What should I do?

I’m not too sure what to do. I have a 5 month old baby and live in Australia. My Nanna lives in the UK and has taken a bit of a turn. My mum is an anxious mess with, flying and emotions. Pre baby I would be jumping on that plan 100% to support my mum and also to see my Nanna. I just don’t know if it is the right thing to do with a 5 month old baby. The flight is around 24hours!!! Any one have any experiences with extremely long flights and a little baby? Is this a bad idea?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I do?

To be perfectly honest I would go! Baby will be fine :slightly_smiling_face: you’d hate to regret not going :frowning:


Ohhh that’s a hard decision. Flying with a baby is rough, but when I read 24 hours, I cannot imagine- however, if you do decide to go, ask for bulkhead seating for way more room and explain why you need it and that you need to not get bumped from those seats.


I’m in the UK where is nan? I’d go xx

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I did a 9hr with a six week old, if you’re not traveling with another adult I would schedule some sort of break for the both of you like a long layover…good luck momma!


If you’re breastfeeding, flying is not too bad.

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Go the baby is small enough that it’s not really mobile way easier than a toddler and sounds like u know u need to go


It is going to be harder to fly with a baby.
Just remember people do it all the time. It may be rough and it may be perfectly fine. Would you be ok not seeing your Nanna if things were to take a turn for the absolute worst? I think you should consider if she goes it’s a lifetime and you missed goodbye. I wouldn’t trade that because of a 24 hour period that may be uncomfortable.


Go visit Nana & support Mum. You will never get this opportunity again. You will forever regret not seeing Nana in her final moments.


Ask your doctor not facebook


I did an 18 hour flight with a 3 month old and it wasn’t that bad. Worst part was trying to get thru customs with all the baggage and the baby bit its doable.


Worst part for baby is ears. Adult ears pop at altitude try get her to drink from a babys bottle after take off the sucking and swallowing helps. You can suck sweets

Go!!! You can do this!!!

Go, if not you’ll always wonder “what if”. Don’t regret it, just go!


Take a friend with you and go, someone that will help with handling the baby when you need some time to breathe


Go you will regret it if you don’t

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You should definitely go! Just take extra of everything for baby
You and baby will be just fine

You can do it. Babies are easy as to fly with. You just make sure you take breaks when needed. Pack light and go with the flow. The more you stress the harder you will make it for yourself and the baby will pick up on your emotions. You’ve got this!

It can hurt some babies ears. My daughter screamed in pain.:disappointed_relieved:

Baby will be just fine they are very resilient and if you have enough snacks and stretching time they will be okay it doesn’t last forever

If I was you I would go I flew a bit with my son when he was very little and he really just slept most of the time I made sure to give him bottles when the plane took off and landed to help his ears you will regret it if you don’t go. I was lucky I had to catch 3 flights 8n one day with my baby boy and the flight attendants went above and beyond to help me.

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It’s probably going to be hard, but I don’t think you will regret it. I do think you will regret it if you don’t go and something happens to your Nanna.

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I travelled with my 2 week old baby.Go see your Nanna and Mom.

Go and don’t pack to much for baby only essentials baby clothes are cheep enough from supper Markets and mam and nan would love to see you both. Good luck with your desition x

Hard decision, but your baby is the important one at this point. I am sure your Nanna understands!!!

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Take toys and extra snacks. Let baby watch TV

Go be with your nan & mum you might end up regretting it & living with regret is one of the hardest things, bubs with be just fine with plenty of supplies x


I do know the pressure in the plane is rough on babies ears. My daughter was about 11 months when we flew. She cried most of the time pulling her ears. Lasted for a couple days too.

I just lost my dad who moved in with me b4 he died don’t give up a moment that you may regret and as a mother of 4 my youngest was 5 I don’t regret what I did… Babies and kids will accommodate and acclimate they are resilient

make sure u nurse or feed her a bottle it helps with the ear pressure


I would fly it. Can you take a few flights so there are layovers?
And yes! Nurse nurse nurse! During take off for sure!

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Definitely got, Baby 5 months and still likely sleeping loads.

Took a 18 hour trip with my 4 month old and it was a breeze. 12 on a plane to Hawaii. The hardest part is just all the crap you need to bring with you. She slept great and don’t disturb the plane at all. Just give them a paci or bottle during take off because their ears will pop.

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24 hours with a 5mth old will be too much for me. Best of luck whatever you decide

Not a bad idea. I did 9 1/2 hours with a 3 week old.

I live in Australia aswell :slight_smile: but if it was me I would definitely do it because if something happen I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself especially if you guys are close but good luck with whatever you decide

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Babies don’t mind flying… they love being held :heart: I would go with baby being so young.

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Flying may be hard with a little one, but long term, you could end up regretting not going if your nanna isn’t doing well. My best suggestion for your baby is to try to get him/her to nurse/eat during take off & landing to help the ears ‘pop’. It will be a long flight, sure, but it’ll definitely be worth it.

Traveling with youngsters is a challenge, but I have a feeling you’ll regret it if you don’t.


As far as seeing your Nanna personally I would do it as soon as I could. You never know what might happen unfortunately.

Yes sweetie it is - uncomfortable for you as well as your baby.

Personally I would go. 24 hours isn’t a lot compared to a decision you might not get again.


It will be hard but you can do it!

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Go go go! Be thankful baby is not older!


If you need support and a change to be a better mom then do what is right and what u feel is right

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I flew from Germany military way so much longer. You can do it. Way better equipment now. Good stroller, good bag with cooler style. etc.


The baby would likely sleep most of the trip. If it were a toddler it’d be a different story. I’d go. Because I know I’d regret it if I didn’t.


Just have a bottle or Binkey for baby to suck on. My daughter in law fle with my 3 month old granddaughter from Germany to the US and she didn’t cause a bit of trouble. One passenger even said that he was worried about her crying.

If she is really ill I’d go but if she is just a mess and your mom is just chaos I’d stay put.


It’s all about planning and ratios. The first time I flew with my twins, I was with my husband and parents. Mum and dad were happy to hold one baby, while I did what was needed with the other. Planning wise, make sure you book the bassinet seat; I booked 2, and the hosts were amazing in setting it up, lining it with blankets and helping to secure the babies. I made sure I had plenty of sealed food packs, and bottles; during the descent if baby is sucking something then they can equalise the pressure in their ears which lessens any pain. It’s completely doable.

I flew from the uk to aus with 2 year old twins and a 3 year old.
It’s a challenge. But if you don’t go, you might end up with regret xx


I would go. Five months is still pretty easy. Just make sure there is a bink or bottle or breast at the ready for descending to help baby’s ears. Might give Nana a boost to meet the baby too!


Go. You’ll end up regretting it if you don’t. Flying with baby will be fine.


In my humble opinion I would not take the trip. Your baby is young and life has changed for you

Can you fly in with a connect…like can you lay over in a hotel somewhere and then proceed the next day or so…?


You should go, baby will be fine! Make sure to have everything you’ll need for the baby!


I wouldn’t think twice. I’d do it. But I took all mine everywhere, never entered my head not to.


If your baby isnt a cranky baby then i would go

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18 hours and 20 hours with a newborn three times :woozy_face: it’s rough but they sleep a lot. Bring snacks. Utilize flight attendants. I packed premade formula bottles they sell after I was done with bf. Toys. Tablet to even watch a movie or kids show. I brought my boppy pillow too


5 months is easier than older. Go for it!


Start asking more for advice on how to make your trip the easiest :orange_heart:

We flew from Canada to the Philippines with my 4 month old grandson which was 14 hour flight then a 3 hour stopover and another 1 hour flight. We lucked out coz the long flight was overnight so he slept most of it. We also booked seats behind the bulkhead which has a LOT more leg rolm and reserved a bassinet that locks onto the wall of the bulkhead in front of our seats. The airlines also provided heating service to warm up his formula and gave us a few jars of baby food as well. We checked in his car seat at the luggage check in but was able to use his stroller all the way up to the gate before boarding the plane and had it out and ready for us when we landed.


All I can say is you will never regret going (you might not get another chance), you will likely regret not going. The plane may be a bit of a challenge but it will be fine!


We’ve just flown direct London to Australia and it was 16 hours. I’ve done it with a 15 month old and 10 month old and both just slept as you have the baby bassinet to use. Dependant on the airline you can check in pushchair, car seat, cot free of charge and take formula and any food for baby onto plane in addition to hand luggage allowance

I’ve done it heaps and it’s easier when they are babies.

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Hey I’m in Aus, I’ve travelled with the kiddos back to the UK. You’ll be fine, the flight attendants are always really nice and most passengers are cool with babies too. I’ve always had people offer to help

I would go ur baby give month still the easy stage so see grandma would be best and helping

I enjoyed flying with my babies …I would do it …just bring some toys and treats to keep the baby occupied

I would say the younger the baby the easier honestly. The more they sleep…. Go now, don’t wait a few months when they are more mobile

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I don’t think it is a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ idea. It will have its challenges, but going to visit loved ones that need your support is never a bad idea, even if you need to take your 5 month old along for the journey.