What should I do?

This post can’t be serious??? He should be in jail and you shouldn’t even consider allowing your other child around him… What are you thinking :thinking:


Do NOT send your child to him! Go get Emergency OP after you file a police report. No child should ever be considered to be put back into the hands of a sick predator. Prayers for you all .

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You go to the court house, with your proof, and file for emergency custody. That will grant you sole legal and sole physical custody of your son until you go before a judge. You should also contact the police and file charges immediately.

Unless you have a court order for custody/visitation, I would not send your son there until a judge says you have no choice. He could be abusing your son as well. Most pedophiles don’t differentiate between boys and girls at young ages. It’s not usually until they hit puberty that it makes a difference.

Protect. Your. Children…. At all costs.


Update from the question asker: cps and the cops are well aware. Obviously I reported there first. They cannot do anything because my child will not talk about what happened to the cops which is needed in the first step for charges and she also has taken back what she said multiple times to authorities and me & dcs Saying she lied. Clearly my first step was to report this I didn’t post this the sec I found out. dcs and the cops said it’s unlikely he would abuse my son with the age difference & with no charges or evidence the judge will still allow him to see him. My best friends husband is also a lawyer. I just wanted a parents opinion not an authorities opinion as they have to tell you what it is by law. We have custody papers drawn up. Sorry for the confusion an thank you for the advice.

She has also been in therapy since she was 5.


Supervised visits through an agency

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Report him immediately and hell no don’t let your son around that

He should have been dead or taking a dirt nap. Hell no he doesn’t need access to ANY kids if he’s abusing any child.

File a police report and take the contempt of court charge and show cause.

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File a report. Get your daughter help.


Why in the world is he not in jail yet? Please don’t send your son with him!


Police report, DO NOT let your son see him.


I would report that and get a restraining order ask yourself this do you want your son to end up like that, If no keep him away

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Your nuts. He should be locked up

Unfortunately, since your son was not a direct victim, he would still have legal rights. My daughter and I have lifetime protective orders but my son does not. However, as long as he’s with us, he would not have been able to come close. Fortunately, he eventually gave in to my termination of parental rights request and, well…now, he’s in prison. :blush:

Um read your post again sweetie. No way in hell, you definitely should report to the police and not put any of your kids in danger with him. Prayers for you!:pray:


I agree start with the police! If you’re on her side you gotta be on her side all the way. That shit needs to be reported as long as it is safe for your daughter to do so. Her safety is important. It’ll be harder for you ty keep your son away though if it’s not reported.

Is this seriously even a question? Not only does he NOT need to see your son, he needs to be in JAIL for what he did to your daughter! You are her mother! Stand up for her and have him put away.


No if he hurts one child why would he not hurt another one?

You press charges & no, your son doesn’t see him



Report report report! And don’t let your son go around him at all, he may abuse him to! He needs to be locked up!


First off all you need to press charges. If your daughter isn’t in counseling get her to a counselor.


Have him arrested he is no good

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Hell to the no. File a report and press charges. He deserves to be locked up.


Ask the cops and her counselor

Absolutely not! And put him away!

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File a report and if you allow your son to see him make all visits supervised

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I would go insane… I would order a hit on him… Sorry he’s a piece of trash… Better dead… Then alive at this point

If he abused your daughter there’s nothing stopping him from abusing his own kid. You need to get the kids in counseling to see if there was anything else that happened. Definitely talk to police about pressing charges and getting restraining orders


He would be in jail and no he would not be allowed unsupervised visitation.

A predator is a predator. No way.

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NO !!! shudnt be near ANY child !!!

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My ex molested my daughter. I still have to let him see his bio children. They are supervised visitation right now but legally he still has rights. Why isn’t someone involved to sort this out for you?

Absolutely not. You report him to the police, get a lawyer and file for full custody

He can’t see his son cause he has to be in jail


Uhm. Police report and FACS/CPS ( whatever it’s called where you are )
Have him charged and get your daughter into therapy. She’s going to need to talk to someone and someone to help her figure out how to deal with what happened to her. File an emergency order with the courts to hold his visits with his child until a judge can hear the case and you press charges


I would contact child protective services.


This is my worst fear!! He needs to be reported.


Speak to a therapist and an attorney

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Don’t matter what you want if he wasn’t a victim he still has rights… Family member just went thru this and although he has no rights to his daughter he still has rights and gets to see his son and there was nothing CPS could do🤦🏼‍♀️ Sad world we live in these days😶


Wow! I really can’t believe you have too write a post t know what too do!! Why haven’t you called the police?! You know, I really don’t think you need kids at all if you have to o ask! For the sake of your children do something!!


He abused your daughter and you are asking if he should still see his son???
My question is why wasn’t your first reaction to press charges and hold him accountable for his wrong doing.


Why is this even a question


You need to get a lawyer to help you through this bc in some states father’s can still get custody to their biological kids if the abuse wasn’t on a biological child. If he hasn’t gotten charges or he served his time contact a lawyer to protect yourself and both of your babies

If he abused ur daughter he will repeat abusing children his kids (son) too DO NOT LET HIM SEE UR SON MAKE A POLICE REPORT ASAP PLZ

Keep kids away from him from here on out

Unfortunately your getting a lot of false information here. Number one you need to make a call and report this immediately and only they will tell you what happens from there on out. Your not together, does he have parental or visitation rights?? There are laws unfortunately on e this is established and you need to go through the correct steps to keep you in the right and him in the wrong and that is unfortunately the truth. He isn’t a victim, he is his child, he still unfortunately has Rights esp if there is nothing in process rolling already. Protection of your children, yourself need to be established now with reporting and asking for a temporary revocation of anything he has until the court has made a rulling.


This shouldnt even be a question, dont think just because your son is a boy that he wont abuse him. Its a sickness, that can not be cured, Ill never forget what my therapist told me, there are three types of people that cannot be reformed, 1. sexual abuser/pedophiles, 2. men or women that commit domestic violence, 3. serial killers. Take this how you will, I hope you find closure, and always believe your children.

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See an attorney … the sexual abuse could happen to your son as well

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If he abused one he shouldn’t be around either.

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Go talk to the friend of court let them about what your ex did to your daughter and asked that afraid that he can do some harm to your son and I really don’t want my son with him. They can help you with this

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Is this a real fucking question? Be nice… No. Do not put that child in danger.

If anyone were ever to abuse one of my kids I’d be going for blood. I said what I said.


I would be going to the police. And I agree w getting a lawyer to help you too :orange_heart: there’s only one way to find out.

Supervised, if that. You need to assume his pedophile ways wouldn’t be any different w/ his own child than with your daughter. You + her also need time to heal.Find a Dr or psychologist your daughter can talk to, because if there is any way to be documented, this would absolutely stop his rights as a parent being in sex offenders registery. Legal documents would need to be made.

Absolutely don’t let him see your son. Your son could be at risk too. I’m so sorry about what you guys are going through :pleading_face:

Not til yall get the help you need!

he should be in jail


Call the police and let them take it from there. They will let you know.

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He needs to go to jail I’d he abused your daughter point blank period

Definitely report this! Especially for your daughter!


Call the cops and press charges.

If he takes it to court, he will be allowed to see his son. He has absolute parental rights. Your best bet is to supervise his parenting.

I know someone who went through this none of her kids see him now.keep your son safe away from him

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Well i feel ur pain. My daughter was abused by my son’s father. He didn’t see them fir years til they was old enough to understand what is right and not and was able to talk. He had to be supervised with them if he had them or seen them. I did that so they knew they had a dad and who he was. They was in counseling since they was young so with that in their life also he did get visits and. The girl he was with got to hear why he is supervised with them. And in a way makes me feel a lil better i can warn them so they can watch their babies.

Report him and never let him near your children ever again wtf!! I’d be doing time if a mf breathed near my babies


Sweet heart he should not be around children even his own. As a survivor of this I wouldn’t let no children around this guy. Call police as he is a sex offender. Once in prison I swear to you he will get his. They hate rapists more than murders. It will be hard to process but don’t do like my mother did when she found out. She wasn’t there for me and made it about herself instead of being there for me. Your daughter no matter how old needs therapy and to know her mother is putting this bastard away. That’s how to be there for her. Please also let it go to trial. I wish I did with mine cause he only got 8 yrs for 7 1/2 yrs of abuse. plus 12 yrs post prison supervision. Please please send this guy away for the rest of his life. Your son doesn’t need to be around him. end of story

UM NOOOOO??? If he will do to one he will do to the other!!

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I don’t feel like this is acting off emotions at all, it’s acting off instinct to protect your child, as it should be. I don’t know what your custody arrangement is or if he admits to this past abuse, but I definitely think it needs to be looked at due to that. He should have supervised visitation until it can be determined he isn’t a threat to your son ok his own.

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Why isn’t he in jail for the abuse of your daughter? I know of someone who was found to be abusing his kids and he got 25 years plus. Sexual abuse of a minor is a felony so again, why is he not in jail? Did you not report it?

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Put his ass in jail!

This is a subject for an atty. if he hasn’t abused you son, why keep him from him.

He didn’t think of his son when he was touching your daughter absolutely don’t let him be around your son he is a sick minded dirty I could go on he lost all he’s rights by doing that get soul custody of your son he should go to jail for that your daughter wasn’t had to go thru that God bless your daughter and open your mind not to let him see his son


You need to contact child protective services and have your daughter tell them everything !

He needs to be arrested , you are her mother, you need to defend her!

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No I wouldn’t if he’s abusive protect your children for all you have

You can still report the abuse on your daughter however u have to let your son go but just talk to your son make sure he’s not doing it to him.

Paint a bullseye on his ass a put him in jail !!

Absolutely not and he needs to be reported and face consequences for what he has done

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Please contact your local police department and CPS to make a report… IN DETAIL! Then call your local court house to request a restraining order against him for you and both the kids. Since Corona, the process for things are a little different. These sick people don’t stop at just one person. They need to keep feeding their perversion. If not your daughter, then it’s someone else. You need to stand up for your children. I try not to judge people and their situations but the lack of processing and judgement skills in this situation is pretty horrible. Please also go see counselor for both your daughter, son and yourself.


Call the police! Get a no contact order and if you haven’t already get him arrested for hurting your daughter


No. Go to the police and report him!


First of all… he should be in jail, not around any child. Ever. Period.




You call the cop! Immediately! You’re worried about him seeing your son??? He needs to be in jail!!! Wtf?

  1. please tell me the police are aware of what happened!
  2. hell no! If his son is under 18 it’s your job as a mom to protect that child.

No don’t let him see his son he might do it to him too and I’d be pressing charges against him


Hell no, he don’t need to be around no children…and he would have to hope the police get to him before I do

Why is this even a question!? Ummm NOOOOO!!!

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He should be in jail. OMG you shouldn’t be here asking questions. You should be at the police station pressing charges and protecting her.


No. He should be reported to the police and do time for his crime, placed on the sex offenders register and never be allowed near another child again.
Therapy for all of you.

Cps will be at your door either way

Press Charges. Give your daughter a voice and pursue legal action. Then, find out if you can legally modify your son’s visitation with his father. Hopefully you have already pursued therapy for the children with a counselor who specializes in sexual abuse. Make sure your daughter has a female therapist. I went through this with my oldest daughter and my first husband. It was a tough battle, but my children have always voiced how grateful they were that I immediately took action. Our kids need to see us standing up for what is right. I am so sorry for you and especially your daughter.


NO! Report, press charges, and get him locked away. Do NOT let him near ANY children ever ever ever again.


This has to be reported to help protect you and your children.
If you dont it will give wrong message to your daughter.
It will also leave you open to trouble too should it be known you knew and havent done anything.
That advice from those who be able tell you. Courts. Child protection etc.

Sending hugs mumma

No, he shouldn’t be around your child and should be in prison. I hope your daughter is getting counseling.

He gave up the right to his son when he abused your daughter. Why is this even a question?


Only thing I’d send to him is a plate full of poison cookies. Protect your babies at all cost.

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First of all you need to protect your daughter and file charges instead of letting her abuse get away with it I’m sorry but as a mother that should be your very first thing to do and I’m sorry but if you don’t report this then you’re just part of the problem and sounds like neither one of you really need children if you’re willing to let him get away with it


You go to the police and file for emergency custody immediately. Do not let your daughters abuse go unpunished!


There was an update but its lost somewhere in the comments for those of you who still saying contact police. Long story short… daughter taking back her story and wont speak up to the cops. Mom and cops think she lieing. There.