What Should I Do With My Exes Car?

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"So my ex husband kindly let me borrow his car for a while while I got myself settled and in my own car. Well I finally got my own car. We live in different states 1,000 miles away. I’ve been trying to tell him he needs to pick it up but I’ve gotten no response from him yet. It’s in the way and I took it off my insurance because I don’t need it anymore. So should I call a towing company? Or what should I do because it’s in the way and my landlord is gonna say something about it soon."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I would take it to him if he was nice enough to let you use it."

"Get a friend to go with you and drive it back? He was nice enough to lend it to you while you were in need… be nice and get it back!"

"You need to take it to him. It would be rude to do anything else."

"Honestly you borrowed the car you should return it."

"I think if you borrowed it you should be responsible for the return of it."

"Take it back to him. He let you use it. He shouldn’t have to pay to get it back or have to go out of his way to get it. Its your responsibility after you borrow something."

"You need to find a way to get it back to him. If he kindly let you use it why get it towed? At this point, do the right thing and take it back to him. Have someone follow in a different car. Yes it’s a long drive. Why get it towed and do him like that?! He could have left you car-less."

"He helped you when you didn’t have a car, you should return it back to him. That was very nice of him to do this for you, don’t make him feel like this is his job to find a way of getting his car back."

"Are you having it towed back to him? That I can see, but return it to him. Figure out way get it there and pay for the tow since he was kind enough let you use it."

"Yes do the right thing. Also if you physically can’t do the drive find a car hauler and YOU pay for it to get to him… With a full tank of gas."

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