What should I do about this situation with my ex and child custody?

Don’t force the visitation. Get child support. For the extra time in daycare and lost wages.


I wouldn’t push for my kid to go somewhere for one week if he isn’t wanted there that long.


What’s your relationship like with the other dads? Would either of them be willing to take this son along that week too? Make it sound like a big deal that he’s getting a special invite to go…


I really like Ciara Parker idea. Also if he can’t take his son one week in a whole year, CHILD SUPPORT. I’m really all about not getting court ordered support but I’d do it in this case. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if the new GF has something to do w it. Would he like to go to an away or day camp that week, do kids still do that? If Dad doesn’t wanna pay, CHILD SUPPORT. I’m sure GF will love that too.


My advice is to be patient. Let your son get to know the new family. Just try to work it out with the dad as best as possible. You have a good thing going with your weekends, risking that would not be best for the kids, not over just one week.


A court can’t force him to be a good Dad, I don’t understand why you would want to send your son with someone who doesn’t want him to be there, because they will hold a grudge and take it out on the child, maybe his grandparents would be willing to take him for that week and that way he doesn’t feel completely left out and you can still pick up extra hours at work. It would be better than him being treated like crap and not understanding why Daddy is treating him differently.


You can’t make him take your son and that’s just so sad for your boy. I’m so sorry for him


I’d be like okay, see you in court for child support so that I can afford daycare for just him for the week… smfh I can’t stand parents that choose everyone else over their kids


If it’s realistically about the children, then they would be able to be with their dads 50% of the time and with you 50% of the time. Children need both parents. Every other weekend and once a week over the summer is not sufficient one on one time with their fathers. There are two sides to every story.


I just want to say I think it’s awesome that you try to work things out this way and it’s great that at least 2 dads are trying to coparent with you. I dont have much to suggest other than not forcing him to take his son if he doesnt want to. Only because who knows how it will be for your son at that house if everyone is stressed and dad is gonna be a dick about it. Take it from a child who knows what that is like. I feel for your son, I truly do. My dad has a whole other daughter that he was there for and kids that weren’t his. My mom never even talked shit on the man. Let me make my decision and opinion on him myself.


Sounds like my daughters dad … don’t force it . It sucks , because you don’t get that week to yourself but just let it go . See it as you getting one on one with your boy for a week .


I know you asked for no bashing sweetie but he is a moron. In my state you can’t force a non custodial parent to visit their child even with a court order saying they have visitation

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Way to go woman! Start by installing a turnstile at your bedroom door! Maybe then you’ll be able to spare a moment to think about a way to extract yourself from this dilemma!


Court for a custody arrangements so he has set times and dates that way he can’t play the excuses anymore. It sounds like he’ll make excuses either way but atleast you did your part by getting the set dates and times

I think you are missing the point. Dad doesn’t want to he bothered anymore. Either ask a grandparent to keep him for a week so he doesn’t miss out on something special, or find a summer camp, etc.


Stress to him that it is vitally important and necessary for his son to be there. A mother can only teach her son so much. Who will teach him to shave his face? Etc. A son needs his father period


I would look into sending the boy to summer camp or to a grandparents house. Or even split the week up. A few days at this grandparents and a few days at an aunt or uncles house.

Great. 3 more kids I’m paying for that I’ve never met and don’t care to. When y’all hoos gonna learn?!


There is no point going to court, They may allocate you what you’re asking for being that it sounds reasonable, But no one will enforce the dad to take the child on those days, the only thing that gets enforced is you having the child available at the stated times, So trying to force the dad won’t work.


Wow… I wouldnt force him to go & explain why he isnt going. Maybe see if a family member could take him for the week instead this year? Id.also be contacting child support see how much he remembers he has a child then!


As sad as it is for your son if his father doesn’t want/or can’t have him for a whole week then leave it at that… why would you want him to have him when he quite clearly doesn’t want to sort things out to enable him to? Sadly this often happens when new families are formed.

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Don’t force him to be a dad. This is his choice and if you force your son on him he will probably treat his son poorly because he doesn’t want him there. It’s sad but maybe this new tradition will be a special week alone for mommy time now.


If you want him to take the child more, go for child support. The more he has the kid, the less he has to pay. Put the money in a college account if you don’t want/need to spend it.


It wont get better until the knew partner is gone. My kids dad did the same. Once they divorved it got better. Why arent you getting child support? Thats his responsibility. If you dont need it then put it in a college fund for your son.


I wouldn’t force it if the dad doesn’t want to take him, as you could be putting your child in an uncomfortable situation for that week. But instead maybe go with one of the other siblings if their dad is okay with it, or grandparents or with another relative that they may look up to. That way your still getting your 1 week, but hes still having something to look forward to. Another thing is even if the courts set up times and dates, it’s not guaranteed that hes going to show up, yes it looks terrible on him, but it’s not forced. I’d just mention it to his dad that if hes refusing to take him and you do end up needing to find childcare that week for him that you would like some assistance paying for it as it’s his only week full week with his child. Good luck!

I wouldn’t push a child who’s not welcomed into that situation you have no idea what’s going on but it’s obviously something weather the new girl friend doesn’t like the boy ect it sounds risky to force that week I would chop it up to next year and plan on him being the only child home and watch his behavior when he comes home from their as well over weekends for any red flags good luck

If he doesn’t want him I wouldn’t press it. I wouldn’t be forcing for my child to go somewhere where they are not welcomed

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You can court order it all you want, won’t make a difference. Sounds like she probably gets mad he’s taking care of his kid when he’s around n not hers

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A lot of dead beat dad’s and spouses aren’t going to like this but here it is. You can’t force someone to parent. Take dad to court for child support. If the others aren’t helping financially make them step up also. This would make you have more free time to parent better and able to spend more of your time with them.

This is what I would do. I would tell his dad, if he doesn’t want his child he is going to tell his child, because you refused to do his dirty work for him. And also remind him that someday that woman and her kids will probably be gone, and so will his son, because he would have severed his relationship with his son himself.