What should I do at work?

I work at a pizza place and you know a lot of kids eat pizza well I walked out of work the other night because our night time manager put the old fallen cheese of that shift in the container with the fresh cheese for us to use on the pizza not only did it have other food pieces from the toppings that had fallen on it we use anchovies and I had some juice fall on the cheese so I wasn’t comfortable using it not to mention they have sold good that has fallen on the floor meatballs with mold on it an making jokes about it and dough with hair stuck to it my question is what should I do about it?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I do at work?

Get proof and report it while u look for another job!

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Report it. That’s fucking nasty


Health department. Do videos if you can or just write down specific instances, I would also try to put the stuff in the trash if you see if on the floor so they don’t use it.


Call the health dept and have others call the health dept. They have to have several complaints made before they will do a surprise inspection.


Call the health inspector.


Call the health dept


Call the health department and have them investigate


You call the health dept


That needs to be reported immediately ti the health department. You don’t mix old and new dairy and in a restaurant you don’t mix anything with different toppings/juices or things like that. People have very severe food allergies to certain fruits, veggies, fish…anything… Not cool.


Call the health inspector.


Report them to Health Department

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Report them! What do you mean, what should you do?! Do the right thing!


Call the health department immediately, take pictures, video too. That’s some gross BS! People could get seriously sick! Please report this!!!


Report it !! Thats disgusting!


Report that. I know you would want someone else to report it if your kids were gonna eat there. Also yelp or at least Google. Warn parents and find a better job without a gross boss.


Shoulda took pictures and videos and reported to the health inspector…silence is complicit!

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Had this happen to me when I worked at domino’s. I refused to do it or to use expired dough and kept calling attention to it. They ended up transferring me to the furthest store in the district since they knew I couldn’t travel

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Let us know where this is. One of us could be eating this🤮


Call the health department

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Tell the company. They will make the manager gone so fast it’ll make you dizzy. That’s THEIR name on the sign not the manager’s.

Report it to the health department and the owner


Please report them to the health department or they will be getting people sick. Those are all BIG no no’s


I’d be telling customers with kids to go somewhere else. And also reporting to the health dept. Take pics of everything

Call health department and corporate if someone gets sick yall in trouble!

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You call the health department what do you mean…and broadcast what location this is

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Is this a serious question? What should you do ? You know what’s right

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Make a report to the health department
I’m sure you could even share a video….
Sounds like you have moral and a higher work ethic .
While I’m sure your employer will tell you those supplies are expensive and that those at work should be a lot more careful as to what that are doing…… it’s just gross.
In the meantime there are plenty of businesses that could use another employee …
Find another place to work and report this business .


Document with pictures, and video discreetly (just in case someone tries to clean it up quickly). Then, call the health department. I wouldn’t mention to anyone you’ve called the health department. This would ensure that they don’t catch word of them potentially showing up, and cleaning up before they can actually get there to document this disgusting business. In the mean time, if be looking for a new job ASAP!!

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Report to health inspector. Should have had photos to back up your claim, but report it anyway. Silence is compliance!

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“Corporate” if there is one, and this isn’t a privately owned company also should be made aware by the health department, not you. They may try to sweep it under the rug, and hide the fact that it ever happened. Trust no one with the info you are documenting and calling it in to the health department. Just do it immediately and document everything you possibly can without being “caught” doing so.

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I work in a pizza place aswel and I found our grill/fryer chef trying to use mouldy cheese for burgers I took it and threw it away and told him that’s disgusting you can’t be serving mouldy food! I would be exposing this place you work/worked because you don’t want your customers to get sick and or get the back lash from that

Contact the health department!


Tell the company and call the health department (anonymously).

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U need to make note of everything. Specific dates and times wrote it down. Call health dept and corporate. They can pull cameras and watch for their self. That’s disgusting.


Call the health department. Someone with a food allergy could die from this negligence.

I will never give my kids pizza or eat it myself ever again . Report it to the health department ASAP

Report to health department!

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Public health should be a priority. Report immediately

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Document this discreetly without getting caught, find a new job, quit, and then report them.


Turn them in to the health department!!!

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Health code violations could cost a life. Besides the potential bacteria from food on floor, the potential for allergic reaction by someone getting exposed to an allergen that was dropped into the cheese. Anchovies would put my daughter in the hospital. The health Department should be alerted.

Please report them, 6 months ago I got food poisoning from a pizza place and had to go to the hospital. I was sick for two weeks and miserable!

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It’s the main reason I don’t eat out especially pizza places too many young people work in then without adult supervision…I hope you called the health dept


Report it to the hygiene people at the town hall. It is your duty for the health of the customers

You should report it to the health department! That is overly disgusting and shame on them for expecting you to go along with it do you need to stand up for what is right!

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Discreetly take pictures of it if you can, call and report it to the health department, I would personally act like I was a customer, then I would find another job. If you quit your job and then report it the workers may try to say you were the one doing these things. I learned a long time ago that when bad things happen in the retail business that all the blame is placed on the last person that quit.

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I worked at a family owned :pizza: shop and LET ME TELL YOU ALL I SEEN​:eyes:One time a homeless man came in before close and asked for something to eat ANYTHING he said.My boss was like sure go wait outside and i’ll bring it to you.Well why did my boss PEE ALL OVER SOME BREAD AND MADE A SANDWICH WHICH HE THEN SERVED TO THE MAN OUTSIDE​:person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:And laughed about it sayn THESE MOTHER F’ERS ALWAYS ASKING FOR SH** I give it to them​:person_facepalming::person_facepalming::eyes:I quit after that.And that was just the cherry on top at that job.Seen way to much shady crap over the years of being there from spoiled food to bugs.

Report it to the health department

Call the health dept. Call daily and often til it’s corrected. They take anonymous reports.

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Report them to the health department.

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What you waiting for or asking report them before someone gets poisoned

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Call the environmental health, try and accumulate evidence on your phone. It’s the manager who will be sacked.

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Call the better business bureau and report them

Call that health unit or inspector. That’s disgusting

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Report it to your health department…document each time and date that you personally saw this being done and who was responsible for doing it or ordering it to be done…cross contamination could kill someone at some point


Get some stuff on camera, pretend you’re on your phone, look for a new job and turn that over to the health department. Or if the inspector happens to stop in on your day TELL THEM. If you do nothing, YOU’RE JUST AS RESPONSIBLE!!


Report it to the health dept ASAP

You should have reported it to the health dept. the first time you saw it happen…

Report it to the health department sooner than later

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Let people know where you work so they won’t get sick

Report that shit. I would stay and record if possible or take pics and report that. That’s so hazardous… some people have food allergies like to fish and could kill someone… not to mention fucking disgusting!!! If you don’t have the guts to report it then just leave. That’s not a good work environment at all.


You should know what to do! :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Everyone else has said go to health department, so I don’t need to.
However, you should NOT go to any of your area managers or HR within your business or you’ll probably be the one to get pushed out and the bad guys in your work will just get a slap on the wrist and told your the snitch. So even if the big boss guys don’t push you out, your colleagues will hate you and make your work life hell.

Also if you’re worried about missing wages or whatever if/when the place gets shut down, you should be able to talk to them and tell them your worried about that and ask for information about how you’ll be compensated for loss of earnings due to the business being shut.
They’ll likely try and get you in a different store so they’re not paying you for nothing, within that if it’s a lot further from your home than your current store then they should cover part/all of your travel costs and/or any parking you may need to pay for.
It all goes through business expenses so don’t let them tell you they can’t afford it, it’s the same as uniform costs and such.

Keep your chin up, and if they do come for you sue them for wrongful dismissal with bias reasoning that favoured the businesses pockets :wink::+1:

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Report it to the health department and anywhere else that would be doing inspections at the restaurant

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While it is common to put the last of a container on top of the new, so that it is used, it sounds like this place has a lot of other problems. Bad problems, sounds like a lot of poor untrained workers. If I were you, I’d bring it up and see if the training cannot be done properly. A lot of what you said, sounds like not only poor training but people who just don’t care. I would also call the state health department that does the inspections. Try first though to be a force for good and explain why the practices they are doing are incorrect and wrong. If they get mad at you, let them. Always do the right thing when it comes to food prep. I’m sure there are other jobs that would be more than happy to have a good ethical employee.

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Ew. Call the health department

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#1 you should quit! #2 Spread the word around as fast as you can!!!

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Report them to the health department…

Health department. Wt f manager needs to be fired

Call the owner of the restaurant! Chances are high they have no idea what’s going on.

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Report it to the health board or whatever it’s called in your local area,you could film things on your phone as evidence too.

Report it to Gordon Ramsey. :joy:

First off…don’t eat the food!!

Disgusting report them and look for another job

Please put a period at the end of your sentences, so we know wth you’re trying to say!! Ugh! Pet Peeve!

Report them. That is disgusting!!!

Report to the health dept…they will keep you anonymous…
One thing for sure…no pizza until we find out where it is…

Tell him to eat a dick!