Pay attention to your gut but also don’t sit in judgement just bcuz you don’t know something that’s actually none of your business.
I’d just flat out confront her. Too many weirdos getting away with things like this.
Listen to your gut. If it saids get involved or keep a watchful eye on your daughter. You do that. You don’t need to make a scene until the situation calls for it. Keep your kids safe
Go with your gut and tell your husband that he needs to wise up and let you be the great mom that you are and stop hindering your mom skills. You got those vibes for a good reason sister, so don’t regret using them later.
Yeah something seems off
That makes me uneasy
People can have a bad past and still be good people. Honestly it’s none of your business. Just keep an eye on your child. She probably reminds her of her own daughter and misses her deeply. I wouldn’t let her develop a relationship though, but seriously it’s no one’s business an people shouldn’t be telling you about it.
Don’t be too overly judgy but if you are concerned and feel like there’s a weird vibe. Just go online and do a background search. If you think that it could be something that’s harmful to your child then check it out. But a lot of times parents will lose custody because they’re just not financially able to take care of their child or maybe they’re a recovering addict sometimes they struggle with mental disabilities that aren’t healthy for a child to have to deal with as well so it happens. I know people that are generally good people but they don’t have custody of their children and it’s very unfortunate but it does happen. But if for some reason you feel that something’s not right then just check into it
Go with your gut. Talk to the mom & politely ask her to tone it down a bit. Tell her she’s distracting & embarrassing your daughter. If she doesn’t maybe go to her husband?
All court records are public so I would start there. It could be innocent but it is strange she has latched on to your daughter. Good luck and NEVER doubt a moms intuition
1st of all you don’t know if its custody or placement… my daughter lived with her God parents while i had custody… amd 2nd it’s not ur business what happened in their family
It’s none of your business as to why she doesn’t have custody of her daughter. I feel like you’re judging her and over reacting. If you feel some type of why keep a close eye on your daughter when she’s around.
Listen to your gut. Just ask her. A lot of times grandparents have the kids because it’s what the parents want. It’s not that they don’t want the children sometimes there are adjustments
I would ask the grandmother about her daughter and talk your daughter about your worries. Explain to her that she is not to ever go anywhere with this woman and maybe go as far as to confront her, perhaps with someone with info authority - a teacher, policeperson, etc.
You could try talking to this other mom and distracting her away from your daughter… ask her friendly questions and make it seem like you interested in becoming her friend… after a few games she may start to avoid you and your daughter, or she’ll lower her guard and fill you in on what’s been going on in her life.
Maybe she’s looking for “fresh meat” to bring home to whoever victimized her own daughter or even both —her too. Confront her and tell her you think it’s inappropriate for her to be stalking your daughter…. Like get in her face about it. This doesn’t sound safe at all. Keep your eyes open teach your daughter how to use that bat for self defense.
Could be something as simple as a boyfriend she had in her past or maybe as he ended up homeless you never know unless you get to know and ask her about it
I would sit down with a cup of tea with my daughter and have a heart to heart talk about strangers. This woman is a stranger to her. Maybe it scares her that this woman is running to her after a successful run and not her own Mom. Tell her why you are not and how you feel. Open up to her first. That way she will open up to you how she feels. Build a relationship with your children. This way she or they know that whatever happens whenever it happens they can Always ALWAYS come to you at any time in their life. Children have a sense about their parents. Especially their Moms feelings. If Mom is upset… they know. Let your daughter tell this woman herself to go away. Don’t press her to do it. Let her do it in her own time. Have faith in your child that she is wise enough to see when she is being used. God bless.
Also pray about it. Have faith he is there also to protect her.
It’s none of your business why she doesn’t have her child full time. Your over reacting.
I agree! Trust your gut never let them be alone!!!
Do not ignore your gut
Well, don’t leave your kid alone with your husband. Sorry about the comment about your husband but he needs something to get his head in the game. When he does then you can trust him.
As for the lady it’s called grooming, for what doesn’t matter, it’s not okay it’s not safe for your daughter and what’s not safe for her is not safe for you. Your gut is telling you something.
Looking for information and opinions is great! Now you need action. Like a government child protection advocacy, DHS, the police, now! Pick one and do it they will all lead you to the right place and it might be multiple agencies. Let them do their job. Your kid is first priority, but you may be saving others.
If the right course of action is to confront the lady let them teach you how to go about it. There is a right way to do it.
Trust your gut. When it comes to protecting your child, you can never be too careful. Something definitely seems off with this situation. Talk to your daughter & see if the woman makes her feel uncomfortable. Don’t ever let your daughter be alone with her.
Trust your mom vibes and keep her away from your daughter
Mommy radar! Keep your baby away and safe!
- Don’t judge what you don’t know. 2) Keep an eye on her. 3) Introduce yourself to her, get to know her. 4) Ask her which daughter is hers. 5) Get the Grandparents version.
You just need to talk to your daughter and remind her who her safe people are. And that she shouldn’t be alone unsupervised with any adult that isn’t on the list of safe people. You should also have a code word set up in case of emergency that she shares with no one else.
As far as the Mom, trust your instincts, look to see if she is on the sex offenders registry. With you being new and not knowing very many people I would remain cautious until you know more people better.
Could be anything. Ask her.
It’s not your business why they do not have her custody .
About your daughter situation ( Does she do the same thing with other girls on the team ? ) I mean , I cheer for everyone in a sport event as they are my own
If She only do it to your daughter just trust your instinct, watch your daughter very close , if you feel extremely concerned just take her out and find Something else for her
Trust your gut instincts
Oh, I’d for sure ask her, social faux pas or not. I’d at least try to bring it up in a round about way. Maybe bring all the kids out for pizza, buy the woman a beer, get into a one on one convo and ask some leading questions. I feel like that would matter a LOT to me in terms of whether or not I allowed this woman near my daughter. Social decorum goes out the window for me if I have concern over the safety and wellbeing of a loved one.
You can do a criminal search/background check on the internet by name
You’re right to feel uneasy about that. I’d do a google search in her full name if you have it his too.
My opinion. I wouldn’t concern myself with the why’s and such.
I would however, keep a very close eye on my daughter. And ALWAYS, ALWAYS trust your gut.
There is a momma gut. Always follow its feeling.
Why she doesn’t have custody of her daughter isn’t your business. I don’t mean that rudely. I mean that even if she did have her daughter, her behavior with your daughter should be your only concern. To me it’s weird. Maybe casually ask your daughter what she knows about her. Don’t pry. Your daughter isn’t doing anything wrong. But she might be able to offer information that would settle it for you.
Protect your child, not saying causing a scene will do that, just think clearly and follow you maternal insticts.
Talk to the coach in private and express your concerns as related to your daughter and the strange “obsession” this woman has with your daughter.
go with your gut. 100%.
have eyes in back on of your head ,
talk to the coach about the situation concerning her behavior towards your daughter
You are mad because she is cheering for your child and the child is her daughter’s friend:eyes:
Keep watching her closely. Don’t let her be alone with your daughter.
this will be one of many trials you will have with ball teams, keep watch but keep it low-key. Make sure your daughter can talk to you if needed.
Always trust your instincts and keep her at a distance. Have you tried googling her or her family? I wouldn’t say anything unless she’s being inappropriate and/or crossing boundaries. I think your gut feeling & knowledge of their custody arrangement is enough info.
Sounds like the start of a creepy LMN movie. definitely trust your mama gut and always have eyes on your daughter.
Maybe your daughter resembles or reminds her of her daughter.
Listen to your gut but maybe shes involving herself to get closer to her daughter’s friends as a way of getting closer to her own daughter. Maybe just start a convo with her directly.
Keep your eyes on your daughter!
I wouldn’t let my child close to her…very strange… and I would look her up… see if she’s even allowed near children…
She does have custody but she still has supervised visits. But ultimately until she is ready to tell you it ain’t none of your business.
Definitely trust your gut. If you want to keep it low key… maybe see if you could get one of the coaches to catch her distracting her during practice/games and get them to say something so it doesn’t come directly from you. I mean your daughter is there to play and she can’t concentrate if she’s bothering her.
Look pedophiles and the people controlled by them are around as are people with mental instability. However I’d just observe and if the coach allows it don’t push. Also yes one’s kids sporting activities is a good venue to make friends I found.
Massive red flags. Keep your daughter away from her
It is weird. Not sure why she would be trying to get close to your daughter or even be at all the games when she has no children in the game. Does she have a close relationship with the coach/friend’s step-dad? Might explain why she’s there. And could affect him helping intervene.
Regardless. You are allowed to tell anyone you want to keep their distance from your child without having to explain yourself.
Watch and be careful!!!
I sense Pedophile vibes coming from that woman.
Get the coach involved and explain your feelings to the coach!
Mothers intuition always right
If she needs to be supervised with her own daughter then theres no way shed get close to mine.Always listen to your gut.If you feel like something is off it probably is .
Stick with your intuition!!!
Trust your instincts, mama. People don’t lose custody for no reason!!!
Trust your instincts, tell your daughter to not be alone with her and ignore her as much as possible. Find out what the website is for your state and check her background to see if there is anything there that can give you more info about her…If your husband doesnt understand thats his problem but trust your gut, ask the grandmother questions, maybe she will be willing to be open if you tell her your concerns…Just be careful…
Nip it in the bud. Not healthy and scary. Let her know up front to back off
Maybe an unpopular opinion but it almost seems like your a little jealous that your daughter is getting close with another mom nine of your business why she doesn’t have custody honestly. Your being very judgy.
It is none of your business what goes on with this lady. Perhaps she is just a friendly woman to girls, tryin to be encouraging?? Let it go, talk to your daughter about getting too close to other people you don’t know but then let it lie.
I would ask the step-Dad. Or ask one of the of the other parents to fill you in on the background.
If you have negative thoughts about that lady, go to God in prayer, but listen for His guidance. In the meantime, keep communicating with your daughter about everything that happens at practice or with any contact with that lady.
That’s none of your business why she hasn’t got visitation with her daughter. Your only business is your family and that’s it.
stay away if you feel that way moms usually can sence when somethings not right
1st off trust your instincts momma !
Just keep your eyes on her let her see you watching . And talk with your daughter about never being left alone and to polity keep her distance.
I’m not familiar with the whole why she might not have custody I do know that normally they try to keep the parents in thw child’s life. So makes me wonder how bad something could of been to lose those rights. On the other hand maybe she wasn’t ready to be a mom and signed off . Does your daughter resemble hers ?? If so that could be the case . but … and I’m not saying this is the case . There could be very bad reasons why she doesn’t have her child .
I’m sorry if alot of what I said has already been posted .
Always trust your gut!
I would say ask around if anyone ( maybe the police station could tell you) what the counties site for court cases is. Sometimes you can put in a name and get back court cases on the person.
We moved states and I’m very careful here for that reason. Truth is you don’t know if they are good or bad people. You know something doesn’t sit right.
My husband wouldn’t dare question mother intuition. You don’t know if they are grooming her.
Keep watch on your kid.
I’m 10000% for mom intuition. If your getting a bad vibe. It’s for a reason. Maybe nothing crazy serious. But still a reason…
Y’all people are weird. She only cheers for the poster’s daughter by name and only runs to the dugout to talk to her and some of y’all are saying she’s overreacting?? And then the day Heaven forbid something happens to your child you’d wish you were more careful. Doesn’t matter the reasoning for the lady doing it, mom doesn’t like it and has every right to protect her child from any weird vibes she is picking up.
If your gut instinct is telling you something isn’t right, listen to it, it will NEVER send you wrong, no need to do anything for now, but stay alert, hope everything stays ok, good luck
My child, I am asking questions.
That sounds so weird…is she just there to be with her partner and just cheering for your daughter as she’s the only one she knows? Does the mum talk to you? If she gives you bad vibes then listen to that
Them not having custody could mean a million things. Its not always necessarily bad and if she’s coming to the games then that means she’s not considered a danger and has visitation. Why she is so interested in your daughter idk. But the families that live this way is not uncommon and actually if you looked into it you would see why and how this happens and then you wouldn’t assume the person has done something and cant be trusted. Did you feel this way towards her before you found out all this stuff?
I bet your individual therapist would love to help you unravel your codependency and control issues. Once you get through all that, try learning about things like healthy emotion management and communication skills. Maybe even take a swipe at things like not being a vile gossip. Especially in a small town folks are gonna catch up to your miserable degeneracy.
If you didn’t know that bit of info, would you feel this way?
Mothers Intuition… TRUST IT!!!
Keep a close eye. Even tell your child to be on guard and explain that just because an adult is an adult doesn’t mean that they are a safe person. Ask the grandma next time you see her.
Your gut is telling you something is up. Listen to it.
You need to know more about this woman. What does your daughter think of the situation? Is she uncomfortable with it? I would try to get to know the woman and see if I can expose a possible motive.
Stick with your gut instinct! It never lies.
There’s usually good reason why children are removed from parents custody. It’s not just for the hell of it. I know people that have caught felony charges that have partial custody of their kids.
Trust your gut. The energy and vibes you’re getting from her are real. You’re not paranoid. If something feels off, then it probably is.
Definitely trust your gut. I wouldn’t flat out ask her, but I would definitely have an age appropriate conversation with your daughter explaining that not every nice adult is a good one.
Try telling her you appreciate the support of your daughter and ask her where she knows her from and which one is your daughter???
You are right to keep your eyes open. Something isn’t right.
Let her know not to distract your daughter during the game. It’s not hard to say it nicely. It’s natural to be concerned why a parent who doesn’t have custody of their own child is showing interest in yours. In the end it’s up to you to decide how you handle this situation. I really hope noone who can identify this woman through the details in this post are on here . Don’t need to know who the poster is to work out who it’s about if someone is on here that knows this woman
Your instincts are telling you something is not right. Trust it.
Talk to her calmly tell her you are uncomfortable with her actions ask her why she is focused on your daughter. Don’t acuse her of anything she probably knows her daughter is friends with yours and is trying to connect any way she can with her daughter. Maybe invite her out for coffee get her story on what happened.
That is very Weird , I would tell her to stop talking to your daughter because she is not comfortable with her talking to her !! Very creepy!!
Honestly it would make me really uneasy too. I’d talk to her about it. Maybe not in a way that would embarrass her in front of people but maybe invite her out for coffee or something and just talk. Get to know her and gauge your feelings again. Might be harmless might not be. Trust your gut!
Tell her to back off. It’s your daughter and your responsibility to keep her safe. There’s a reason for them not having rights. Trust your gut feelings. Better safe than sorry.
Trust your instincts
This is weird and I would not like it either. No other person who has nothing to do with your family should be yelling out your child’s name and running to the cage to be speaking to them. It gives me the creeps and I would both talk to your dtr and tell this woman to back off. Very weird behaviour!
Follow yr gut.never fail you
This is beyond strange. You need to find more out about this woman. And more importantly, keep an even closer eye than you may already do on your daughter.