What should I do?

The only reason I have a problem with this is the tracking part of he’s not ins stable place take him back to be for l court but this following him but white trash which from what I understand isn’t even accurate all the time is taking it too far! It’s not an issue is he had her out late . The issue is he doesn’t have water to bathe her a warm home and bedroom for her

She needs to stay with you. Have him come over to your place to visit her. But she should not be left alone with him by what you stated above!!!


You are crazy girl. Stalker crazy


If you’re baby is wanting to avoid him then that’s what needs to happen


He’s on drugs honey, he’s selfish and doesn’t deserve the time with her. Depression is not an excuse to be the way he’s being. Her being able to say she wants mama to him at 2 years old says enough! She doesn’t feel safe. Get her out of that situation before something you will never forgive yourself for happens to her. You don’t need an attorney, not when he can barely survive and doesn’t have income. Go to court and file for sole custody and boom, he’s out. You have enough proof she is being neglected. Yes, she is being neglected 50% of the time and yes it does make him a terrible dad. I know that’s harsh, but I’ve seen too often moms still wanting to give deadbeat dads a chance (or vs moms are terrible too) and they don’t even do their part enough to be afforded the great opportunity in front of them. Don’t settle just because he’s “depressed”, protect your child at all costs up to and including his “well being” when she’s around. He’s in denial of his own situation and in a sense you’re enabling him to raise her this way. Cut him off.


Ummmm you’re tracking your ex with an airbag and yet you think he’s the one with the problems. I advise you go seek your own help cause you sound like the one who needs some help.


I’d keep her with you and if he wants to see her it should be done through through courts with supervised visits, maybe even drug tests? You can’t track him, that’s illegal however I think maybe you can track your child. He cant use his depression to black mail you into allowing him to have her. He clearly isn’t caring for her properly. Go straight to court and apply for full custody, that will help you if he does ever take you to court for visitation but I would not be handing my child over to him


Just got to court and ask for a revised parent plan. Tell them and him it’s joy bc your tryingvto punish him. Explain its so he can get his life on track, and your baby needs better stability

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You can go and file with the court about his living situation and all these concerns that are happening when he has her. Tracking him while she is with him was really a great idea (I would of done the same). They could order supervised visitations until he can get his life together and be a better father to her.


Go file for emergency custody. He’s not stable. You appear more stable than that crazy. Go to courthouse or family advocate. Asap


He shouldn’t have any visitation at all. The piece of rap. Take him back to court ask that he has supervised visitation.


You aren’t wrong but try proving all that to the courts. Document everything.


Your job is to protect your child! You are not doing that obviously. This man does not have a pot to piss in therefore you should not be worried about courts and visitation. He can see her in a safe place. That could be a mall or police dept. Anywhere where security is not far away. If he won’t do that then you should be worried as to why and SEE THE RED FLAGS! DO NOT LEAVE THIS CHILD ALONE WITH THIS MAN until he can change himself for the better or you’ll only have yourself to blame.

I’m sorry but it honestly doesn’t sound like he’s in any way capable of taking care of her. If he wants to see her maybe meet somewhere public like park or playground and let him have some time with her but I personally wouldn’t let him take her anymore.


They have lil devices out that you can track your kids with an app. My friend has them for all of her children. Especially with the world we live in now. Maybe you should get one for her. There is nothing that says you can’t keep track of where your child is at all times.

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Rachel Lawrence he is the father and as such has every right, same as mother, to have control of the kids. The mother has a problem with being a responcible parent in setting limits. She needs to be more responcible and she and her husband need to get together for mutual agreement. The kids are being allowed to be disrespectful to the dad and I blame the mother.


better she be with you more till he gets stuff settled

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She’s an innocent try. Hold she needs her mumma. Depressed or not is no reason for no car seat, dirty clothing or keeping her out to as lol hours .

Get CPS involved, don’t be sitting here posting on fb. Smh. No judgment but when your child’s safety and wellbeing are at risk and your first response isn’t to get the court and CPS involved I just can’t understand your rationale


50/50 is the worst for kids. It’s hard to be stable on split days.

50/50 is same number of days during week meaning a split day.

Joint custody is one custodial parent and the other parent gets them every other weekend.

The child needs stability. I’d go to court and have him drug tested then get joint custody and a parenting plan stated days and hours he can have her out side.

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All yall saying its illegal to track him are wrong. She’s tracking her 2 yr old child and has every right to do so to protect her child. Tell me you’ve never dealt with a POS ex without telling me so. :person_facepalming:


Let him visit at your place while you go shopping or run errands just make it clear they stay there. Until he finds a suitable place for himself to live. You letting a two year old go to where ever makes it questionable of your parenting too.

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You can’t be responsible for him and his choices. Your responsibility is to your daughter. And your concerns are all legitimate. I would definitely seek full custody legally ASAP.
Then you can do things to help him; like meet at a park and let him play with her for a few hours, go get ice cream, etc. You’re not punishing him by allowing them time together. But 50/50 and overnights seems too much since he’s not equipped at the moment to care for her to that degree.


It would be best for the child not to make her go.

Nope the safety of your child always comes first. If your child is expressing concern then you listen wholeheartedly and you do what you have to do be at court probably to make sure that your child is safe because in the long run his mental health is his problem and he needs to do something about it and it’s not at the expense of your child.


Document EVERYTHING, show proof of the dirty items, carseat in front seat, whatever you feel is not good for her, you can also call while she is there and ask for a welfare check if you feel she maybe in danger at any time. If you feel he needs supervised visits, show why and ask for a third party to supervise. That’s all you can do. Unless you want to call cps and have them investigate but be aware they will investigate you as well.


Make him sign his rights over!! Go to court!

Keep her. He can have timed supervised visits at a park. He will neglect & abuse her with his personality as she gets older

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Sounds to me u need to take action know fir ur baby I wouldn’t let him take her until he has better living corters let him see her but not over night

Thank you Mrs Lisa Jennifer I don`t believe I can be a owner of such amount in this cashless period thank you a lot for saving my life Your work speaks volumes of the kind of woman you are thank you so much for the profit
Lisa Jennifer

jesus christ!
either let him come to you to visit her or not at all.
your child is gojng to get killed!
you need to get YOUR priorities straight with allowing him to have her at all.
this is ridiculous.
like are you kidding me!???!?!


it’s not her job to keep him from feeling depressed, time to seek advice from a lawyer about shorter visits, no overnights etc


His personal issues are not your problem and you are not responsible for him getting his life together at the risk of your daughter. Kids are always first before anything, especially when it comes to their safety. Do not feel bad because he can’t be a good father for her. You tried and he didn’t change, maybe when he learns to be responsible, it will be different. Your daughter is in danger


Make him come to you

Your only obligation is to your daughter and based on your evidence she is not safe with him. I would only allow supervised visits by him. In fact, if paternity was never legally established he has no legal rights.


He isn’t even keeping her safe. No car seat or one in the front seat. No he definitely shouldn’t be allowed to take her if he can’t take care of her.

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Hell no ! U take full custody and do not allow him to take her over night until he is ready to get his shyt together, it’s not about him it’s about your baby being safe !


Talk to him- try to get him to agree to some mandates, like he has to keep the “location” on at all times so you can monitor and he has to have her in a car seat at all times…And if he doesn’t, warn him you’ll need to take him to court.

A child is entitled to her f-cked up dad…if you actually think she’s not being hurt.

It’s your job to keep your daughter safe. His mental stability is not your problem/concern. Your obligation is to your child not him. He obviously is unable to do that. He had her in the front seat…… take photos when you see that stuff.
Until he can put your child over his own depression you need to take full custody and supervised visits only until he is stable. How is it 50/50 when he has no job, no stable home or clean environment.
. Unless court ordered you can keep your baby home. Sounds like a dangerous situation for your daughter. There’s a reason why she wants to come home. She’s only two years old. For a grown man to say his happiness is dependent on a child is scary. You can present that to the court too.


Ummm your child father needs to clean himself up don’t let your daughter go back something might happen

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U Need to ask!!!
U don’t Ever leave a 2 TWO YEAR OLD with an irresponsible Dad •
Especially in today’s world


Talk to him about supervised visits until he search for therapy. Your daughter can’t be exposed to this kind situation without damage


Supervised visit asap. Poor baby can’t even tell you what happens to her. It’s not her job to fill his cup. He’s gotta get his act together. Protect her at all costs.


Do you have court ordered parenting plan? If so document everything and request chances. If not file for one now do it first so you are in the driver seat with the advantage and control. Don’t waste time asking on Facebook get legal advice you could be putting your daughter in danger.


You need to do what you think is gonna keep your child safe.

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I saw good comments about Lisa Jennifer on how she helps people,so I decided to contact her and I’m glad I did Your work speaks volumes of the kind of woman you are thank you so much for the profit
Lisa Jennifer

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Nooooope! Doesn’t matter what he wants. You take that girl out of his care via court. She is most important. I would state at court that once he gets his life together based on court guidelines you’ll be ok with his having time again but you know it’s not right. Don’t subject her to that care. She deserves more. Just makes me sad even reading this.


First I’m fairly certain you can not stalk someone on their phones without their permission… Even if they have your child. Second. Get a lawyer. You can’t stop court ordered visits without a judge giving the okay because that is custodial interference. Which you can go to jail for. Living in a camper isn’t illegal. As long as it has running water and all the essentials. People do it all the time. As for the car seat, that is neglect. I would suggest a call to children protective services. They can assist him in getting everything he needs to get his life in order so he can have a healthy relationship with his daughter.

Please do not listen to all these facebooks cops. You will not go to jail for his actions. He will be the one to get in trouble. I have been in this situation… But with an alcoholic. He took the help CPS offered even though he wasn’t happy about it at first. Now he has a healthier relationship with his children than he did 3 years ago. But your first and foremost action would be to contact a lawyer


Your in the wrong to ignore the safety issues first of all….but of she wants to be home when she’s there….that’s a clear red flag it’s time to shut it down and light a fire under his ass.

Nooooooo Sorry you may have to raise this child yourself…he is a deadbeat …now…he wasnt when you first got together

Protect your baby!!! Get supervised visits


No. What you’re stating isn’t just a man in a shitty situation but, she’s being put in danger and not being cared for. He can see her but it needs to be for say the day and not over night until things are more stable. The car seat stuff needs to not happen or else you need to transport.

Ok first of all with how you described him he’s not a good dad. A good parent cares about their child’s health. He returns her dirty. They also care about their child’s safety. He obviously doesn’t when he doesn’t have her in a car seat or in the front seat. Both have been proven dangerous. If your 50/50 is a court order get a lawyer. Discuss an investigation into his lifestyle, shelter conditions & mental state. Request the visitation be reduced/supervised until a permanent order is made. Take pictures of her before & after his visits, of his home if you can etc. Get as much evidence as you can to convince a judge to order investigations. If your arrangement isn’t a legal order cut him off until he gets his be act together. Suggest him seeing her every night via video & once or twice a week in person in a 3rd party location. Suggest parenting classes & even offer to go with him. Don’t let him take her alone without a court order. If he’d get into a car accident without her being in a car seat it can come back on you as well. When obtaining a court order try to be as specific as you can. He’s stupid to argue things like having to have her in a correctly installed car seat & you holding the right to deny him access if he doesn’t etc.


I’ve been in the same situation. You will need to take this to court. Her safety and well-being takes precedence. Just make sure you have substantial proof. Take pictures, keep texts, etc…


All of this negativity is overwhelming. If he wasn’t part of his daughters life you all would be bashing him for that. To op you once loved this man enough to have a child with him so help him to be a better dad and keep your child safe and healthy at the same time. He will be her father for her whole life. We as parents should do whatever it takes to help be the best parent possible! If not for him/ her than for our kids. Jeez it’s not that hard!


He may not ever be in a situation that’s going to be perfect. Let them have a relationship as long as she’s safe. At 2 she can sleep and make that up. When she’s older and has school of course that’s not an option. If he’s depressed yeah he’s not going to be following normal hours or doing laundry. She can go a day or 2 without a bath. It’s a lot to just wake up and be ok at times. So what do you want? You are right. Things will change and then he’s not going to see her or she won’t want to be with him. He’s not going to be you and even if he had his shit together he would be able to do things his way. Different isn’t wrong it’s different. So unless she’s unsafe and she is ok with Dad what are your concerns? Have to tried to verbalize your concerns and see if he can do what you ask? You have to do what w think is best but a relationship is important too.

Why are you on Facebook. Go to court.


you know what’s best for your child. you above all. go with your gut. since you’re asking……you already know the answer. he truly needs to get his life together and seek help. you cant pour from an empty glass.


You have to notify the courts and take a stand for her safety. You can’t take these kinds of chances with small children, something awful might happen. He’s obviously not in a good place and is struggling and doesn’t see his errors. Your feeling sorry for him is clouding your judgement, the child should always come first!


Definately need to get this altered. He needs supervised visits until he has a place to stay and one that is acceptable to a young child. If she us worth it to him then he needs to make it happen. How scary for a young girl. My daughter won’t even visit her father anymore now she’s 17 and can choose.

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Get a court order to state he isn’t caring for her properly. The car seat incident alone will definitely show his lack of responsibility in parenting.
Avoid saying you stalked him. If it comes up you just say you put it in your toddlers bag at the park or something in fear of it being stolen and forgot about it then checked it and bam, out at 4am with a baby :woman_shrugging:t3:

I’d personally remove most custody and do supervised visitation. It’s not a toddlers job to fill his cup. It’s his own. He needs to find his own happiness so he can be a better father to her. That’s what love is.


Your daughter is not an antidepressant. It isn’t her job to make him happy. It’s his job to keep her safe.


Wait, you’re tracking him? Jesus Christ lol


It’s your job to make sure she is taken care of and safe no matter where she is.

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Your so not wrong
Moma Bear

No, you are definitely no wrong!

You say he’s not a bad dad yet he CHOSE to put her life at risk by not using a car seat so :woman_shrugging:t3:


A court won’t let him have shared custody in this situation.
Allow him to come over for a meal a few times a week but he can’t take her.
This isn’t about him but her safety. She needs stability and a clean safe place to grow.


Unfortunately he has the right to parent how he wants. If he wants his kids out at all hrs it’s his call when they are in his custody. I don’t agree with it but it’s his choice. Until there is proof that child is endangered he has a right to his children. I would highly recommend a court order, and any photographic evidence or video that you have of unsafe conditions. You cannot present to court that you track him without his knowledge. This opens you up to minor stalking charges. Now you can track your child, but not your ex. If you keep the children away from their father without cause, it won’t look good. Please consult legal aid or a lawyer and get a court order. When you feel your child is legitimately in danger in child protective services, or youth services. You can also ask for wellness checks.


I’m saying he’s a bad dad. You can too. Your daughter needs to be your priority. Don’t let him take her. He can visit her at your house, IF YOU let him. When he gets his life together… then you can decide resuming visitation. Keep records for your court case

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If it’s court order, you will need to go back to court to change the 50/50 and put forward the new order or a temporary order until he gets a better living situation. If you just keep her and don’t follow the court order you can be charge with contempt of court order. And yes even if it’s a bad situation you still will get charge no from experience. If there is no court order then do what you need to do.

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No you are right. Your only job is to protect your child and provide her with a safe environment. She deserves YOUR very best. Sounds to me like dad may be using - or at least something else means more to him in his life than the well being of his child. In the wrong environment (sometimes in the right one too) a child can disappear in a blink of an eye. Please young one- you are a good Momma - don’t second guess your “Momma feelers”(gut) - :heart::rose::v:t4::pray:t4:


Those air tags are often wrong about time and place.

It’s not your daughter’s job to keep her dad from being depressed. But, you need to take your proof to family cout and go through the right channels before you can keep him from seeing her. Or else you can go to jail for contempt.


I don’t blame him. I blame you!! Any mother that would not keep their child safe and then comes on Facebook and tells the world. I can’t even put into words what I’m feeling about you right now, they’d kick me off of Facebook. I will prayer for your daughter who ever and where ever she may be, I will pray that Social Services gets word of this before that poor child is left with either one of you for one more day!!!:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


No absolutely not it’s time for him to grow up and get his life together so he can have his kid in a stable environment until then he shouldn’t have her because he clearly isn’t capable of caring for her properly. I would tell him he can come to your home and spend time with her but until he gets a proper residence and can take care of her like a father should he can’t take her over night. This is about the safety of your child that’s more important than his feelings. If he truly cares he will make the effort to change.


You need to protect her from this type of lifestyle. Please tell him no more over nights until he gets his shit together. Don’t be a softy when it comes to your child. Please

No. Document it all and bring the proof to the courts. Make it aware this is only temporary until he can provide a more stable living environment. Most states require the child has their own room aside from the parents


IMO you both have issues. You have no business spying and I’m sure if he dug deep enough he’d find stuff also.

She’s only 2 yo, I wouldn’t have her over there at all unless supervised or in a public place, so young to be subjected to sub par care and neglect, especially the car seat!!


no you r doing right

I don’t think you’re wrong. Talk to him and maybe tell him some solutions instead of pointing out problems. But i think you should keep your daughter more because nothing good happens at night. Not in the middle of night with a little kid. Obviously she saw something she didn’t like.:heart::pray:t2::muscle:t2:


I think you shoud let him use your car seat so your daughter is safe and maybe be his friend. Your daughter needs a dad. Personally I would help him hind a job and get shit in order. Yes it’s not your job but you should want what’s best for her which is both parents regardless of personal feelings

What kind of vehicle does he drive? If it’s an older car without airbags, the car seat can be in the front seat.

He sounds like he’s on drugs.


If he is depressed, out of a job and homeless, can you help find support services for him to contact? Sounds like he is down on his luck atm and no he isn’t your problem but it would help to create a better environment for your child…


Your daughter isn’t his doctor or therapist.
She’s not supposed to be the one holding him together, I get our kids being our reasons and such but he is being selfish and giving off an overall bad vibe about this situation .


Hes a bad dad. You need to go to the courts and fix it, also if your daughter is crying to come home it could possibly be a red flag. The 2,3,4am and out is NOT okay but also dont trust an electronic that isnt always accurate


Let the courts s code. Maybe he needs a neutral site. Or if you trust him he can visit at your house and you disappear a couple of hours. Not in a clean safe environment at all hours is not an option

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Had to go get supervised visitations for my ex bc of the same thing plus drug addiction!

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He clearly doesn’t need visitation w her alone if all of these issues are going on. Take him to court & get an order to have his visits supervised! Please do this so nothing happens to your precious child! Obviously he can’t take care of her properly. There is also a reason that she doesn’t want to be around him. She’s telling you that for a reason. (Personally it sounds like he has some sort of substance abuse problem.) Please don’t allow him to have her alone anymore.


I honestly wouldn’t allow it until he became more stable,allow him to come see her, but I wouldn’t let her stay in a camper, and wouldn’t let her be unsafe without a safety seat either.


Do not send that child with him until he has his shit figured out. It will do more harm to her than you realize.

He might not be rich or even middle class, but be thankful he spends time with her! As long as he feeds her & keeps her safe, don’t worry so much about what clothes she’s in, etc… he is her father & he should have a relationship with her. Be thankful he does take her because some of us watched our kids dad walk away & never look back! And my youngest son’s dad passed away… It sounds like he’s trying & isn’t avoiding his daughter, I think you’re being too petty about some things & you shouldn’t be tracking your ex :woman_shrugging:… I’m a mom who has struggled financially & life hasn’t always been perfect & cozy & my boys have been dirty lol, but we still are good parents even if we don’t have a brand new car seat or if our kid got dirty & messy :woman_shrugging:… Kids are messy lol! To have everything perfect at all times would take enormous energy! I say back off a bit & be happy her dad loves her!


I would have had my butt at court the first time he had her in the car outside of her carseat. That’s totally unacceptable, especially since he has the seat right there and was just too lazy to install it or has it in the front seat so he obviously doesn’t put her safety first

Please protect your child by any means necessary. Trust your feelings and even if you think you’re overreacting, just because that’s her dad doesn’t mean he’s taking proper care of her! Protect your child no matter what!


Go back to court and request a drug test sounds like he’s possibly on drugs… coming from a recovering addict myself


I would not have let him have her unless he was stable to begin with


Id just do supervised visits until he gets it together a little. I wouldnt take him to court or anything unless you have to. Id just let em know nah that stuff cant happen. You like that hes trying but shes to young for that. Do supervised until he gets it together some.


Trust your gut… help him if you can