was not properly cleaned nor disinfected!


Kids are kids. Teach them to navigate their world. You can demand everyone change, than another parent wants it to change the opposite way of you and it goes on and on.
I find it stupid and a money maker they did surgery and put you daughter through anesthesia. We literally had a half inch wood lodged in his finger and they said let it fester. It did and came out 5 weeks later
What I do know is anesthesia is extremely dangerous and a poison to the brain

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Didn’t happen at daycare, but my son was outside playing at our home he had a stick and went to throw it and there was a piece sticking out on the side so when he threw it, it broke off in his hand. We cleaned it well, watched it and he took antibiotics it continued staying angry looking.

Took him back to the doctor and they lanced it and we done warm compress, massage etc. I was finally able to get this piece out later that evening. Even after this was out it still stayed angry and red, we had an ultrasound which showed some debris still in there so we went to a hand specialist at the children’s hospital near where we live.

He ended up having to have surgery to remove the debris and the doctor said there was a piece laying on the tendon sheath he said that was the only reason he was still able to move his fingers (this was between his thumb and index finger) we dealt with it for 6 plus weeks before it was finally healed and stitches gone.

I’m sorry this happened to your daughter. It sounds like the school did right though. Depending on your state they may not be liable to provide medical treatment. Only states that require trained RNs have laws requiring some medical treatment. The teacher is not trained medically. She can’t take that liability herself or for the school. They called you & informed you she needs urgent medical care. You responded.

When my son was in the 5th grade he was stabbed with a pencil leaving a good sized portion in his hand. The teacher was aware & scolded both boys for horsing around. She put a bandaid in my son’s hand so she didn’t have to see it. I was never contacted. I took him to urgent care when he got home. They removed what they could. He still has some of it in his hand. There’s nothing I could do. I was told it’s upto the school to decide if it’s urgent enough to require a call to the parent or medical treatment. They made the wrong call. If I was called immediately it would be more likely to be removed completely. But they made their call & there’s nothing that can be done. I did however get him a phone after that & told him that if something happens again & they don’t call me to break their no phone rule & call me. The teacher was also informed that he had a phone for emergency purposes since she we can’t trust her to do what’s best for him.

Try hiring a babysitter that you actually know. Daycares are where horror stories and nightmares come from. I can’t believe parents trust them at all, its kind of amazing…ly careless.


I get accidents happen so the daycare is not at fault for that but they should of cleaned it. I would of also left work and had your child seen at the emergency room or urgent care right away I’d there was a piece of mulch stuck in her arm.

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If this is the worst thing to ever happen to your kid at daycare count your blessings. It was an accident —even if another 3 year old pushed your daughter down, IT HAPPENS at this age. Could it have been handled better by daycare staff? Probably and hopefully they’ll learn from this experience and do better next time.
But let’s not skirt over the part that you-her mother, took her to the doctor with a “wound covered in sand” instead of actually cleaning it to see what was going on with it. And when the doctor “freaked out”, all that blame can’t be put on school—not sure why you or teachers didn’t do was wash area with soap and water so you could actually see the injury. BUT it goes to show that there’s room for improvement the next time she gets hurt. Because she will…because that’s what kids do.
As for being extremely traumatized :roll_eyes:. FFS. I’ve got nothing for you, except suck it up. This isn’t a chance for a quick payday via lawsuit. Shit happens. A half inch piece of bark in a toddlers arm on a playground sucks but at the end of the day, it was an accident.

My son was a little over 1 year old and was at daycare. He fell and hit a toy and ended up with 4 stitches in his bottom lip. Accidents happen. Doesn’t mean anyone was at fault or negligent. A year later that same child had 1st and 2nd degree burns on his chest from a pot of coffee while he was at home with me!! (I was using the bathroom and he wanted to make me a cup of coffee.) Yes, I felt like crap. It took me several years to buy another coffee pot. Accidents happen and kids play rough :tipping_hand_woman:t3: that’s why they made wine for momma’s lol


Kids are kids. If they daycare has been satisfactory to you just then nothing to change but if not then go somewhere else

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Ask to look at CCTV ask to meet the kids parent/parents or guardians observe a day or two in the daycare place write a letter to whoever is in charge of the place take her out of there and sue their ass

I work for a pre-K program we are small. Things happen. We talk to the kids ask questions, fill out the report.

But if we removed everything that ever cause any type of problem they wouldn’t even be allowed to play on a playground or run around.

Yes you can do safety measure. But stuff is going to happen.

I’ve seen a kid fall face first down the slide not a work.

A kid fall down the steps at break an arm. At work (in the school systems)

Touch the hot part or the lunch line at school and the parents gets mad only wanting cold food served.

You can’t remove everything that cause a problem


Wat ever happens in the daycare is down to them to care and look out for the children she was in their care i wouod take this further as I think there attitude is disgusting if she was pushed thay should hsve delt with properly

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Did they have cameras?

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Had a licensed daycare in Maine, DHS licensing required 18 inches of bark mulch, sand or rubber mulch around all play equipment. Kids couldn’t even walk in it when that deep!

Even with being pushed, it could have just as easily at home or school. Yeah, it ended up a BFD, but I still dunno that the daycare even did anything wrong, even in how they treated it on site. They aren’t medical professionals and have as much common sense know how with injuries as we usually do as parents, and between surgery and stitches, none of you were capable of doing any more besides maybe one of you running the wound under water to rinse the sand away. Much else is legitimately courting liability and the kinda thing that gets people fired, so it’s avoided anyway. They’re kids and kids have a way of making $hit happen and even stress and trauma is no good reason to seek to penalize a small business because it happened there over in your own care.

This is why I don’t trust daycare. Not that people don’t generally care but there’s not enough adults to watch everyone closely.


Unfortunately these things happen. When other small children are all together in the same area they are not always going to get along, they are 3. It’s not like they allowed the child to push her. And they couldn’t have foreseen that happening. These type of things are the risk u take to have someone watch your child, while also watching other children. They did everything right on their part.


Some states (mine does) have a rule that providers are not allowed to remove splinters from a child as it is considered a medical procedure. If it were me I would’ve called for an immediate pick up and had the parent bring the child in to the doctor or take it out themselves.
Children fall ALL THE TIME and this is not the providers fault. It could’ve just as easily happened on your watch. I know it’s hard to see and go through though.


As a parent don’t be quick to judge. Ask about the incident and how it happened. Accidents happen. Then go from there.


Sounds like an unfortunate accident. They happen! Kids fall, or trip or rough house and injuries incur. Most of the time a lot less traumatic. My own child has gotten one of those big splinters from playground mulch before from a fall. Be vigilant, and informed on the daily proceedings of this daycare. Many facilities offer in room cameras where you can watch your kids through the day now. Get to know the teachers. The more openly you communicate with the facility the better.

As a teacher myself I agree things happen. I once accidentally shut a little girls hand in the door. Nothing was broke but I felt terrible. Ask them exactly what happen although the Incident report should have exactly what happened on it. Ask questions, 3 year olds aren’t always accurate on facts

I would simply ask what happened, ask for the videos to be reviewed, if at any point they act defensive call the police & they will get cps involved & they will watch the video to tell you if it was malicious or not.

I also agree that if every time some gets hurt you can just disclude it unless it is an occurring problem

Its time to find a new daycare or get a nanny preferably a nanny. I used to work at daycares they are usually short staffed and underpaid.

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Stuff like this happens all the time! It’s absolutely natural for toddlers to fall and get hurt. When I was 5 I had to have gravel picked out of my knee. Bumps, bruises, splinters, cuts, bug bites and scrapes are all part of playing outside and if you don’t want this to happen take her to a daycare where they make them sit inside on ipads all day because no school or daycare can guarantee your child won’t fall outside.:woman_shrugging:t2:


It sounds like it was an accident, but I can understand the way you’re feeling

This may indeed be an isolated mishap of childhood. I do believe that all of us,parent,child care providers …all of us, have the responsibility to keep children safe.
This Mom is asking the right questions.We need preventions.
Responsible well trained persons with safe child to adult ratios. We need to know, sick and accident policy of care takers…If they have pre existing pattern of child injury. Parent and staff should be able to review existing video…Everyone involved in care of children needs to care and be inquiring and forth coming…If not, that is a breech of trust…you need better childcare.

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The child is living her life… there’s limited options for playground material. Stuff happens. Don’t want her to experience life? Your only solution is to lock her in your home. And she’ll probably still get injured there at least once. :woman_facepalming:


So as a daycare provider myself I feel alot comes into play.

Was it bark as stated or mulch? If bark then yes should be removed 100%, it shouldn’t have even been where the children could access it. However if it’s mulch it’s considered a safety feature near play structures.

If your child claimed they were pushed obviously keep note of it, try to get your child to tell you the name of the other child. If they do then I’d be going back to the daycare with the other child’s name. Your supposed to keep record of incidents that happen with the children so if they have other issues with that child it should/could be addressed.

It very well could have been an accident, they happen all the time. And it’s frustrating not being able to confirm what did or didn’t happen.

But your the advocate for your child, and if you feel something isn’t adding up then it needs to be addressed.


We are always taught In first aid not to remove anything ourselves but to properly wrap it up and let the drs do it . Sorry it happened


My son broke his leg at school when he was 6. Accidents happen, especially when they are young and don’t know any better.


Traumatized by sand and slivers :woman_facepalming:t2::rofl: good way to raise a kid who stays offended about everything.


I had a student (2 yo) Superman over the swing did a full 360 headfirst into the mulch. Scrapped up the side of her face. Mulch in the cut. Only so much you can do the clean it especially with an emotional child. Things happen SO quickly and as teachers you love each child like your own and somethings are just completely unpreventable.

So I get your saying this because your child said someone pushed them try to get them to tell you the name because honestly it may have been an accident, especially when running and playing outside I think traumatized is a bit far. She fell down and needed stitches. It happens to most kids by the time they’re 10. Accidents happen, at least they called.


I work at a daycare and it’s completely ridiculous that they didn’t clean the sand off. That’s like tule number 1. I’m sorry they are acting the this way. As far as your child being pushed they should have told you she was pushed just not by who.


I would try to find out if it was an isolated incident, or if the child had a pattern of aggressive behavior.
When my daughter was young and in daycare we got a call that another child bit our daughter in the face. Everyone was concerned, but kids are learning how to behave.

3 yr olds do push and play… I dont think it would ever be intentional BUT after this I would never send my child back especially if this happens. Why allow something else to happen that could be much worse… if your asking this your gut is telling you… always be proactive


My oldest was in Head start at three years old at the time… I never got a call but when I picked her up saw and knew something was wrong. She was walking not running to me and holding her right arm. I sat down and looked at her arms in comparison and knew it was injured. Because I expressed concern and said I was talking her to the hospital they THEN filled out an incident report, which I signed. I asked my daughter if she wanted to be seen right then and there or wait for mom to get out of work and see how it feels. She said she wanted to be seen. Long story shortened… Her elbow was broken. The school said they don’t know what happened just that she went to them crying and said her arm hurt but seemed fine after a while… Yet didn’t notice that even during lunch she was favoring her arm, being right handed. Anyway, she claims still to this day (she will be ten in a couple weeks) that someone pulled on her arm to get her to go down and play and she fell on it. Teachers claim that’s not what happened even tho they also stated they didn’t see it just know she went to them crying… It didn’t go anywhere with the school. I should have fought harder but also didn’t want her kicked out in a way. My other two have gone to the same head start and had and have had no issues. (Youngest is still there). Could have been a true accident where kids will be kids but idk. I have dealt with the same school for an additional five years I believe after that and never had anything else like that happen so maybe it was a fluke

Ask them to view the camera footage. I wouldn’t worry too much things happen. Even if a kid pushed her, it could’ve been they ran in to her and she couldn’t convey that because she is 3.5 years old.


My son is 3 and he can tell me anything I want to know. If your daughter says she was pushed then by all means believe her and do away with the daycare. Shitty people make up shitty excuses all the time. Wouldn’t risk it

It was an accident, it will be a good “ this scar is from the time johnny pushed me” story!


accidents happen! Let it go… my kid came home with starting of a black eye from playing in gym class. the nurse called and told me what happened and my daughter also told me what happened. i wasn’t worried about it, as kids will be kids!


Working at a daycare for far too long one of the first things they teach you is you cannot pull it out, hell we can’t even take a splinter out or cut a hang nail. It’s hard on both ends. I’m sorry about your baby but do know it’s protocol. Crazy accidents galen a lot, I hate the wood chips!


This is part of why I’m not for daycare. Be very very choosy with them. Try to find people you may know if your able.
They always minimize issues that occur for liability + the other child is part of there income too. There is Lots to consider with an incident.
Do your best to keep your reaction calm to the trauma. It’s pretty disappointing to hear your Dr (of all people) freaked out… I bet that set the emotions off bad. Stay calm, try to remember to be there for your daughter as much as you can and love on her.

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I personally haven’t been through this, but my sister-in-law has and I do know since she got hurt at School you can make them pay for her hospital care and get a lawyer for pain and suffering. You have up to 2 years to do this. Good luck and God Bless her!


Accidents are accidents no matter where they happen. Even if she was pushed, 3 year olds push.


I’m a preschool teacher. As much as it sucks your child had to go through all that it’s not really anyones fault. Kids push and get rough. Sounds like the center followed procedure by calling you and doing an accident report. I do however think the mulch/bark is unsafe bc of this even though the state says it’s fine to have.


Accidents happen in groups of kids. My son has gotten stitches twice from daycare. The same thing could have happened at a park or at Sunday school or at home playing with a sibling or cousin. Or they could fall by themselves and get hurt. The daycare is not allowed to remove large splinters or anything like that. All they can do is call you and have you take her to the doctor. It sounds like they did what they were supposed to do for an injury.


I would be more concerned about the lack of proper first aid care…I would be pushing that issue…what is their first aid/cpr training? How often is it renewed? What other training do they have? Kids rough house and play and accidents happen. You can always ask to see video or question if the child has a history of pushing others but thats about it.


Get an attorney, have them pull the security camera footage. Make a claim for her injuries and trauma. I work for an attorneys office that has handle several claim against daycare.


Accidents happen, as unfortunate as this one was. It’s very likely another child pushed her down. Kids do that. What is important is that the daycare put measures in place to keep a similar incident from happening in the future.


Unfortunately these are the reasons I’m not ok with putting my children in daycare. I would take her out and find a new solution.


Way to many of yall are willing to brush this off. I know first hand that daycare is dangerous. If this was an older child capable of telling exactly what happened that would be different but to many times it is small children that can’t tell that get hurt the worst. You should never just assume it was kids being kids because that is not always the case. Nobody cares about your kids like you do and when they are little you are their only voice. There is nothing wrong with asking questions or for camera footage when an injury happens. Not asking is what let’s horrible people get away with horrible things. Daycare should be held to the highest standards possible.


Kids will be kids im afraid. And accidents happen. If the same child always pushes your daughter than yes id question it all.
I personally hate bark but its used everywhere. My fear would be that the wound wasnt cleaned and left. Id want all first aid certs be displayed with photos so you know whos fa trainned.

Demand to see the cameras. This isn’t funny. My son was scratched in the face by another student and it took skin off. Then he was bit by a girl on his back multiple times. It wasn’t just once either and I raised h*ll… to the point one kid was removed from daycare. You are your child’s advocate and if you can’t stand up for them, who can they rely on? It got to the point the daycare would call me if he got a papercut. I don’t play when it comes to my kids. Kids are bullies and it needs to stop.


It honestly sounds like a freak accident.

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