I’m seeing my baby daddy he’s already told me it’s just sex which I understand that and he knows I’m attached to him. I love my baby daddy I really do after all I’ve been through with him I still love him. There’s other guy I’ve been talking to haven’t had sex. My thing is should stop seeing my baby daddy when he told me he probably never wants to get married? Deep inside I really wanna be with my baby daddy I’d have his babies if we got together again. idk I’m sorry idk a lot about the guy I’m talking to. I know some just not a lot idk if he wants to get married again either.
Get out of all this realise your worth and if that other guy your talking to is a decent guy then he will shine out to you when you know how much you are worth as a person
Your tagging along on your baby daddy hoping for a miracle when he’s already told you he’s just in it for the sex… if you don’t get out now you’ll never get out and it will destroy your heart and you’ll have trust issues believe me I know from experience…
Sorry for being blunt but… Your easy so that is why he just wants just sex from you cause he knows he can get it whenever is convenient to him. He doesn’t care about your feelings at all. Respect yourself know your worth. The right guy will come.Focus on yourself and your kiddos. Stay strong
Never go back to the “baby daddy” ( I hate that term) it never works out. Leaves you broken and confused
Sounds like you need to know your own special worth and value before you get involved with anyone. I’m not hearing the self love or confidence here. Your child and yourself are and should be your number one priority. I pray for guidance, clarity and blessings in your future.
Maybe cut off your ex and stop talking to the other guy and focus on yourself. Sounds like you need to learn to love yourself. A relationship with the right man will come so naturally and won’t feel forced. Remember a man will act right for the woman they want.
It’s just bc it’s comfortable for you , he’s someone u have history with so of course u will chose him over someone you don’t know . But he made it clear what he wants and it isn’t you . Give someone a chance to treat u how u deserve .
Please, see and realise your own worth. Value yourself. And love yourself and your kid 1000 times more then you think you love this guy.
Why would you stay with a guy who has clearly communicated your relationship is “just sex”. Baby daddy or not you need to embrace your self work and find someone who lives you, inspires you and supports you.
He labels your relationship as “just sex” knowing you have feelings for him? That’s called manipulation and being used. You deserve better, even if you don’t believe so.
Run! He’s not going to change no matter how many children you have with him. You’re only prolonging the hurt. Move on and give someone a chance to love you and be a father figure to your child…that’s so important.
Leave now, this is nothing but bad news. The man told you what he wants you for. It is past time for you to start making plans for you and your child without having to a man take care of you.
First off we got that he’s your baby daddy after the first time you said it, and why would you have sex with any guy that just wants you when its convenient for him!!? You know that you need to move on but from this post your just looking for attention about it, be a big girl and step away and move on.
Be single until you can figure yourself out.
If you’re in love with your bd and you know it will never end up being anything then it’s time to give up and move on and you will never be able to move on as long as you’re continuously having sex with him. You’re just hurting yourself.
Um respect yourself please that man has no respect for you and already told you what hes in it for and it’s not the long run. Why waste time ? I wouldn’t give him another minute of my time unless it’s talking about our children. Your not learning the lesson life is trying to teach you by staying with him and sadly you will repeat history until you start loving yourself more than you love him and move on from him! And as far as this other guy I would not have sex with him ! If marriage is what you want then make them WAIT . Take lots of time to get to know a person and this time make sure they are in it for the long run. Value your body and time like they should be.