What should I do?

Hope he’s serving time in jail


I think on this, you have to allow your kids to decide what they want…and you need to support them. Also, that girl may be carrying his baby, but she’s still a child herself…give her grace. She’s not wrong in wanting her child to have family and siblings


Always pray about any situation…take it to our Father in Heaven. His Holy Spirit will give you the wisdom…but first, is she following our Lord Christ Jesus…that is the second important thing. If you do not know what her belief system is you really need to find out…move cautiously, slow to speak…etc.


Shouldn’t you turn him in for raping a child? Teen girls are children, it’s criminal to rape them.

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17 , they all kids🤦🏾‍♀️


Its a tough situation but the siblings deserve to know each other. Wish you the best.

Not the kids fault they all should know each other


As difficult as this situation is it’s not your place to stop those kids from having a relationship. You’re ex is now her ex also and he sounds like a moron tbh, so at least you two have that in common.

I’m very sorry this happened :cry:

Whether you like it or not, that baby is their sibling. It will be their family. In the future they’ll likely search eachother out anyways. Why not give them the opportunity to know eachother?

When we found out my husband possibly had another child from a one night stand years before, I did my best to allow the kids to have a relationship. I was very good to her and the child. She ended up being a nightmare and purposely destroyed anything the kids had. Then a DNA test said 0% he was the father.

Overall though, I tried to do the right thing. The kids may have been family and deserved to know eachother. They were all innocent in it.

My children have relationships with family members I don’t necessarily see eye to eye with. They’ve never done wrong to my children and my children aren’t tools to be used against others. Those people are still their family. There is absolutely no such thing as too many people loving your children.

I was 17 gave birth at 18 it’s no big deal!!!

Did she break up the marriage/ cause any issues or is this just something he did after separation? Sounds like she’s being an adult about it but we don’t know enough info about her to help

I’d let my kids know their siblings I’m mean he obviously preyed on a child and abused her. Nor her fault or the kids

It’s their sibling. Regardless of what he done or what she done. Sucks I know but at least she is trying to do the right thing which the children be apart of each other’s lives. It’ll become easier farther along. Just be patient.

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Kids have nothing to do with adult issues, thats their sibling regardless, dont keep that child away!

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It’s not her fault if you can be a Facebook friend and share photos and by sound of things doubt they will last… I’m in contact with my sons brothers mom neither of us are with the dad… siblings should get to be together

My baby loves her brothers , she has several half siblings, but I know the boys living situation isn’t the best so I try and have them over much to the dismay of my current boyfriend who isn’t any of their fathers. So fuck what they all think , women stick together and women raise the babies , do what’s best for yu and the lil fellers

Definitely. What are you going to say to them? I didn’t allow it because I didn’t agree with how young their mom was? They’ll be happy to know their siblings

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17year old sounds quite mature! Personally I would so they can know their sibling

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Once you’ve been healed from the hurt of it all…I believe keeping the kids in contact would be great…siblings should grow up knowing and being around each other…


It doesn’t matter what the other person’s religious belief system is :roll_eyes: if she is a good person judge her on that, not what she may or may not cherry pick from ancient/barbaric texts that have been written and re-written over 8000 times. If she gets her moral compass from a book, then I’d be cautious of that. There are many good people who are good for the sake of being good.


She’s been through a lot, I’d allow it tbh

WOW :hushed:
You have a lot to consider, sorry I have no advice :cry:


This is a young girl who got caught up with a horrible man as you know.So you know what she’s going through.I think shes looking to you for a friend and also so her child knows it’s siblings.Be a friend to this girl she’s still a kid pregnant or not.The kids deserve to know each other and who knows maybe you guys will become super close friends and your kids will be super close to their sibling…This would be a good example for you to show your kids that good things can come from bad situations.Show them what compassion really is.


To be honest, I probably wouldn’t stay in contact.


Never punish children for the actions of adults. They should know each other.


Its not the kids fault. Id let them get to know each other . She’s a young mum who may well need help too.


As long as she’s not involved with him, I would allow them to know there sibling. I’m not sure at 17 she know what she did to a marriage, however your husband defiantly did and what he did to a young girl!! Shame on him!! You could probably become good friends with her and be a mentor. Send she could use one. Praying for you all

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Definitely not the kids fault. They should know each other if they want.

Not kids fault let them see each other .it will work out.

As hard as it is to look beyond, try your best to support that relationship.

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Its not the children’s fault

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First, paternity test. If the child is his, yes I believe the kids should know their sibling.


I’d allow it. That’s their sibling

I say let the kids know their sibling. She’s just a child herself and I commend her for wanting them to keep in touch. I know it’s a tough one for you mama. Sending you good vibes


Yes, it’s not the kids fault in this situation. Let them be siblings. Let them grow up together.

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Under 18 is statutory rape ?

My fiance of fiver years cheated on me with a girl I went to school with… we lived right down the road from her and we already had three kids together … they split before the baby was born and as much as it bothered me at first my kids deserved to know their sibling and me and her both agreed on that … it may be hard but is someone’s else for your kiddos to bond with. Wish u luck mamas💗

Let the kids be in contact. It’s not their fault

I think if it was me in that situation I’d definitely be letting the kids have a relationship because they are family no matter what their FATHER did it’s not the kids fault. The children deserve to have a relationship with their siblings be it full or half siblings

The kids should get the chance to grow up together.

Sorry that happened. She’s feeling lost and scared ,I’m sure. Befriend her and allow them to know them. They are now family weather you like it or not. God has a reason to bring you all together. It’s hard to humble ourselves but, it’s worth it in the end. God bless y’all.


The kids have a right to know the half sibling on both sides. They are innocent in all this. And he basically groom that child. She’s below 18 he shouldn’t have been messing around with her.


Why hold the children away from it. It’s not the kids fault.


Advocate for all the kids. Including the 17 year old child. Id probably be calling cps on his pedo behind and keep your kids and link up with his victim after she gets some therapy and grow up a bit. Sorry this is happening. 17 isn’t a grown adult. That is a kid.


It’s not the kids fault. They have a right to know their siblings.

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So instead of thinking about yourself and your hurt think about your kids and the fact they deserve to have a relationship with their siblings irregardless of how that sibling was made!


Let them see their sibling

So sorry you are going through this. Hugs Mama! Definitely a hard decision :heart::pray:t2:


Try and realize she was 17 when your kids’ dad took advantage of her at such a young age. Perhaps try and build somewhat of a relationship which will include you and your children.


he should be in jail
you need to help her bc shes a god damn child and thats disgusting of your kids dad!!
he needs to be behind by bars period


I’d allow it it’s their sibling

One of the best things I did was reach out to my ex husband’s ex wife. I mainly did so the kids can know one another. We discussed all the bs he told both of us and moved forward. She is one of the best people I know. I recommend having a conversation with her and taking things slow. As hard as it is try to not let the negative feelings decide for you. You may be surprised at how well it works out for you both and the kids.


Don’t punish the children for adults mistakes. Not saying you guys have to be best friends but the siblings deserve to know each other. Do it for the children, let them grow up together.


It’s your responsibility to do what’s best for your child and keeping that door open in order for her to have a relationship with her sibling is your job. If your kid decides they want to see the sibling and how often should be their decision.

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I’m confused on what the question is ??
Why wouldn’t you want the siblings to stay connected just because their father is a abusive pedo??

My opinion is guide that young lady if you can . And def make sure the siblings have a bond . Good luck


Let them see their sibling and don’t direct your anger towards the teenage victim in the situation…


their sibling so yes they didn’t ask for the situation

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Unfortunately your personal feelings aren’t allowed to be involved in this. They are siblings so unless you want some very bitter kids down the road you better get over whatever your actual problem is.
Yes 17 is young for being a mom. However that none of your business how old she is neither is it a valid reason for you to refuse your kids to see him.
If you decide to keep them away in a few years you’ll be the bad guy and all you did was decide it was your choice who your ex dated. Which it isn’t and whether anyone likes it or not 17 is definitely age of consent.
Don’t punish the kids it will backfire and even you saying you know best will backfire.
Also if he takes you to court what are you gonna do tell the judge you get to decide why your ex does? He’ll
Laugh at you and give your ex what it is he wants. Be careful. This is not your choice. And if they are little they don’t know she’s only 17 unless you told them. They see an adult. Even my 11/12 year olds think my 17&18 year olds are adults.
It’s not your place
Hugs being a mom isn’t fair ever

He preyed on a CHILD and got her pregnant. Hopefully he is in jail. She is the victim. Its not fair to blame her or punish the other children involved. What 17 year old actually knows the true repercussions of thier actions? They don’t because they are still children.


I would say first how old are the children? I assume old enough to understand cause you said they don’t see him for that reason, unless it’s you keeping them away. But if it’s their choice give them time to heal before putting her in their lives. And then ask how they feel about it? If it’s your choice to keep them away then I’d definitely consider keeping in contact… imo family is everything and once you’re in you’re in! Unless you are a crappy human then you can leave!

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Not till they’re older & let them decide


Absolutely let them see and know about their sibling it’s not that child’s fault

If it’s for siblings… absolutely! Not the dad though and if she goes back to him, that contact would stop. That’s if the kids want too of course.


Supervised visits at a public area for the kids can be arranged through court and lawyer , keep your kids safe


She’s a child too and was taken advantage of by a grown man and now has to be a mother at a very young age. Being that she still is a child herself, I think she has a better understanding of how not knowing their siblings would affect them. Please don’t fault this young girl or your children for the hurt this grown man has caused you all.


What does her wanting your kids and her kids to spend time have to do with her and her age? Your ex is the pedo.


Let them. She shouldn’t feel like a villain.

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It looks like a seventeen year old will also need you :cry: Keep in contact so they can know their half-sib and keep each other safe from DV. If he’s been abusing you, there’s an excellent chance he’s abusing her too.


Honestly for me I see a 17 year old as still a child, I would not only want my children included in their siblings life I would want to help out all the children including the one directly victimized by my husband. Not that it’s any way your fault or your responsibility, I just personally feel for every child in this situation, that’s just my perspective. It’s a tough, unfair position to be in for you.


How old are your children? You may have answered this already, but there’s a lot of comments.

Stay in contact. She’s a teenager who was taken advantage of and abused, and now she’s pregnant with her abusers child. I think she needs someone right now.


None of the children in this situation are responsible for the wrong-doings of the adults, but they are all siblings. No one’s saying you have to be besties with the other woman in order for the children to all have a relationship.


Call the cops & make a report :flushed::flushed::flushed:


It’s not any of the kids fault

Shes a victim. And her child is your childs sibling. Absolutely they should have contact. I couldn’t imagine growing up without my brother…

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A 17 year old knows what they are doing but don’t fully understand what they have done till years later in their life. I would say be a role model for her and turn the hubby in


He got a kid pregnant. I would keep your kids away from him.


That’s got to be really hard but having them see each other is the right thing to do.


Please do stay in touch with her for the sake of the kids, i.e. hers & yours. Even if their Dad is out of the picture, they’ve still got their Moms & they’ve still got each other.

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I would allow it if you are positive she’s completely done with him and won’t be using the sibling as a way for dad to force your kids to be in contact with him and your kids want to be around the sibling. Yeah kids shouldn’t be punished for parents actions but depending on the age they may have certain feelings about this. Also considering she’s 17 this likely won’t be her only child. So you can open a whole mess when your kids half sibling ends up with other half siblings and potential step siblings. It can get weird and complicated quick.

Idk…. Pretty sketchy situation all around

Unpopular opinion but…Nope. I wouldn’t let my kids be around the other baby. It’s a toxic situation and I feel like it would make things more complicated for everyone. I would wait until they’re old enough to either ask or until they can make their own choice.


I would. She is just a child herself amd sounds like she needs you.Your kids will thank you later on for keeping their sibling in their lives

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I think she’s being very adult, so why can’t you reciprocate? The only thing this is about is those children. Not the ex.


Yes, I would. It will come with challenges because she’s so young and still so immature in life. I think you can do it and it’ll be great for your kids.
That’s so wonderful that you’re open to it and so is she. You both clearly have a lot of love for your kiddos in helping them create that bond.

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Ask your kids how they feel about it. If they don’t see their father they might not want anything to do with the situation period.

Depends on wether this pregnant girl will be a good influence on your children. Is she safe, does she do drugs, prostitution etc… Also how are your kids? Are they mentally ready for a relationship with a baby, are they angry, sad etc… I would get them into counseling & help them sort out their feelings first. Take your time & make these decisions with a clear head & all the information you need to find out if it’s emotionally safe for your kids at this time. Definitely get a qualified family counselor first.


I would stay in contact so the siblings could know one another

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Your ex took advantage of a literal child. Please don’t ostracize her if she has a good relationship with your kids.


Keep in contact for the kids sake. She’s not asking for anything on her behalf.

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That’s their sibling. And I would definitely try to keep them in touch.

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I’d let them see their sibling… it’s not the kids fault it’s happened. Don’t punish them.

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Honestly, I feel like it’s only fair to the kids. :woman_shrugging:t3: I grew up not being raised with my half siblings because their mom hated my mom because “she got there first”. Stupid childish reasons to not allow family to be family.

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i’m so sorry to hear your going thru all this but he wouldn’t be seeing my kids but i would let my kids see the sibling


My ex got someone pregnant behind my back. It’s hard letting the kids see eachother but they are siblings so it’s the right thing to do. Although I have no part in it he has all 5 of kids at the weekends xx

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Should you keep in touch? Sure. Should you let her take your kids anywhere? Hell no! I’m only saying this because he could be manipulating her into asking you this. You have to be VERY careful who you let have access to your kids.

I saw this on Sweet Magnolias

Everyone is going to say keep the kids together BUT not me.
When they are old enough to reach out they can. I wouldn’t hide it from them when they are old enough to make the decision. But YOU do not have to deal with this woman at all. He slept with her, not you.


Her intentions seem good.